
时间:2018-10-03 14:12:52

标签: c++ 3d geometry mesh triangulation

我查看了此链接中的代码: 2D Triangulation by John Ratcliff。 该代码为2D多边形提供了C ++中的三角剖分算法。 我尝试将其移植到3D多边形,但未成功。 如何修改此代码以使其使用3D平面多边形? 我知道我可以使用投影,但是有没有办法制作上面链接的代码的3D版本? 谢谢。 注意:以下是我的移植尝试。

double Triangulate::Area(const std::vector<int> &poly)

  int n = poly.size();

  if (n < 3) // not a plane - no area
        return 0;

  std::vector<double> total = {0, 0, 0};
  int vi1, vi2;
  std::vector<double> prod;
  std::vector<double> v1, v2, v3;
  double* point = NULL;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        vi1 = poly[i];
        if (i == n-1)
            vi2 = poly[0];
            vi2 = poly[i+1];
        point = input.GetPoint(vi1);
        v1.insert(v1.begin(), point, point+3);

        point = input.GetPoint(vi2);
        v2.insert(v2.begin(), point, point+3);

        prod = Cross(v1, v2);
        total[0] += prod[0];
        total[1] += prod[1];
        total[2] += prod[2];
    point = input.GetPoint(poly[0]);
    v1.insert(v1.begin(), point, point+3);

    point = input.GetPoint(poly[1]);
    v2.insert(v2.begin(), point, point+3);

    point = input.GetPoint(poly[2]);
    v3.insert(v3.begin(), point, point+3);

    double result = Dot(total, UnitNormal(v1, v2, v3));
    return result/2;

bool Triangulate::SameSide(double P1x,  double P1y, double P1z, 
                    double P2x,  double P2y, double P2z,
                    double Ax,  double Ay, double Az,
                    double Bx,  double By, double Bz){
    double ABx, ABy, ABz, AP1x, AP1y, AP1z,
        AP2x, AP2y, AP2z;

    double cp1x, cp1y, cp1z, cp2x, cp2y, cp2z;

    double dot;
    std::vector<double> AB = {Bx - Ax, By - Ay, Bz - Az};

    std::vector<double> AP1 = {P1x - Ax,P1y - Ay,  P1z - Az};

    std::vector<double> AP2 = {P2x - Ax, P2y - Ay, P2z - Az};

    std::vector<double> cp1 = Cross(AB, AP1);
    std::vector<double> cp2 = Cross(AB, AP2);

    dot = Dot(cp1, cp2);

   return (dot >= 0);

     InsideTriangle decides if a point P is Inside of the triangle
     defined by A, B, C.
bool Triangulate::InsideTriangle(double Ax, double Ay, double Az,
                      double Bx, double By, double Bz,
                      double Cx, double Cy, double Cz,
                      double Px, double Py, double Pz)

    return SameSide(Px, Py, Pz, Ax, Ay, Az, Bx, By, Bz, Cx, Cy, Cz) 
      || SameSide(Px, Py, Pz, Bx, By, Bz, Ax, Ay, Az, Cx, Cy, Cz) 
      || SameSide(Px, Py, Pz, Cx, Cy, Cz, Ax, Ay, Az, Bx, By, Bz) ;

bool Triangulate::Snip(const std::vector<int> &contour,
   int u,int v,int w,int n,int *V)
  int p;
  double Ax, Ay,Az, Bx, By,Bz, Cx, Cy, Cz, Px, Py, Pz;
  double BAx, BAy, BAz, CAx, CAy, CAz;

  Ax = input.GetPoint(V[u])[X];
  Ay = input.GetPoint(V[u])[Y];
  Az = input.GetPoint(V[u])[Z];

  Bx = input.GetPoint(V[v])[X];
  By = input.GetPoint(V[v])[Y];
  Bz = input.GetPoint(V[v])[Z];

  Cx = input.GetPoint(V[w])[X];
  Cy = input.GetPoint(V[w])[Y];
  Cz = input.GetPoint(V[w])[Z];

  BAx = Bx-Ax;
  BAy = By - Ay;
  BAz = Bz - Az;

  CAx = Cx-Ax;
  CAy = Cy - Ay;
  CAz = Cz - Az;

  if ( EPSILON > ( (BAy*CAz-BAz*CAy)*(BAy*CAz-BAz*CAy)+ 
   (BAx*CAz-BAz*CAx)*(BAx*CAz-BAz*CAx) +
   (BAx*CAy-BAy*CAx)*(BAx*CAy-BAy*CAx))  ) return false;

  for (p=0;p<n;p++)
    if( (p == u) || (p == v) || (p == w) ) continue;
    Px = input.GetPoint(V[p])[X];
    Py = input.GetPoint(V[p])[Y];
    Pz = input.GetPoint(V[p])[Z];

    if (InsideTriangle(Ax,Ay,Az,Bx,By,Bz,Cx,Cy,Cz,Px,Py,Pz)) return false;

  return true;

int Triangulate::Process(const std::vector<int> &contour,
std::vector<std::vector<int>> &result)
  /* allocate and initialize list of Vertices in polygon */

  int n = contour.size();
  if ( n < 3 ) {
    LOG_VAL("Cannot happen: contour is a line", "")
   return 0;

  int *V = new int[n];

  /* we want a counter-clockwise polygon in V */

  if ( 0.0f < Area(contour) )
    for (int v=0; v<n; v++) V[v] = v;
    for(int v=0; v<n; v++) V[v] = (n-1)-v;

  int nv = n;

  /*  remove nv-2 Vertices, creating 1 triangle every time */
  int count = 2*nv;   /* error detection */
  std::vector<int> tri;
  int trinum = 0;

  for(int m=0, v=nv-1; nv>2; )
    /* if we loop, it is probably a non-simple polygon */
    if (0 >= (count--))
      //** Triangulate: ERROR - probable bad polygon!
      LOG_VAL("Bad polygon:", trinum)
      return trinum;

    /* three consecutive vertices in current polygon, <u,v,w> */
    int u = v  ; if (nv <= u) u = 0;     /* previous */
    v = u+1; if (nv <= v) v = 0;     /* new v    */
    int w = v+1; if (nv <= w) w = 0;     /* next     */

    if ( Snip(contour,u,v,w,nv,V) )
      int a,b,c,s,t;

      /* true names of the vertices */
      a = V[u]; b = V[v]; c = V[w];

      /* output Triangle */
      tri.push_back( contour[a] );
      tri.push_back( contour[b] );
      tri.push_back( contour[c] );


      /* remove v from remaining polygon */
      for(s=v,t=v+1;t<nv;s++,t++) V[s] = V[t]; nv--;

      /* resest error detection counter */
      count = 2*nv;

  delete V;

  if(result.size() < 1){
      LOG_VAL("Result Is Empty:", "")

  return trinum;

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