对于第一个过程,我尝试从初始值x 0 = 0开始,并模拟一个时间序列:x 1 -> x T ; T = 500。 并且,最终以总共50个实现绘制了仿真图。 到目前为止,这是我尝试做的事情:
R = 50; % Number of realizations
% ----- PROCESS 1: x_t = x_t-1 + u_t ----- %
T = (1:500)'; % Time vector (column vector)
x = 0; % x Initial value
sigma_sq = 1; sigma = sqrt(sigma_sq); % Obtain
variance/standard deviation of noise
u = normrnd(0, sigma, length(T), 1); % Draw noise random samples
figure('Name', 'Case 1: Process 1');
grid on;
% Simulate Process for 50 Realizations %
hold on;
for i = 1:R % Number of Realizations
x = x + u; % Calculate Process 1 Signal
plot(t, x, 'LineWidth', 0.1);
hold off;