
时间:2014-10-28 07:34:23

标签: opencv imagemagick distortion lens

我从摄像机获取图像,无法拍摄棋盘图片并使用OpenCV计算校正矩阵。到目前为止,我使用imagemagick转换图像修正图像,选项'-distort Barrel“0.0 0.0 -0.035 1.1”'我在这里获得了试验和错误的参数。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


  import numpy as np
  import cv2

  src    = cv2.imread("distortedImage.jpg")
  width  = src.shape[1]
  height = src.shape[0]

  distCoeff = np.zeros((4,1),np.float64)

  # TODO: add your coefficients here!
  k1 = -1.0e-5; # negative to remove barrel distortion
  k2 = 0.0;
  p1 = 0.0;
  p2 = 0.0;

  distCoeff[0,0] = k1;
  distCoeff[1,0] = k2;
  distCoeff[2,0] = p1;
  distCoeff[3,0] = p2;

  # assume unit matrix for camera
  cam = np.eye(3,dtype=np.float32)

  cam[0,2] = width/2.0  # define center x
  cam[1,2] = height/2.0 # define center y
  cam[0,0] = 10.        # define focal length x
  cam[1,1] = 10.        # define focal length y

  # here the undistortion will be computed
  dst = cv2.undistort(src,cam,distCoeff)



答案 1 :(得分:2)




cv::Mat distCoeff;
distCoeff = cv::Mat::zeros(8,1,CV_64FC1);

// indices: k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6 
// TODO: add your coefficients here!
double k1 = 0;
double k2 = 0;
double p1 = 0;
double p2 = 0;
double k3 = 0;
double k4 = 0;
double k5 = 0;
double k6 = 0;

distCoeff.at<double>(0,0) = k1;
distCoeff.at<double>(1,0) = k2;
distCoeff.at<double>(2,0) = p1;
distCoeff.at<double>(3,0) = p2;
distCoeff.at<double>(4,0) = k3;
distCoeff.at<double>(5,0) = k4;
distCoeff.at<double>(6,0) = k5;
distCoeff.at<double>(7,0) = k6;

// assume unit matrix for camera, so no movement
cv::Mat cam1,cam2;
cam1 = cv::Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32FC1);
cam2 = cv::Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32FC1);
//cam2.at<float>(0,2) = 100;    // for testing a translation

// here the undistortion will be computed
cv::Mat map1, map2;
cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(cam1, distCoeff, cv::Mat(), cam2,  input.size(), CV_32FC1, map1, map2);

cv::Mat distCorrected;
cv::remap(input, distCorrected, map1, map2, cv::INTER_LINEAR);

答案 2 :(得分:1)


void distort(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, const cv::Mat& distCoeffs)

  cv::Mat distort_x = cv::Mat(src.size(), CV_32F);
  cv::Mat distort_y = cv::Mat(src.size(), CV_32F);

  cv::Mat pixel_locations_src = cv::Mat(src.size(), CV_32FC2);

  for (int i = 0; i < src.size().height; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < src.size().width; j++) {
      pixel_locations_src.at<cv::Point2f>(i,j) = cv::Point2f(j,i);

  cv::Mat fractional_locations_dst = cv::Mat(src.size(), CV_32FC2);

  cv::undistortPoints(pixel_locations_src, pixel_locations_dst, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);

  cv::Mat pixel_locations_dst = cv::Mat(src.size(), CV_32FC2);

  const float fx = cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0);
  const float fy = cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1);
  const float cx = cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,2);
  const float cy = cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,2);

  // is there a faster way to do this?
  for (int i = 0; i < fractional_locations_dst.size().height; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < fractional_locations_dst.size().width; j++) {
      const float x = fractional_locations_dst.at<cv::Point2f>(i,j).x*fx + cx;
      const float y = fractional_locations_dst.at<cv::Point2f>(i,j).y*fy + cy;
      pixel_locations_dst.at<cv::Point2f>(i,j) = cv::Point2f(x,y);

  cv::remap(src, dst, pixel_locations_dst, cv::Mat(), CV_INTER_LINEAR);