我写了一个小的Matlab程序来模拟具有正交速率陀螺仪的飞机。它基于Matlab示例。该程序允许为飞机的侧倾,俯仰和偏航设置初始条件,并创建速率陀螺仪数据数组。 Matlab函数makehgtform()在循环中使用比率陀螺仪数据更新飞机的方向。 3d图的轴是全局轴,速率陀螺仪与飞机的局部轴对齐。
解决问题的最简单方法是仅使一个初始条件为非零,并将速率陀螺仪数据应用于其他两个轴中的任何一个;例如设置音调= 0.5和Gyro_yaw = 1(nSamples,1)* 0.2; Gyro_roll和Gyro_pitch归零。
我以前尝试过为每个轴使用单独的makehgtform()调用,然后将结果连接起来,但是这带来了矩阵乘法不可交换的问题,因此变换的乘法没有“正确的顺序”。如我的代码所示,使用合并版本的makehgtform()的行为恰好是,如果分别执行转换并按x_rotate * y_rotate * z_rotate的顺序进行乘法运算,那当然是不正确的。
% set the limits and select a view
ax = axes('Xlim', [-2 2], 'YLim', [-2 2], 'ZLim', [-1.5 1.5]);
grid on;
axis equal
% Set up vehicle model
[xc yc zc] = cylinder([0.1 0.0]); % cone
[x y z] = cylinder([0.2 0.2]);
h(1) = surface(x, z, - 0.5 * y, 'FaceColor', 'blue'); % left wing
h(2) = surface(zc, yc, xc, 'FaceColor', 'red'); % nose
h(3) = surface(-1.5 * z, y, 0.5 * x, 'FaceColor', 'red'); % fuselage
h(4) = surface(x, -z, 0.5 * y, 'FaceColor', 'yellow'); % right wing
h(5) = surface((1.5 * xc) - 1.3, yc, z, 'FaceColor', 'red'); % tail
% Create group object and parent surfaces
t = hgtransform('Parent', ax);
set(h, 'Parent', t);
% Set the renderer to OpenGL and update the display
set(gcf, 'Renderer', 'opengl');
% Initial conditions in radians
roll = 0;
pitch = 0.5;
yaw = 0;
nSamples = 40;
% Set up rate gyro data. Activate individual rate gyro by using ones()
% and deactivate by using zeros(), in which case, the scaling is
% irrelevant
Gyro_roll = zeros(nSamples, 1) * 0.2; % roll
Gyro_pitch = zeros(nSamples, 1) * 0.2; % pitch
Gyro_yaw = ones(nSamples, 1) * 0.2; % yaw
for i = 1 : numel(Gyro_roll)
rotation = makehgtform('xrotate', roll, 'yrotate', pitch, 'zrotate', yaw);
set(t, 'Matrix', rotation);
% Update orientation
roll = roll + Gyro_roll(i);
pitch = pitch + Gyro_pitch(i);
yaw = yaw + Gyro_yaw(i);