我正在尝试实现一个文字游戏,即用户在板上键入一个字母以形成一个有意义的单词并提交,如果键入的单词存在于JSON文件中,则用户会获得一个分数。因此,我已经实现了游戏的基础知识,但是不幸的是,我发现我的线性算法无法遍历JSON文件中的约40万个单词。所以我的问题是我可以编写哪种算法来提高效率呢? 我的界面看起来像这样。字母随机出现在板上。
{"a": 1, "aa": 1, "aaa": 1, "aah": 1, "aahed": 1, "aahing": 1, "aahs": 1, "aal": 1, "aalii": 1, "aaliis": 1, "aals": 1, "aam": 1, "aani": 1, "aardvark": 1, "aardvarks": 1, "aardwolf": 1, "aardwolves": 1, "aargh": 1, "aaron": 1, "aaronic": 1, "aaronical": 1, "aaronite": 1, "aaronitic": 1, "aarrgh": 1, "aarrghh": 1, "aaru": 1, "aas": 1, "aasvogel": 1, "aasvogels": 1, "ab": 1, "aba": 1, "ababdeh": 1, "ababua": 1, "abac": 1, "abaca": 1, "abacay": 1, "abacas": 1, "abacate": 1, "abacaxi": 1, "abaci": 1, "abacinate": 1, "abacination": 1, "abacisci": 1, "abaciscus": 1, "abacist": 1, "aback": 1, "abacli": 1, "abacot": 1, "abacterial": 1, "abactinal": 1, "abactinally": 1, "abaction": 1, "abactor": 1, "abaculi": 1, "abaculus": 1, "abacus": 1, "abacuses": 1, "abada": 1, "abaddon": 1, "abadejo": 1, "abadengo": 1, "abadia": 1, "abadite": 1, "abaff": 1, "abaft": 1, "abay": 1, "abayah": 1, "abaisance": 1, "abaised": 1, "abaiser": 1, "abaisse": 1, "abaissed": 1, "abaka": 1, "abakas": 1, "abalation": 1, "abalienate": 1, "abalienated": 1, "abalienating": 1, "abalienation": 1, "abalone": 1, "abalones": 1, "abama": 1, "abamp": 1, "abampere": 1, "abamperes": 1, "abamps": 1, "aband": 1, "abandon": 1, "abandonable": 1, "abandoned": 1, "abandonedly": 1, "abandonee": 1, "abandoner": 1, "abandoners": 1, "abandoning": 1, "abandonment": 1, "abandonments": 1, "abandons": 1, "abandum": 1, "abanet": 1, "abanga": 1, "abanic": 1, "abannition": 1, "abantes": 1, "abapical": 1, "abaptiston": 1, "abaptistum": 1, "abarambo": 1, "abaris": 1, "abarthrosis": 1, "abarticular": 1, "abarticulation": 1, "abas": 1, "abase": 1, "abased": 1, "abasedly": 1, "abasedness": 1, "abasement": 1, "abasements": 1, "abaser": 1, "abasers": 1, "abases": 1, "abasgi": 1, "abash": 1, "abashed": 1, "abashedly": 1, "abashedness": 1, "abashes": 1, "abashing": 1, "abashless": 1, "abashlessly": 1, "abashment": 1, "abashments": 1, "abasia": 1, "abasias": 1, "abasic": 1, "abasing": 1, "abasio": 1, "abask": 1, "abassi": 1, "abassin": 1, 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1, "abmhos": 1, "abmodality": 1, "abmodalities": 1, "abn": 1, "abnaki": 1, "abnegate": 1, "abnegated": 1, "abnegates": 1, "abnegating": 1, "abnegation": 1, "abnegations": 1, "abnegative": 1, "abnegator": 1, "abnegators": 1, "abner": 1, "abnerval": 1, "abnet": 1, "abneural": 1, "abnormal": 1, "abnormalcy": 1, "abnormalcies": 1, "abnormalise": 1, "abnormalised": 1, "abnormalising": 1, "abnormalism": 1, "abnormalist": 1, "abnormality": 1, "abnormalities": 1, "abnormalize": 1, "abnormalized": 1, "abnormalizing": 1, "abnormally": 1, "abnormalness": 1, "abnormals": 1, "abnormity": 1, "abnormities": 1, "abnormous": 1, "abnumerable": 1, "abo": 1, "aboard": 1, "aboardage": 1, "abobra": 1, "abococket": 1, "abodah": 1, "abode": 1, "aboded": 1, "abodement": 1, "abodes": 1, "abody": 1, "aboding": 1, "abogado": 1, "abogados": 1, "abohm": 1, "abohms": 1, "aboideau": 1, "aboideaus": 1, "aboideaux": 1, "aboil": 1, "aboiteau": 1, "aboiteaus": 1, "aboiteaux": 