
时间:2020-04-17 18:05:01

标签: python raspberry-pi imu

我正在尝试使用IMU MPU9250的加速度计的读数来控制带有RPi4的伺服器。为此,我创建了一个(借助在线资源)脚本(IMUmodule),该脚本读取IMU并吐出X = AccXangle和Y = AccYangle的加速度。

如果运行IMUmodule脚本,我可以打印X和Y没问题。 X和Y每隔0.1秒更新一次。

但是,如果我创建另一个脚本,则该脚本将导入IMUmodule并尝试打印AccXangle和AccYangle值挂起或表示IMUmodlue没有名为AccXangle的属性。 (肯定有)


from mpu9250_jmdev.registers import *
from mpu9250_jmdev.mpu_9250 import MPU9250
import sys
import time
import math
# import IMU
import datetime
import os

global ejex
global ejey

mpu = MPU9250(
    address_mpu_master=MPU9050_ADDRESS_68, # In 0x68 Address


# If the IMU is upside down (Skull logo facing up), change this value to 1

RAD_TO_DEG = 57.29578
M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
G_GAIN = 0.070          # [deg/s/LSB]  If you change the dps for gyro, you need to update this value accordingly
AA =  0.40              # Complementary filter constant
MAG_LPF_FACTOR = 0.4    # Low pass filter constant magnetometer
ACC_LPF_FACTOR = 0.4    # Low pass filter constant for accelerometer
ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE = 9         # Median filter table size for accelerometer. Higher = smoother but a longer delay
MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE = 9         # Median filter table size for magnetometer. Higher = smoother but a longer delay

################# Compass Calibration values ############
# Use calibrateBerryIMU.py to get calibration values
# Calibrating the compass isnt mandatory, however a calibrated
# compass will result in a more accurate heading value.

magXmin =  0
magYmin =  0
magZmin =  0
magXmax =  0
magYmax =  0
magZmax =  0

Here is an example:
magXmin =  -1748
magYmin =  -1025
magZmin =  -1876
magXmax =  959
magYmax =  1651
magZmax =  708
Dont use the above values, these are just an example.

#Kalman filter variables
Q_angle = 0.02
Q_gyro = 0.0015
R_angle = 0.005
y_bias = 0.0
x_bias = 0.0
XP_00 = 0.0
XP_01 = 0.0
XP_10 = 0.0
XP_11 = 0.0
YP_00 = 0.0
YP_01 = 0.0
YP_10 = 0.0
YP_11 = 0.0
KFangleX = 0.0
KFangleY = 0.0

def kalmanFilterY ( accAngle, gyroRate, DT):

    global KFangleY
    global Q_angle
    global Q_gyro
    global y_bias
    global YP_00
    global YP_01
    global YP_10
    global YP_11

    KFangleY = KFangleY + DT * (gyroRate - y_bias)

    YP_00 = YP_00 + ( - DT * (YP_10 + YP_01) + Q_angle * DT )
    YP_01 = YP_01 + ( - DT * YP_11 )
    YP_10 = YP_10 + ( - DT * YP_11 )
    YP_11 = YP_11 + ( + Q_gyro * DT )

    y = accAngle - KFangleY
    S = YP_00 + R_angle
    K_0 = YP_00 / S
    K_1 = YP_10 / S

    KFangleY = KFangleY + ( K_0 * y )
    y_bias = y_bias + ( K_1 * y )

    YP_00 = YP_00 - ( K_0 * YP_00 )
    YP_01 = YP_01 - ( K_0 * YP_01 )
    YP_10 = YP_10 - ( K_1 * YP_00 )
    YP_11 = YP_11 - ( K_1 * YP_01 )

    return KFangleY

def kalmanFilterX ( accAngle, gyroRate, DT):

    global KFangleX
    global Q_angle
    global Q_gyro
    global x_bias
    global XP_00
    global XP_01
    global XP_10
    global XP_11

