#include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>
void displayPolygon(boost::polygon::polygon_90_data<int> const& polygon, std::string name)
std::cout << std::endl << "polygon " << name << std::endl;
for (boost::polygon::polygon_90_data<int>::iterator_type it = polygon.begin(); it != polygon.end(); it++)
std::cout << (*it).x() << "/" << (*it).y() << "->";
std::cout << std::endl;
void testPolygon2()
typedef boost::polygon::polygon_90_data<int> Polygon90Type;
typedef std::vector<Polygon90Type> Polygon90Set;
typedef boost::polygon::polygon_data<int> PolygonType;
typedef std::vector<PolygonType> PolygonSet;
typedef boost::polygon::point_data<int> PointType;
typedef std::vector<PointType> PointSet;
typedef boost::polygon::polygon_traits<Polygon90Type>::point_type Point;
Polygon90Type polygon_1;
Point pts_1[6] = { Point(0,0), Point(0,10), Point(5,12), Point(10,10), Point(10,0), Point(0,0)};
polygon_1.set(pts_1, pts_1 + 6);
std::cout << "polygon_1 area is " << boost::polygon::area(polygon_1) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << __LINE__ << " :
Polygon90Set polygonSet;
//an attempt to see result of bloating with 0
boost::polygon::bloat(polygonSet, 0, 0, 0, 0);
std::cout << "nb polygon bloated " << polygonSet.size() << std::endl;
for (auto polygon : polygonSet)
std::cout << std::endl << __LINE__ << "####################################" << std::endl;
displayPolygon(polygon, "2 - after being bloated");
std::cout << "area is " << boost::polygon::area(polygon) << std::endl;
与创建的多边形不对应的区域。 该区域应为110,但显示为100? 顶点应为(0,0),(0,10),(5,12),(10,10),(10,0),但应为(0/10),(5/10),(5 / 10),(10/10),(10/0),(0/0)。似乎点(/ 5/12)被取消,并替换为点(5/10)。 我究竟做错了什么? 谢谢。