我正在MASM Assembly上使用FP IEEE-754到StrDec。它工作正常,尽管我花了一些时间搞清楚这一点,但我不确定如何在逗号后添加更多数字 - 现在有两个,如123.46
。我想我确实需要一个计数器来处理我的额外位,但我得到access violation
CaptionOut BYTE "Result: ", 0
temp_bcd dt ?
szdecimal db 32 dup(0)
MyNum REAL10 123.456789
main PROC
; FPU to DecStr
fld MyNum
pushd 100 ;use the stack as storage for this value
fimul dword ptr[esp] ;converts 2 decimal places as 2 more integer digits
fbstp temp_bcd ;store the packed BCD integer value
pop eax ;clean the stack of the pushed 100
; ESI will be used for pointing to the packed BCD
; EDI will be used for pointing to the decimal string
push esi
push edi
lea esi,temp_bcd+9 ;point to the most significant byte
lea edi,szdecimal ;point to the start of the decimal string buffer
xor eax,eax
fwait ;to ascertain that the transfer of the
;packed BCD is completed
mov al,[esi] ;get the byte with the sign code
dec esi ;decrement to next most significant byte
or al,al ;for checking the sign bit
jns @F ;jump if no sign bit
mov al,"-" ;the value is negative
stosb ;insert the negative sign
; The next 8 bytes (in this example) will contain the integer digits
; and the least significant byte will then contain the 2 decimal digits.
; No leading 0 will be included in the integer portion
; unless it would be the only integer digit.
mov ecx,8 ;number of bytes to process for integer digits
mov al,[esi] ;get the next byte
dec esi ;adjust the pointer to the next one
or al,al ;for checking if it is 0
jnz @F ;the starting integer digit is now in AL
dec ecx ;adjust the counter of integer bytes
jnz @B ;continue searching for the first integer digit
; If the loop terminates with ECX=0, the integer portion would be 0.
; A "0" character must be inserted before processing the decimal digits
mov al,"0" ;the ASCII 0
stosb ;insert it
mov al,[esi] ;get the byte containing the decimal digits
jmp decimal_digits
; The first integer byte must be checked to determine
; if it contains 1 or 2 integer digits
test al,0f0h ;test if the H.O. nibble contains a digit
jz int_digit2 ;if not, process only the L.O. nibble
ror ax,4 ;puts the H.O. nibble in the L.O. nibble position
;and saves the L.O. nibble in AH
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosb ;store this character
shr ax,12 ;restores the L.O. nibble in AL
;and also resets the other bits of AX
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosb ;store this character
mov al,[esi] ;get next byte
dec esi ;adjust the pointer to the next one
dec ecx ;adjust the counter of integer bytes
jnz int_digit1 ;continue processing the integer bytes
mov byte ptr [edi],"." ;insert the preferred decimal delimiter
inc edi
; Also, if the number of required decimal digits is not even, the code
; would have to be altered to insert the decimal delimiter at the
; proper location.
ror ax,4 ;puts the H.O. nibble in the L.O. nibble position
;and saves the L.O. nibble in AH
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosb ;store this character
shr ax,12 ;restores the L.O. nibble in AL
;and also resets the other bits of AX
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosw ;store this character + the terminating 0
INVOKE MessageBoxA, 0, ADDR szdecimal, ADDR CaptionOut, 0
INVOKE ExitProcess,0
main ENDP
END main
答案 0 :(得分:1)
beyound the boarder。因此ESI
INCLUDE masm32rt.inc
CaptionOut BYTE "Result: ", 0
temp_bcd dt ?
szdecimal db 32 dup(0)
MyNum REAL10 123.456789
main PROC
; FPU to DecStr
fld MyNum
; pushd 100 ;use the stack as storage for this value
pushd 1000000 ;use the stack as storage for this value
fimul dword ptr[esp] ;converts 2 decimal places as 2 more integer digits
fbstp temp_bcd ;store the packed BCD integer value
pop eax ;clean the stack of the pushed 100
; ESI will be used for pointing to the packed BCD
; EDI will be used for pointing to the decimal string
push esi
push edi
lea esi,temp_bcd+9 ;point to the most significant byte
lea edi,szdecimal ;point to the start of the decimal string buffer
xor eax,eax
fwait ;to ascertain that the transfer of the
;packed BCD is completed
mov al,[esi] ;get the byte with the sign code
dec esi ;decrement to next most significant byte
or al,al ;for checking the sign bit
jns @F ;jump if no sign bit
mov al,"-" ;the value is negative
stosb ;insert the negative sign
; The next 8 bytes (in this example) will contain the integer digits
; and the least significant byte will then contain the 2 decimal digits.
; No leading 0 will be included in the integer portion
; unless it would be the only integer digit.
; mov ecx,8 ;number of bytes to process for integer digits
mov ecx,6 ;number of bytes to process for integer digits
mov al,[esi] ;get the next byte
dec esi ;adjust the pointer to the next one
or al,al ;for checking if it is 0
jnz @F ;the starting integer digit is now in AL
dec ecx ;adjust the counter of integer bytes
jnz @B ;continue searching for the first integer digit
; If the loop terminates with ECX=0, the integer portion would be 0.
; A "0" character must be inserted before processing the decimal digits
mov al,"0" ;the ASCII 0
stosb ;insert it
mov al,[esi] ;get the byte containing the decimal digits
jmp decimal_digits
; The first integer byte must be checked to determine
; if it contains 1 or 2 integer digits
test al,0f0h ;test if the H.O. nibble contains a digit
jz int_digit2 ;if not, process only the L.O. nibble
ror ax,4 ;puts the H.O. nibble in the L.O. nibble position
;and saves the L.O. nibble in AH
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosb ;store this character
shr ax,12 ;restores the L.O. nibble in AL
;and also resets the other bits of AX
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosb ;store this character
mov al,[esi] ;get next byte
dec esi ;adjust the pointer to the next one
dec ecx ;adjust the counter of integer bytes
jnz int_digit1 ;continue processing the integer bytes
mov byte ptr [edi],"." ;insert the preferred decimal delimiter
inc edi
; Also, if the number of required decimal digits is not even, the code
; would have to be altered to insert the decimal delimiter at the
; proper location.
; ror ax,4 ;puts the H.O. nibble in the L.O. nibble position
;and saves the L.O. nibble in AH
; add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
; stosb ;store this character
; shr ax,12 ;restores the L.O. nibble in AL
;and also resets the other bits of AX
; add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
; stosw ;store this character + the terminating 0
ror ax,4 ;puts the H.O. nibble in the L.O. nibble position
;and saves the L.O. nibble in AH
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosb ;store this character
shr ax,12 ;restores the L.O. nibble in AL
;and also resets the other bits of AX
add al,30h ;convert it to ASCII character
stosb ;store this character + the terminating 0
mov al,[esi] ;get next byte
dec esi ;adjust the pointer to the next one
cmp esi, OFFSET temp_bcd - 1
jae @B
mov BYTE PTR [edi], 0
INVOKE MessageBoxA, 0, ADDR szdecimal, ADDR CaptionOut, 0
INVOKE ExitProcess,0
main ENDP
END main
而且 - 当然 - 我会做的很不一样:https://stackoverflow.com/a/30133492/3512216: - )