    KFangleX = KFangleX + DT * (gyroRate - x_bias)

    XP_00 = XP_00 + ( - DT * (XP_10 + XP_01) + Q_angle * DT )
    XP_01 = XP_01 + ( - DT * XP_11 )
    XP_10 = XP_10 + ( - DT * XP_11 )
    XP_11 = XP_11 + ( + Q_gyro * DT )

    x = accAngle - KFangleX
    S = XP_00 + R_angle
    K_0 = XP_00 / S
    K_1 = XP_10 / S

    KFangleX = KFangleX + ( K_0 * x )
    x_bias = x_bias + ( K_1 * x )

    XP_00 = XP_00 - ( K_0 * XP_00 )
    XP_01 = XP_01 - ( K_0 * XP_01 )
    XP_10 = XP_10 - ( K_1 * XP_00 )
    XP_11 = XP_11 - ( K_1 * XP_01 )

    return KFangleX

gyroXangle = 0.0
gyroYangle = 0.0
gyroZangle = 0.0
CFangleX = 0.0
CFangleY = 0.0
CFangleXFiltered = 0.0
CFangleYFiltered = 0.0
kalmanX = 0.0
kalmanY = 0.0
oldXMagRawValue = 0
oldYMagRawValue = 0
oldZMagRawValue = 0
oldXAccRawValue = 0
oldYAccRawValue = 0
oldZAccRawValue = 0

a = datetime.datetime.now()

#Setup the tables for the mdeian filter. Fill them all with '1' so we dont get devide by zero error
acc_medianTable1X = [1] * ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE
acc_medianTable1Y = [1] * ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE
acc_medianTable1Z = [1] * ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE
acc_medianTable2X = [1] * ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE
acc_medianTable2Y = [1] * ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE
acc_medianTable2Z = [1] * ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE
mag_medianTable1X = [1] * MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE
mag_medianTable1Y = [1] * MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE
mag_medianTable1Z = [1] * MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE
mag_medianTable2X = [1] * MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE
mag_medianTable2Y = [1] * MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE
mag_medianTable2Z = [1] * MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE

# IMU.detectIMU()     #Detect if BerryIMUv1 or BerryIMUv2 is connected.
# IMU.initIMU()       #Initialise the accelerometer, gyroscope and compass

while True:

    acceleration = mpu.readAccelerometerMaster()
    accelerationX = acceleration[0]
    accelerationY = acceleration[1]
    accelerationZ = acceleration[2]

    rotation = mpu.readGyroscopeMaster()
    rotationX = rotation[0]
    rotationY = rotation[1]
    rotationZ = rotation[2]

    magnetic = mpu.readMagnetometerMaster()
    magneticX = magnetic[0]
    magneticY = magnetic[1]
    magneticZ = magnetic[2]

    #Read the accelerometer,gyroscope and magnetometer values
    ACCx = acceleration[0]#IMU.readACCx()
    ACCy = acceleration[1]#IMU.readACCy()
    ACCz = acceleration[2]#IMU.readACCz()
    GYRx = rotation[0]#IMU.readGYRx()
    GYRy = rotation[1]#IMU.readGYRy()
    GYRz = rotation[2]#IMU.readGYRz()
    MAGx = magnetic[0]#IMU.readMAGx()
    MAGy = magnetic[1]#IMU.readMAGy()
    MAGz = magnetic[2]#IMU.readMAGz()

    #Apply compass calibration
    MAGx -= (magXmin + magXmax) /2
    MAGy -= (magYmin + magYmax) /2
    MAGz -= (magZmin + magZmax) /2

    ##Calculate loop Period(LP). How long between Gyro Reads
    b = datetime.datetime.now() - a
    a = datetime.datetime.now()
    LP = b.microseconds/(1000000*1.0)
    outputString = "Loop Time %5.2f " % ( LP )

