#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import iv
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def discrete_gaussian_kernel(t, n):
return np.exp(-t) * iv(n, t)
def expectation_value(t, average):
# One constraint is that the starting value
# of the range over which I sample the PDF
# should be 0.
# Method 1 - This seems to give good, consistent results
int_average = int(average)
ceiling_average = int(np.ceil(average))
N = range(int_average - ceiling_average + 1,
int_average + ceiling_average + 2)
# Method 2 - The multiplicative factor for 'end' is arbitrary.
# I should in principle be able make end be as large as
# I want since the PDF goes to zero for large values of n,
# but this seems to impact the result and I do now know why.
#start = 0
#end = 2 * int(average)
#N = range(start, end)
return np.sum([n * discrete_gaussian_kernel(t, n - average) for n in N])
def minimize_function(t, average):
return average - expectation_value(t, average)
if __name__ == '__main__':
average = 8.33342
#average = 7.33342
solution = minimize(fun = minimize_function,
x0 = 1,
args = average)
t = solution.x[0]
print(' solution t =', t)
print(' given average =', average)
print('recalculated average =', expectation_value(t, average))
RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
solution = minimize(fun = minimize_function,
x0 = 1,
args = average,
bounds = ((0, None)))
ValueError: length of x0 != length of bounds
average = 8.33342
# Method 1 - This seems to give good, consistent results
int_average = int(average)
ceiling_average = int(np.ceil(average))
N = range(int_average - ceiling_average + 1,
int_average + ceiling_average + 2)
# Method 2 - The multiplicative factor for 'end' is arbitrary.
# I should in principle be able make end be as large as
# I want since the PDF goes to zero for large values of n,
# but this seems to impact the result and I do now know why.
start = 0
end = 2 * int(average)
N = range(start, end)
start = 0
end = 4 * int(average)
N = range(start, end)