例如,当我启动Unity场景并开始录制动画时,我会移动我的骨架中的一些骨骼(记录下来),然后在保存动画后我尝试将.bvh导入Blender 。在检查动画之后,我注意到当一个骨骼沿着多个轴旋转时,它会在动画中产生奇怪的结果,并且一些旋转要么四处晃动,要么看起来剧烈摇晃。但通常沿单轴旋转时,它似乎朝正确的方向移动。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SimpleBVH5 : MonoBehaviour {
string bvhOutput;
public string savePath = "C:\\animations\\animation.bvh";
public int fps = 60;
Quaternion rootRotationOffset;
public Transform hip;
public Transform spine;
public Transform chest;
public Transform shoulderR;
public Transform upper_armR;
public class DecoratedBone {
public Transform bone;
public DecoratedBone parent; // decorated bone parent, set in a later loop
public Vector3 rest_bone_head; // blender armature bone head position
public Matrix4x4 rest_arm_mat; // blender rest matrix (armature space)
public Matrix4x4 rest_arm_imat; // rest_arm_mat inverted
List<DecoratedBone> dBones;
void OnEnable () {
dBones = new List<DecoratedBone> ();
rootRotationOffset = hip.rotation;
int level = 0;
bvhOutput = "HIERARCHY\n";
bvhOutput += "ROOT hip\n";
var dBone = new DecoratedBone ();
dBone.bone = hip;
dBone.rest_bone_head = hip.position;
var rest_arm_mat = GetMatrix (dBone, rootRotationOffset);
dBone.rest_arm_mat = rest_arm_mat;
dBone.rest_arm_imat = rest_arm_mat.inverse;
dBones.Add (dBone);
bvhOutput += "{\n";
var offset = hip.position;
bvhOutput += "\tOFFSET " + offset.x.ToString("F6") + " " + (-offset).z.ToString("F6") + " " + offset.y.ToString("F6") + "\n";
bvhOutput += "\tCHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation\n";
var spineBone = InsertHierarchy (ref level, "spine", spine, dBone);
InsertHierarchy (ref level, "chest", chest, spineBone);
AscendLevel (ref level, chest, chest.GetChild (0), 1);
var shoulderRBone = InsertHierarchy (ref level, "shoulder.R", shoulderR, spineBone);
InsertHierarchy (ref level, "upper_arm.R", upper_armR, shoulderRBone);
AscendLevel (ref level, upper_armR, upper_armR.GetChild (0));
bvhOutput += "}\n";
bvhOutput += "MOTION\n";
bvhOutput += "Frames: 1\n";
bvhOutput += "Frame Time:\t" + (1.0f / fps).ToString("F6") + "\n";
StartCoroutine (RecordRoutine ()); // Finished building header info, Begin recording keyframes
void OnDestroy() {
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(savePath, bvhOutput);
print ("SAVED FILE!!!");
DecoratedBone InsertHierarchy(ref int level, string name, Transform bone, DecoratedBone parent) {
/* Creats hierarchy header info for bones with parents */
string tabs = GetLevelTabs(level);
bvhOutput += tabs + "JOINT "+name+"\n";
bvhOutput += tabs + "{\n";
var dBone = new DecoratedBone ();
dBone.bone = bone;
dBone.parent = parent;
dBone.rest_bone_head = bone.position;
var rest_arm_mat = GetMatrix (dBone, rootRotationOffset);
dBone.rest_arm_mat = rest_arm_mat;
dBone.rest_arm_imat = rest_arm_mat.inverse;
dBones.Add (dBone); // Add bone to the list of bones (in the order it was created in the hiereachy/header).