    #### Apply low pass filter ####
    MAGx =  MAGx  * MAG_LPF_FACTOR + oldXMagRawValue*(1 - MAG_LPF_FACTOR);
    MAGy =  MAGy  * MAG_LPF_FACTOR + oldYMagRawValue*(1 - MAG_LPF_FACTOR);
    MAGz =  MAGz  * MAG_LPF_FACTOR + oldZMagRawValue*(1 - MAG_LPF_FACTOR);
    ACCx =  ACCx  * ACC_LPF_FACTOR + oldXAccRawValue*(1 - ACC_LPF_FACTOR);
    ACCy =  ACCy  * ACC_LPF_FACTOR + oldYAccRawValue*(1 - ACC_LPF_FACTOR);
    ACCz =  ACCz  * ACC_LPF_FACTOR + oldZAccRawValue*(1 - ACC_LPF_FACTOR);

    oldXMagRawValue = MAGx
    oldYMagRawValue = MAGy
    oldZMagRawValue = MAGz
    oldXAccRawValue = ACCx
    oldYAccRawValue = ACCy
    oldZAccRawValue = ACCz

    #### Median filter for accelerometer ####
    # cycle the table
    for x in range (ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE-1,0,-1 ):
        acc_medianTable1X[x] = acc_medianTable1X[x-1]
        acc_medianTable1Y[x] = acc_medianTable1Y[x-1]
        acc_medianTable1Z[x] = acc_medianTable1Z[x-1]

    # Insert the lates values
    acc_medianTable1X[0] = ACCx
    acc_medianTable1Y[0] = ACCy
    acc_medianTable1Z[0] = ACCz

    # Copy the tables
    acc_medianTable2X = acc_medianTable1X[:]
    acc_medianTable2Y = acc_medianTable1Y[:]
    acc_medianTable2Z = acc_medianTable1Z[:]

    # Sort table 2

    # The middle value is the value we are interested in
    ACCx = acc_medianTable2X[int(ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE/2)];
    ACCy = acc_medianTable2Y[int(ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE/2)];
    ACCz = acc_medianTable2Z[int(ACC_MEDIANTABLESIZE/2)];

    #### Median filter for magnetometer ####
    # cycle the table
    for x in range (MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE-1,0,-1 ):
        mag_medianTable1X[x] = mag_medianTable1X[x-1]
        mag_medianTable1Y[x] = mag_medianTable1Y[x-1]
        mag_medianTable1Z[x] = mag_medianTable1Z[x-1]

    # Insert the latest values
    mag_medianTable1X[0] = MAGx
    mag_medianTable1Y[0] = MAGy
    mag_medianTable1Z[0] = MAGz

    # Copy the tables
    mag_medianTable2X = mag_medianTable1X[:]
    mag_medianTable2Y = mag_medianTable1Y[:]
    mag_medianTable2Z = mag_medianTable1Z[:]

    # Sort table 2

    # The middle value is the value we are interested in
    MAGx = mag_medianTable2X[int(MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE/2)];
    MAGy = mag_medianTable2Y[int(MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE/2)];
    MAGz = mag_medianTable2Z[int(MAG_MEDIANTABLESIZE/2)];

    #Convert Gyro raw to degrees per second
    rate_gyr_x =  GYRx * G_GAIN
    rate_gyr_y =  GYRy * G_GAIN
    rate_gyr_z =  GYRz * G_GAIN

    #Calculate the angles from the gyro.

