虽然this上关于堆栈溢出的问题与我使用scipy所做的事情很接近,但是他们已经将其系数预先定义为tau = 0.045。我希望我的拟合能够找到置信区间为95%的可能系数(a0,w1,w2,w3等),就像傅立叶级数的MATLAB curve fit一样。我看到的另一个选项是使用fourier_series from sympy,但是此函数仅适用于适合已定义函数的符号参数,而不适用于原始数据。
1)sympy fourier_series是否可以采用原始数据而不是使用该库的函数或其他替代方法?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
from symfit import parameters, variables, sin, cos, Fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def fourier_series(x, f, n=0):
Returns a symbolic fourier series of order `n`.
:param n: Order of the fourier series.
:param x: Independent variable
:param f: Frequency of the fourier series
# Make the parameter objects for all the terms
a0, *cos_a = parameters(','.join(['a{}'.format(i) for i in range(0, n + 1)]))
sin_b = parameters(','.join(['b{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)]))
# Construct the series
series = a0 + sum(ai * cos(i * f * x) + bi * sin(i * f * x)
for i, (ai, bi) in enumerate(zip(cos_a, sin_b), start=1))
return series
x, y = variables('x, y')
w, = parameters('w')
model_dict = {y: fourier_series(x, f=w, n=3)}
{y: a0 + a1*cos(w*x) + a2*cos(2*w*x) + a3*cos(3*w*x) + b1*sin(w*x) + b2*sin(2*w*x) + b3*sin(3*w*x)}
# Make step function data
xdata = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi)
ydata = np.zeros_like(xdata)
ydata[xdata > 0] = 1
# Define a Fit object for this model and data
fit = Fit(model_dict, x=xdata, y=ydata)
fit_result = fit.execute()
# Plot the result
plt.plot(xdata, ydata)
plt.plot(xdata, fit.model(x=xdata, **fit_result.params).y, color='green', ls=':')
Parameter Value Standard Deviation
a0 5.000000e-01 2.075395e-02
a1 -4.903805e-12 3.277426e-02
a2 5.325068e-12 3.197889e-02
a3 -4.857033e-12 3.080979e-02
b1 6.267589e-01 2.546980e-02
b2 1.986491e-02 2.637273e-02
b3 1.846406e-01 2.725019e-02
w 8.671471e-01 3.132108e-02
Fitting status message: Optimization terminated successfully.
Number of iterations: 44
Regression Coefficient: 0.9401712713086535
就这么简单!我把剩下的留给你想象。有关更多信息,您可以找到documentation here。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
这是我最近使用的简单代码。我知道频率,因此也对其进行了稍微的修改。不过,初步猜测必须相当不错(我认为)。 另一方面,有几种获取基本频率的好方法。
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def make_sine_graph( params, xData):
take amplitudes A and phases P in form [ A0, A1, A2, ..., An, P0, P1,..., Pn ]
and construct function f = A0 sin( w t + P0) + A1 sin( 2 w t + Pn ) + ... + An sin( n w t + Pn )
and return f( x )
fr = params[0]
npara = params[1:]
lp =len( npara )
amps = npara[ : lp // 2 ]
phases = npara[ lp // 2 : ]
fact = range(1, lp // 2 + 1 )
return [ sum( [ a * np.sin( 2 * np.pi * x * f * fr + p ) for a, p, f in zip( amps, phases, fact ) ] ) for x in xData ]
def sine_residuals( params , xData, yData):
yTh = make_sine_graph( params, xData )
diff = [ y - yt for y, yt in zip( yData, yTh ) ]
return diff
def sine_fit_graph( xData, yData, freqGuess=100., sineorder = 3 ):
aStart = sineorder * [ 0 ]
aStart[0] = max( yData )
pStart = sineorder * [ 0 ]
result, _ = leastsq( sine_residuals, [ freqGuess ] + aStart + pStart, args=( xData, yData ) )
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
timeList = np.linspace( 0, .1, 777 )
signalList = make_sine_graph( [ 113.7 ] + [1,.5,-.3,0,.1, 0,.01,.02,.03,.04], timeList )
result = sine_fit_graph( timeList, signalList, freqGuess=110., sineorder = 3 )
print result
fitList = make_sine_graph( result, timeList )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1 ,1 )
ax.plot( timeList, signalList )
ax.plot( timeList, fitList, '--' )
<< [ 1.13699742e+02 9.99722859e-01 -5.00511764e-01 3.00772260e-01
1.04248878e-03 -3.13050074e+00 -3.12358208e+00 ]
答案 2 :(得分:1)
我认为,仅使用this API在python脚本上调用MATLAB函数来完成所有繁重的工作,而不是处理sympy和scipy的所有细节,可能会更容易。
python setup.py install
,为python安装matlab引擎。注意:它仅适用于python 2.7、3.5和3.6 使用以下代码:
import matlab.engine
import numpy as np
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
eng.evalc("idx = transpose(1:{})".format(len(diff)))
eng.workspace['y'] = eng.transpose(eng.cell2mat(diff.tolist()))
eng.evalc("f = fit(idx, y, 'fourier3')")
y_f = eng.evalc("f(idx)").replace('ans =', '')
y_f = np.fromstring(y_f, dtype=float, sep='\n')
返回形式为“ ans = ...”的字符串diff