var offset = bone.position - parent.bone.position;
bvhOutput += tabs + "\tOFFSET " + offset.x.ToString("F6") + " " + (-offset).z.ToString("F6") + " " + offset.y.ToString("F6") + "\n";
bvhOutput += tabs + "\tCHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation\n";
level++; // Increase the level in the hierarchy (increases depth in .bvh file and ensures curly braces will be added properly)
Debug.DrawLine (parent.bone.position, bone.position, Color.cyan, 10.0f); // Outline the skeleton in the viewport for debugging
return dBone;
string GetLevelTabs(int level) {
string tabs = "";
for (int lev = 0; lev <= level; lev++) {
tabs += "\t";
return tabs;
void EndSite(int level, Transform bone, Transform endEffector) {
string tabs = GetLevelTabs(level);
bvhOutput += tabs + "End Site\n";
bvhOutput += tabs + "{\n";
var offset = endEffector.position - bone.position;
bvhOutput += tabs + "\tOFFSET " + offset.x.ToString("F6") + " " + (-offset).z.ToString("F6") + " " + offset.y.ToString("F6") + "\n"; // 1 0 0\n";
bvhOutput += tabs + "}\n";
Debug.DrawRay (bone.position, offset, Color.cyan, 10.0f);
void AscendLevel (ref int level, Transform bone, Transform endEffector, int stopLevel = 0) {
EndSite (level, bone, endEffector);
for (int lev = level; lev > stopLevel; lev--) {
for (int tab = 0; tab < lev; tab++) {
bvhOutput += "\t";
bvhOutput += "}\n";
level = stopLevel;
IEnumerator RecordRoutine () {
/*A simplified re-write of Blender's export_bvh.py script https://github.com/sftd/blender-addons/blob/master/io_anim_bvh/export_bvh.py*/
string line; // The string used to build each line of data.
float time = Time.time;
float interval = 1.0f / fps; // The record frame interval.
while (isActiveAndEnabled) { // Runs while the scene is actively running.
yield return new WaitUntil (() => (Time.time - time) >= interval); // Wait for desired time interval.
time = Time.time; // Reset the timer.
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame (); // Wait for all transforms to be updated.
line = ""; // Clear the line data and prepare for next line of data.
//First do calculations for the root (hip) bone.
var p = dBones[0].rest_bone_head;
var trans = Matrix4x4.Translate (p);
var itrans = Matrix4x4.Translate (-p);
var pose_mat = GetMatrix(dBones [0], rootRotationOffset);
var rest_arm_imat = dBones [0].rest_arm_imat;
var mat_final = pose_mat * rest_arm_imat;
mat_final = itrans * mat_final * trans;
var loc = mat_final.GetPosition () ;
var rot = mat_final.GetRotation ().eulerAngles;
line += // Add root's (hip bone) data to the line of data.
(-loc.x).ToString("F6") + " " + //Output location of root bone
(-loc.z).ToString("F6") + " " +
(loc.y).ToString("F6") + " " +
(rot.x).ToString("F6") + " " + //Output rotation of root bone
(rot.z).ToString("F6") + " " +
(-rot.y).ToString("F6") + " ";
// Now do calculations for each child bone
for (int i = 1; i < dBones.Count; i++) {
p = dBones [i].rest_bone_head;
trans = Matrix4x4.Translate (p);
itrans = Matrix4x4.Translate (-p);
mat_final =
dBones [i].parent.rest_arm_mat * GetMatrix(dBones [i].parent).inverse *
GetMatrix(dBones [i]) * dBones [i].rest_arm_imat;
mat_final = itrans * mat_final * trans;
//loc = mat_final.GetPosition () + (trackedObjects [i].rest_bone_head - trackedObjects [i].parent.rest_bone_head); //Position is not required for non-root bones
rot = mat_final.GetRotation ().eulerAngles;
line += // Add children's data to the line of data.
(rot.x).ToString("F6") + " " + //Output rotation of child bone
(rot.z).ToString("F6") + " " +
(-rot.y).ToString("F6") + " ";
line += "\n"; // Done adding line.
if (Application.isPlaying) {
bvhOutput += line; // Add the data to the file's contents only if the scene is actively running.
Matrix4x4 GetMatrix (DecoratedBone dBone, Quaternion offsetRotation = default(Quaternion)) {
//return trackedObject.obj.localToWorldMatrix;
return Matrix4x4.TRS(
offsetRotation.Equals(default(Quaternion)) ? dBone.bone.rotation : dBone.bone.rotation * offsetRotation, //the offsetRotation (aka hip.rotation) should be applied to all bones with parents.