    #Convert Accelerometer values to degrees

#     if not IMU_UPSIDE_DOWN:
#         # If the IMU is up the correct way (Skull logo facing down), use these calculations
#         AccXangle =  (math.atan2(ACCy,ACCz)*RAD_TO_DEG)
#         AccYangle =  (math.atan2(ACCz,ACCx)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG
#     else:
#         #Us these four lines when the IMU is upside down. Skull logo is facing up
#         AccXangle =  (math.atan2(-ACCy,-ACCz)*RAD_TO_DEG)
#         AccYangle =  (math.atan2(-ACCz,-ACCx)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG

#     if not IMU_UPSIDE_DOWN:
#         # If the IMU is up the correct way (Skull logo facing down), use these calculations
    AccXangle =  (math.atan2(ACCy,ACCz)*RAD_TO_DEG)
    AccYangle =  (math.atan2(ACCz,ACCx)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG
#     else:
#         #Us these four lines when the IMU is upside down. Skull logo is facing up
#         AccXangle =  (math.atan2(-ACCy,-ACCz)*RAD_TO_DEG)
#         AccYangle =  (math.atan2(-ACCz,-ACCx)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG

    #Change the rotation value of the accelerometer to -/+ 180 and
    #move the Y axis '0' point to up.  This makes it easier to read.
    if AccYangle > 90:
        AccYangle -= 270.0
        AccYangle += 90.0

    #Complementary filter used to combine the accelerometer and gyro values.
    CFangleX=AA*(CFangleX+rate_gyr_x*LP) +(1 - AA) * AccXangle
    CFangleY=AA*(CFangleY+rate_gyr_y*LP) +(1 - AA) * AccYangle

    #Kalman filter used to combine the accelerometer and gyro values.
    kalmanY = kalmanFilterY(AccYangle, rate_gyr_y,LP)
    kalmanX = kalmanFilterX(AccXangle, rate_gyr_x,LP)

#         MAGy = -MAGy      #If IMU is upside down, this is needed to get correct heading.
    #Calculate heading
    heading = 180 * math.atan2(MAGy,MAGx)/M_PI

    #Only have our heading between 0 and 360
    if heading < 0:
        heading += 360

    ###################Tilt compensated heading#########################
    #Normalize accelerometer raw values.
#     if not IMU_UPSIDE_DOWN:
#         #Use these two lines when the IMU is up the right way. Skull logo is facing down
#         accXnorm = ACCx/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
#         accYnorm = ACCy/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
#     else:
#         #Us these four lines when the IMU is upside down. Skull logo is facing up
#         accXnorm = -ACCx/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
#         accYnorm = ACCy/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)

#     if not IMU_UPSIDE_DOWN:
#         #Use these two lines when the IMU is up the right way. Skull logo is facing down
    accXnorm = ACCx/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
    accYnorm = ACCy/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
#     else:
#         #Us these four lines when the IMU is upside down. Skull logo is facing up
#         accXnorm = -ACCx/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
#         accYnorm = ACCy/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)

    #Calculate pitch and roll

    pitch = math.asin(accXnorm)
    roll = -math.asin(accYnorm/math.cos(pitch))

    #Calculate the new tilt compensated values
    magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)+MAGz*math.sin(pitch)

    #The compass and accelerometer are orientated differently on the LSM9DS0 and LSM9DS1 and the Z axis on the compass
    #is also reversed. This needs to be taken into consideration when performing the calculations
#     if(IMU.LSM9DS0):
#         magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)-MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)   #LSM9DS0
#     else:
#         magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)+MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)   #LSM9DS1
    magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)-MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)   #LSM9DS0

        #Calculate tilt compensated heading
    tiltCompensatedHeading = 180 * math.atan2(magYcomp,magXcomp)/M_PI

    if tiltCompensatedHeading < 0:
        tiltCompensatedHeading += 360

##to help test things i created this function, please ignore indentation im new to this editor here:
        Accel=[AccXangle, AccYangle]
        def getXY():
                global ejex
                global ejey                        
                ejex = Accel[0]
                ejey = Accel[1]
                print('EXITO!', ejex, ejey)

        ############################ END ##################################

    print("IMU TEST START", '\n', "Accel in X= ", AccXangle, '\n', "Accel in Y= ", AccYangle, '\n', 'GyroX = ', gyroXangle, '\n', "GyroY = ", gyroYangle, '\n', "GyroZ = ", gyroZangle, '\n', "Heading = ", heading, '\n', 'Compensated Heading = ', '\n', tiltCompensatedHeading, '\n')

