我在很多文章中也看到过,dijkstra 的时间复杂度是 O(V + ElogV)
但是时间复杂度不应该是O(V + ElogE)
Set all nodes distance to infinity and source distance to 0 -> O(V) time
Add source node to priority queue
//priority queue will have a maximum of |E| elements and popping or inserting from priority queue
//is done in O(Log|E|) time. So the total complexity for the while loop is O(ElogE)
while the priority queue is not empty:
pop min from the priority queue -> O(logE) time
if the popped element is visited:
else mark the popped element as visited
for all edges from popped node (u, v, w):
if dist[v] > dist[u] + w:
dist[v] = dist[u] + w
add (v, w) to the priority queue -> O(logE)
那么时间复杂度不应该是O(V) + O(ElogE) = O(V + ElogE)