
时间:2009-06-02 20:55:01

标签: algorithm math




_cx = horizontal center of rect
_cy = vertical center of rect
_cos = cos value of current angle
_sin = sin value of current angle

to rotating any point in this rect :

function getx(x, y)
      return _cx + _cos * (x - _cx) - _sin * (y - _cy);
function gety(x, y)
      return _cy + _sin * (x - _cx) + _cos * (y - _cy);



编辑:Igor Krivokon的解决方案

问题由Igor Krivokon解决,这是该解决方案的修改版本,适用于每个角度值

var h1:Number, h2:Number, hh:Number, ww:Number,
    degt:Number, d2r:Number, r2d:Number, deg:Number,
    sint:Number, cost:Number;
//@angle = given angle in radians
//@r is source/target rectangle
//@d2r is static PI / 180 constant for degree -> radian conversation
//@r2d is static 180 / PI constant for radian -> degree conversation
d2r = 0.017453292519943295769236907683141;
r2d = 57.295779513082320876798154814105;
deg = Math.abs(angle * r2d) % 360;
if(deg < 91)
    degt = angle;
}else if(deg < 181){
    degt = (180 - deg) * d2r;
}else if(deg < 271){
    degt = (deg - 180) * d2r;
    degt = (360 - deg) * d2r;

sint = Math.sin(degt);
cost = Math.cos(degt);

h1 = r.height * r.height / (r.width * sint + r.height * cost);
h2 = r.height * r.width / (r.width * cost + r.height * sint);
hh = Math.min(h1, h2);
ww = hh * r.width / r.height;
r.x = (r.width - ww) * .5;
r.y = (r.height - hh) * .5;
r.height = hh;
r.width = ww;


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


h1 = h*h / (w*sin(phi) + h*cos(phi))

h2 = h*w / (w*cos(phi) + h*sin(phi))

选择hew height h'作为h1和h2中的最小值。

然后,显然,新宽度w' = h' * w / h

请尝试一下 - 我没有时间测试我的数学:)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


确定斜边的公式(你有原始角度,45,-45,135,-135和起点,这样mx + b),转换这些线(通过添加旋转来修改它们的斜率) ,将这些线与边界墙相交(y = 0,y = w,x = 0,x = h,距离公式,无限情况下的测试)&amp;弄清楚哪个斜边是最短的(从中心到墙壁,在拐角处)。由于所有的斜边都是相同的长度,所以只需将它们全部调整为这个新值,就可以得到新的矩形。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

function resize_factor()
    /* Find how far the upper-left corner sticks up beyond the top */
    overtop = gety(0, 0);
    /* Compute a vertical resize factor that would put that point at the top */
    /* (be sure to use floating point arithmetic) */
    vertical_resize = _cy / (_cy - overtop);

    /* Do the same for the lower-left corner sticking out beyond the left */
    /* (using 2*_cy for the height of the rectangle) */
    overleft = getx(0, 2*_cy);    
    horizontal_resize = _cx / (_cx - overleft);

    /* Return whichever resize constraint is stricter */
    return min(vertical_resize, horizontal_resize);

function resize_x(x)
    /* To get location of a point, after resize, before rotation... */
    /* ...multiply its resize factor by its distance from the center. */
    return resize_factor()*(x - _cx) + _cx;

function resize_y(y)
    return resize_factor()*(y - _cy) + _cy;

/* These resized coordinates can be used inside any other code you want: */
function getx_after_resize_and_rotate(x, y)
    return getx( resized_x(x), resized_y(y) );


答案 3 :(得分:0)

    fitRect: function( rw,rh,radians ){
            var x1 = -rw/2,
                x2 = rw/2,
                x3 = rw/2,
                x4 = -rw/2,
                y1 = rh/2,
                y2 = rh/2,
                y3 = -rh/2,
                y4 = -rh/2;

            var x11 = x1 * Math.cos(radians) + y1 * Math.sin(radians),
                y11 = -x1 * Math.sin(radians) + y1 * Math.cos(radians),
                x21 = x2 * Math.cos(radians) + y2 * Math.sin(radians),
                y21 = -x2 * Math.sin(radians) + y2 * Math.cos(radians), 
                x31 = x3 * Math.cos(radians) + y3 * Math.sin(radians),
                y31 = -x3 * Math.sin(radians) + y3 * Math.cos(radians),
                x41 = x4 * Math.cos(radians) + y4 * Math.sin(radians),
                y41 = -x4 * Math.sin(radians) + y4 * Math.cos(radians);

            var x_min = Math.min(x11,x21,x31,x41),
                x_max = Math.max(x11,x21,x31,x41);

            var y_min = Math.min(y11,y21,y31,y41);
                y_max = Math.max(y11,y21,y31,y41);

            return [x_max-x_min,y_max-y_min];