#     if 1:                       #Change to '0' to stop showing the angles from the accelerometer
#         outputString += "t# ACCX Angle %5.2f ACCY Angle %5.2f #  " % (AccXangle, AccYangle)
#     if 1:                       #Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the gyro
#         outputString +="\t# GRYX Angle %5.2f  GYRY Angle %5.2f  GYRZ Angle %5.2f # " % (gyroXangle,gyroYangle,gyroZangle)
#     if 1:                       #Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the complementary filter
#         outputString +="\t# CFangleX Angle %5.2f   CFangleY Angle %5.2f #" % (CFangleX,CFangleY)
#     if 1:                       #Change to '0' to stop  showing the heading
#         outputString +="\t# HEADING %5.2f  tiltCompensatedHeading %5.2f #" % (heading,tiltCompensatedHeading)
#     if 0:                       #Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the Kalman filter
#         outputString +="# kalmanX %5.2f   kalmanY %5.2f #" % (kalmanX,kalmanY)
#     print(outputString)

    #slow program down a bit, makes the output more readable


import sys
import IMUmodule


我尝试调用变量,没有效果。我试过只调用函数,没有效果。我尝试创建一个重新写入全局函数(您可以在上面看到其最新版本)的函数,但没有任何效果。 IMUmodlue工作正常,并且在执行IMUmodule.py时为测试工作而创建的功能正确 如果我在另一个脚本中导入了IMUmodule,则该脚本可以完美运行,并打印IMUmodule应该打印的所有数据。

这是我最后一次尝试编写全局ejex和ejey时遇到的错误: 追溯(最近一次通话): 文件“ IntegratedImuServo.py”,第4行,在 打印(imumodule.ejex) AttributeError:模块'imumodule'没有属性'getXY'

所有文件都在同一文件夹中。 我是Python和RPI的新手,所以请原谅我的无知。





import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import curses
import os
from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit

kit = ServoKit(channels=16)

# global angle0
# global angle1
# global angle2
# global angle3
angle0 = 90
angle1 = 90
angle2 = 90
angle3 = 90

increment_factor = 2

screen = curses.initscr()

#Set the GPIO port to BCM encoding mode

#Ignore warning information

#Servo initialization operation
def Servo_init():
#     global angleleft
#     global angleright
    kit.servo[0].angle = 90
    kit.servo[0].actuation_range = 180
    kit.servo[1].angle = 90
    kit.servo[1].actuation_range = 180
    kit.servo[2].angle = 90
    kit.servo[2].actuation_range = 180
    kit.servo[3].angle = 90
    kit.servo[3].actuation_range = 180    
    kit.servo[0].set_pulse_width_range(475, 2550)    
    kit.servo[1].set_pulse_width_range(475, 2550)
    kit.servo[2].set_pulse_width_range(475, 2550)   
    kit.servo[3].set_pulse_width_range(475, 2550)

def center():
    global angle0
    global angle1
    global angle2
    global angle3

    kit.servo[0].angle = 90
    kit.servo[1].angle = 90
    kit.servo[2].angle = 90
    kit.servo[3].angle = 90
    angle0 = 90
    angle1 = 90
    angle2 = 90
    angle3 = 90


def rise():#we add degs to raise the platform
    global angle0
    global angle1
    global angle2
    global angle3

    if 0 <= angle0 < 180:
        angle0 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[0].angle = angle0

    if 0 <= angle1 < 180:
        angle1 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[1].angle = 180 - angle1
    if 0 <= angle2 < 180:
        angle2 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[2].angle = angle2
    if 0 <= angle3 < 180:
        angle3 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[3].angle = 180 - angle3

    print(angle0, angle1, angle2, angle3)

