偏航,俯仰和滚动到glm ::旋转

时间:2014-10-24 19:35:19

标签: c++ opengl rotation leap-motion


我的圆柱体位于(0, 0, 0),具有一定的半径和高度。使用Leap Motion SDK我正在执行工具跟踪,它给出了尖端位置和方向向量(表示为指向与尖端相同方向的单位向量):

enter image description here 资料来源:https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/skeletal/java/api/Leap.Pointable.html


/// The yaw angle in radians.
/// Yaw is the angle between the negative z-axis and the projection of
/// the vector onto the x-z plane. In other words, yaw represents rotation
/// around the y-axis. If the vector points to the right of the negative z-axis,
/// then the returned angle is between 0 and pi radians (180 degrees);
/// if it points to the left, the angle is between 0 and -pi radians.
/// \image html images/Math_Yaw_Angle.png
/// @returns The angle of this vector to the right or left of the negative z-axis.
float yaw() const 
  return std::atan2(x, -z);

/// The pitch angle in radians.
/// Pitch is the angle between the negative z-axis and the projection of
/// the vector onto the y-z plane. In other words, pitch represents rotation
/// around the x-axis.
/// If the vector points upward, the returned angle is between 0 and pi radians
/// (180 degrees); if it points downward, the angle is between 0 and -pi radians.
/// \image html images/Math_Pitch_Angle.png
/// @returns The angle of this vector above or below the horizon (x-z plane).
float pitch() const {
  return std::atan2(y, -z);

/// The roll angle in radians.
/// Roll is the angle between the negative y-axis and the projection of
/// the vector onto the x-y plane. In other words, roll represents rotation
/// around the z-axis. If the vector points to the left of the negative y-axis,
/// then the returned angle is between 0 and pi radians (180 degrees);
/// if it points to the right, the angle is between 0 and -pi radians.
/// \image html images/Math_Roll_Angle.png
/// Use this function to get roll angle of the plane to which this vector is a
/// normal. For example, if this vector represents the normal to the palm,
/// then this function returns the tilt or roll of the palm plane compared
/// to the horizontal (x-z) plane.
/// @returns The angle of this vector to the right or left of the y-axis.
float roll() const {
  return std::atan2(x, -y);


cylinder->ResetModelMatrix(); // Set model matrix to identity
glm::vec3 translation = glm::vec3(toolTipPosition.x, toolTipPosition.y, toolTipPosition.z);
cylinderProgram->SetUniform("modelMatrix", cylinder->GetModelMatrix());

只有翻译,这很好用,看起来像这样(圆柱总是朝上): enter image description here

当我尝试根据Leap的工具方向旋转圆柱体时,会出现问题。 我有以下代码:

yaw = toolDirection.yaw() * Leap::RAD_TO_DEG;
// similarly for pitch and roll

cylinder->Rotate(yaw, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
// pitch around (1, 0, 0) and roll around (0, 0, 1)



void Drawable::ResetModelMatrix()
    this->modelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0f);

void Drawable::TranslateModel(glm::vec3 translationVector)
    this->modelMatrix = glm::translate(this->modelMatrix, translationVector);

void Drawable::RotateModel(float angle_in_degrees, glm::vec3 axisOfRotation)
    this->modelMatrix = glm::rotate(this->modelMatrix, angle_in_degrees, axisOfRotation);

void Drawable::ScaleModel(glm::vec3 scalingVector)
    this->modelMatrix = glm::scale(this->modelMatrix, scalingVector);

... modelMatrix为成员变量。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




  • 欧拉角。三个独立的参数。
  • Tait-Bryan角度(偏航,俯仰和滚转)。还有三个独立的参数。不要与欧拉角混淆,它们不一样!
  • 轴角表示。通过单位矢量和角度指定旋转。你可以说,这种情况有四个参数。但事实并非如此,因为这些参数并不是独立的。实际上,单位矢量的长度存在约束。或者您可以将其视为向量的长度不会影响旋转。因此,同样有三个独立的参数。
  • 方向四元数。与前一个方法相同,四个参数依赖。通常,可以将方向四元数视为编码轴角度表示的方式。四元数的长度不会影响旋转,通常假定四元数具有单位长度。因此,我们有四个参数和一个约束,这意味着我们有三个独立的自由度。


输入中只包含两个独立参数的三个未知独立参数是不可能的。需要一些额外的约束。通常它是 Up-vector 。附加约束将三个未知的独立参数转换为相关参数。



float yaw = std::atan2(x, -z);

俯仰角将是 std :: atan2(y,-z),但是在旋转的帧中,而不是原始角度。您应该将俯仰角视为方向矢量投影长度与x-z平面之比与其在y轴上的投影之比的反正切。我的意思是:

float projectionLength = std::sqrt(x * x + z * z);
float pitch = std::atan2(y, projectionLength);


