
时间:2011-05-01 01:15:07

标签: state signals vhdl


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

-- Seconds counter
entity SecCounter is
            s_enable: in std_logic;
            s_load: in std_logic; -- When high, sets this counter to the value in the     data inputs
            s_clk: in std_logic; -- Clock
            s_input: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- Data inputs
            s_output: out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); --Outputs
            s_wrap: out std_logic
    end SecCounter;

architecture imp of SecCounter is
    -- Intermediate signal to mainpulate the seconds as integer
    signal sec: integer range 0 to 60 := 22;

        s_output <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(sec,6)); -- Assign the input to the binary     value of sec

        process(s_clk, s_load, s_enable) -- If clk, enable, or load is changed
            s_wrap <= '0'; -- Clear the wrap

            if (s_enable = '0' and s_load = '1') then -- Set the clock
                sec <= to_integer(unsigned(s_input));
            elsif (s_enable = '1' and rising_edge(s_clk)) then -- Increment the counter
                sec <= sec + 1;
            end if;

            if sec = 60 then -- Restart counter and toggle the next counter
                sec <= 0;
                s_wrap <= '1';
            end if;
        end process;
end imp;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您要将值分配给rising_edge(clk)子句之外的sec。如果s_enable = 0且s_load = 0,则不会将任何内容分配给sec。这些事实中的任何一个都使得sec成为异步信号。如果你修复了这两个问题,那么所描述的问题就会消失。

Oli Charlesworth对于检查59而不是60来说有一个很好的观点。然后你不必人为地将你不存在的60包括在你的范围内。将sec初始化为一个值没有意义。您应该在reset子句中初始化它。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


我认为您希望在s_wrap达到 59 而非 60 时断言sec。这样,在下一个时钟边沿,分钟计数器将看到s_wrap = 1并递增,同时此计数器输出再次变为0。


process(s_clk, s_load, s_enable) -- If clk, enable, or load is changed

    if (s_enable = '0' and s_load = '1') then -- Set the clock
        sec <= to_integer(unsigned(s_input));
    elsif (s_wrap = '1') then -- Wrap
        sec <= 0;
    elsif (s_enable = '1' and rising_edge(s_clk)) then -- Increment the counter
        sec <= sec + 1;
    end if;

end process;

s_wrap <= '1' when sec = 59 else '0';

答案 2 :(得分:0)


process(s_clk, s_load, s_enable)
variable v_sec : integer range 0 to 60;
if reset = '1' then
    v_sec := 0;
    s_sec <= (others => '0');
    s_wrap <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(s_clk) then
   s_output <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(v_sec,6));
   if s_enable = '1' then
     v_sec := v_sec +1;
     if v_sec = 60 then
        v_sec:= 0;
        s_wrap <= '1';
        s_wrap <= '0';
     end if;
   s_wrap <= '0';
   end if;
end if;

如果你在modelsim中模拟这个,那么sec将会变为0,1,2,.... 58,59,0,1,2,并且s_wrap将等于1每次秒等于0,除了第一次,当复位条件将其设置为0时。