1, "abolete": 1, "abolish": 1, "abolishable": 1, "abolished": 1, "abolisher": 1, "abolishers": 1, "abolishes": 1, "abolishing": 1, "abolishment": 1, "abolishments": 1, "abolition": 1, "abolitionary": 1, "abolitionise": 1, "abolitionised": 1, "abolitionising": 1, "abolitionism": 1, "abolitionist": 1, "abolitionists": 1, "abolitionize": 1, "abolitionized": 1, "abolitionizing": 1, "abolla": 1, "abollae": 1, "aboma": 1, "abomas": 1, "abomasa": 1, "abomasal": 1, "abomasi": 1, "abomasum": 1, "abomasus": 1, "abomasusi": 1, "abominability": 1, "abominable": 1, "abominableness": 1, "abominably": 1, "abominate": 1, "abominated": 1, "abominates": 1, "abominating": 1, "abomination": 1, "abominations": 1, "abominator": 1, "abominators": 1, "abomine": 1, "abondance": 1, "abongo": 1, "abonne": 1, "abonnement": 1, "aboon": 1, "aborad": 1, "aboral": 1, "aborally": 1, "abord": 1, "aboriginal": 1, "aboriginality": 1, "aboriginally": 1, "aboriginals": 1, "aboriginary": 1, "aborigine": 1, "aborigines": 1, "aborning": 1, "aborsement": 1, "aborsive": 1, "abort": 1, "aborted": 1, "aborter": 1, "aborters": 1, "aborticide": 1, "abortient": 1, "abortifacient": 1, "abortin": 1, "aborting": 1, "abortion": 1, "abortional": 1}
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', loadData);
const letters = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o',
var searched_word = '';
var boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.square');
function clickBox() {
boxes.forEach(function(box) {
box.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
//return this.innerHTML;
searched_word += this.innerHTML;
document.querySelector('.input').value = searched_word;
return searched_word;
function randomLetters(boxes) {
for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
let box = boxes[i];
let randomLetterNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length);
box.innerHTML = letters[randomLetterNumber].toLocaleUpperCase();
function loadData() {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', 'words_dictionary_full.json', true);
xhr.onload = function() {
if (this.status === 200) {
const words = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
for (word in words) {
if (word === clickBox().toLowerCase()) {
} else {
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您可以按字母顺序对数据库/ json文件中的数组进行排序,然后使用二进制搜索算法有效地搜索单词。
* Copyright 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
* MIT-Licensed
* Uses a binary search algorithm to locate a value in the specified array.
* @param {Array} items The array containing the item.
* @param {variant} value The value to search for.
* @return {int} The zero-based index of the value in the array or -1 if not found.
function binarySearch(items, value){
var startIndex = 0,
stopIndex = items.length - 1,
middle = Math.floor((stopIndex + startIndex)/2);
while(items[middle] != value && startIndex < stopIndex){
//adjust search area
if (value < items[middle]){
stopIndex = middle - 1;
} else if (value > items[middle]){
startIndex = middle + 1;
//recalculate middle
middle = Math.floor((stopIndex + startIndex)/2);
//make sure it's the right value
return (items[middle] != value) ? -1 : middle;