def fall():#we substract degrees to lower the platform
    global angle0
    global angle1
    global angle2
    global angle3

    if 0 < angle0 <= 180:
        angle0 -= increment_factor
        kit.servo[0].angle = angle0

    if 0 < angle1 <= 180:
        angle1 -= increment_factor
        kit.servo[1].angle = 180 - angle1
    if 0 < angle2 <= 180:
        angle2 -= increment_factor
        kit.servo[2].angle = angle2
    if 0 < angle3 <= 180:
        angle3 -= increment_factor
        kit.servo[3].angle = 180 - angle3

    print(angle0, angle1, angle2, angle3)

def tilt_left():
    global angle0
    global angle1
    global angle2
    global angle3

    if 0 < angle0 <=180:   #we lift the left track     
        angle0 -= increment_factor        
        kit.servo[0].angle = angle0        
    if 0 < angle2 <=180:        
        angle2 -= increment_factor        
        kit.servo[2].angle = angle2
    if 0 <= angle1 < 180: #we lower the right track
        angle1 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[1].angle = 180 - angle1        
    if 0 <= angle3 < 180: #we lower the right track
        angle3 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[3].angle = 180 - angle3

        print(angle0, angle1, angle2, angle3)

def tilt_right():
    global angle0
    global angle1
    global angle2
    global angle3

    if 0 < angle1 <=180:   #we lift the left track     
        angle1 -= increment_factor        
        kit.servo[1].angle = 180 - angle1        
    if 0 < angle3 <=180:        
        angle3 -= increment_factor        
        kit.servo[3].angle = 180 - angle3
    if 0 <= angle0 < 180: #we lower the right track
        angle0 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[0].angle = angle0        
    if 0 <= angle2 < 180: #we lower the right track
        angle2 += increment_factor
        kit.servo[2].angle = angle2            
        print(angle0, angle1, angle2, angle3)

#def tilt_forward():    


    while True:        
        char = screen.getch()
        if char == ord('o'):

        elif char == ord('l'):            

        elif char == ord('k'):                        

        elif char == ord(';'):

        elif char == ord(' '):
           # if 180 > angleleft >= 0 and 180 > angleright >= 0:            
#                 angleleft -= 2
#                 angleright += 2
                angleleft = angleright

                kit.servo[0].angle = angleleft
                kit.servo[1].angle = 180 - angleright
                kit.servo[2].angle = angleleft
                kit.servo[3].angle = 180 - angleright

                print(angleleft, angleright)

        elif char == ord('w'):
            #if 180 > angleleft >= 0 and 180 > angleright >= 0:            
#                 angleleft -= 2
#                 angleright += 2
                kit.servo[0].angle = 0
                kit.servo[1].angle = 180
                kit.servo[2].angle = 0
                kit.servo[3].angle = 180

        elif char == ord('s'):
            #if 180 > angleleft >= 0 and 180 > angleright >= 0:            
#                 angleleft -= 2
#                 angleright += 2
                kit.servo[0].angle = 180
                kit.servo[1].angle = 0
                kit.servo[2].angle = 180
                kit.servo[3].angle = 0
                angleleft = 180
                angleright = 180

                print(angleleft, angleright)

        elif char == ord('r'):
#             global angle0
#             global angle1
#             global angle2
#             global angle3
#             #if 180 > angleleft >= 0 and 180 > angleright >= 0:            
# #                 angleleft -= 2
# #                 angleright += 2
#             kit.servo[0].angle = 180 - angle0
#             kit.servo[1].angle = 180 - angle1
#             kit.servo[2].angle = 180 - angle2
#             kit.servo[3].angle = 180 - angle3

    curses.nocbreak(); screen.keypad(0); curses.echo()
    kit.servo[0].angle = 90
    kit.servo[1].angle = 90
    kit.servo[2].angle = 90
    kit.servo[3].angle = 90
    kit.servo[4].angle = 90  

0 个答案:
