VHDL - 如何将1个输出位连接到多个1位信号?

时间:2014-02-06 23:14:27

标签: vhdl


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可能希望找到介绍性VHDL参考。您可以尝试用Google搜索 VHDL Made Easy ,这是David Pellerin和Douglas Taylor的一本书。



DB1: bidir port map (Z => DATA(7),Y => DIN(1), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(1));
DB2: bidir port map (Z => DATA(6),Y => DIN(2), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(2));
DB3: bidir port map (Z => DATA(5),Y => DIN(3), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(3));
DB4: bidir port map (Z => DATA(4),Y => DIN(4), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(4));
DB5: bidir port map (Z => DATA(3),Y => DIN(5), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(5));
DB6: bidir port map (Z => DATA(2),Y => DIN(6), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(6));
DB7: bidir port map (Z => DATA(1),Y => DIN(7), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(7));
DB8: bidir port map (Z => DATA(0),Y => DIN(8), OE => DOE, A => DOUT(8));

DO_EN:  invbuf port map ( A => DOE_N, Z => DOE);


package des_pack is

    component bidir
        port (
            Z:      inout   std_logic;
            Y:      out std_logic;
            OE:     in  std_logic;
            A:      in  std_logic
    end component;

    component invbuf
        port (
            A:      in  std_logic;
            Z:      out std_logic


architecture behave of des is
    signal DOE:                 std_logic;

这是来自DES的V​​HDL实现,即GPLv3。 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25980826/vhdl_des.tar.gz

答案 1 :(得分:0)

不,您不需要复制 - 任何其他数量的东西都可以“收听”特定信号。例如:

architecture a of entity_name is
  signal and_out : std_logic;
  -- drive the signal we want to use in multiple places, just a normal signal assignment
  and_out <= in1 and in2; 

  -- one block using the signal
  some_block_instance: entity work.some_block
  port map (some_input => and_out,...); 

  -- another block using the signal
  some_other_block_instance: entity work.some_other_block
  port map (some_other_input => and_out,...);

  another_signal <= and_out or in3; -- a signal assignment reading the signal

答案 2 :(得分:0)

