
时间:2016-03-02 09:35:57

标签: java algorithm graph hashmap dynamic-programming

TL;博士 我的递归关系占图表的数量应该比应该少。

我需要找到具有N个标记顶点和K个未标记边缘的简单连通图的数量。 Link to full source with complete question

[我见过this post并且它没有解决我的问题]

约束:2 <= N <= 20.由此得出,N-1 <= K <= N(N-1)/ 2.


第一个想法:Connect N nodes with K edges such that there is 1 path between 2 nodes 构思:考虑N-1个节点和K-1个边缘。添加第N个节点的方法有多少?

  • 在节点N和任何其他N-1节点之间分配1条边; 这是微不足道的,\ binom {N-1} 1,即给定N-1选择1。
  • 在....之间分配2条边
  • ....
  • ....
  • 在......之间分配N-1个边缘。

&#39;公式&#39;我想出了这样的事情: First approach

我们只看K∈[N-1,N(N-1)/ 2]的值(其他值没有意义)。当K = N-1时,它基本上落在Cayley's formula之下。递归关系是我想出的部分。 问题在于我占的图表数量应该少于。代码:

static Map<List<Integer>, String> resultMap = new HashMap<List<Integer>, String>();
// N -> number of nodes
// K -> number of edges
// N will be at least 2 and at most 20.
// K will be at least one less than n and at most (n * (n - 1)) / 2
public static String answer(int N, int K) {
    /* for the case where K < N-1 */
    if(K < N-1)
        return BigInteger.ZERO.toString();

    /* for the case where K = N-1 */
    // Cayley's formula applies [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayley's_formula].
    // number of trees on n labeled vertices is n^{n-2}.
    if(K == N-1)
        return BigInteger.valueOf((long)Math.pow(N, N-2)).toString();

    /* for the case where K > N-1 */
    // check if key is present in the map
    List<Integer> tuple = Arrays.asList(N, K);
    if( resultMap.containsKey(tuple) )
        return resultMap.get(tuple);

    // maximum number of edges in a simply 
    // connected undirected unweighted graph 
    // with n nodes = |N| * |N-1| / 2
    int maxEdges = N * (N-1) / 2;

    /* for the case where K = N(N-1)/2 */
    // if K is the maximum possible 
    // number of edges for the number of 
    // nodes, then there is only one way is 
    // to make a graph (connect each node
    // to all other nodes)
    if(K == maxEdges)
        return BigInteger.ONE.toString();

    /* for the case where K > N(N-1)/2 */
    if(K > maxEdges)
        return BigInteger.ZERO.toString();

    BigInteger count = BigInteger.ZERO;

    for(int k = 1; k <= N-1 ; k++) {
        BigInteger combinations = nChooseR(N-1, k);
        combinations = combinations.multiply(new BigInteger(answer(N-1, K-k)));
        count = count.add(combinations);

    // unmodifiable so key cannot change hash code
    resultMap.put(Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(N, K)), count.toString());

    return count.toString();

我在MSE上发现了this帖子,解决了同样的问题。使用它作为参考,&#39;公式&#39;看起来有点像这样: Second approach 这完全符合预期。本节的代码如下。

static Map<List<Integer>, String> resultMap2 = new HashMap<List<Integer>, String>();
// reference: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/689526/how-many-connected-graphs-over-v-vertices-and-e-edges
public static String answer2(int N, int K) {
    /* for the case where K < N-1 */
    if(K < N-1)
        return BigInteger.ZERO.toString();

    /* for the case where K = N-1 */
    // Cayley's formula applies [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayley's_formula].
    // number of trees on n labeled vertices is n^{n-2}.
    if(K == N-1)
        return BigInteger.valueOf((long)Math.pow(N, N-2)).toString();

    /* for the case where K > N-1 */
    // check if key is present in the map
    List<Integer> tuple = Arrays.asList(N, K);
    if( resultMap2.containsKey(tuple) )
        return resultMap2.get(tuple);

    // maximum number of edges in a simply 
    // connected undirected unweighted graph 
    // with n nodes = |N| * |N-1| / 2
    int maxEdges = N * (N-1) / 2;

    /* for the case where K = N(N-1)/2 */
    // if K is the maximum possible 
    // number of edges for the number of 
    // nodes, then there is only one way is 
    // to make a graph (connect each node
    // to all other nodes)
    if(K == maxEdges)
        return BigInteger.ONE.toString();

    /* for the case where K > N(N-1)/2 */
    if(K > maxEdges)
        return BigInteger.ZERO.toString();

    // get the universal set
    BigInteger allPossible = nChooseR(maxEdges, K);

    BigInteger repeats = BigInteger.ZERO;
    // now, to remove duplicates, or incomplete graphs
    // when can these cases occur?
    for(int n = 0 ; n <= N-2 ; n++) {

        BigInteger choose_n_from_rem_nodes = nChooseR(N-1, n);

        int chooseN = (N - 1 - n) * (N - 2 - n) / 2;

        BigInteger repeatedEdges = BigInteger.ZERO;
        for(int k = 0 ; k <= K ; k++) {
            BigInteger combinations = nChooseR(chooseN, k);

            BigInteger recurse = new BigInteger(answer2(n+1, K-k));

            repeatedEdges = repeatedEdges.add(combinations.multiply(recurse));

        repeats = repeats.add(choose_n_from_rem_nodes.multiply(repeatedEdges));

    // remove repeats
    allPossible = allPossible.subtract(repeats);

    // add to cache
    resultMap2.put(Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(N, K)), allPossible.toString());
    return resultMap2.get(tuple);

如果有人能指出我的方向以便我能在第一种方法中得到错误,我将不胜感激。第二种方法有效,但它使O(NK)递归调用和K在N中平均为二次方。所以,显然不是很好,尽管我试图使用DP最小化计算。 nChooseR()和factorial()函数如下。


static Map<List<Integer>, BigInteger> nCrMap = new HashMap<List<Integer>, BigInteger>();
// formula: nCr = n! / [r! * (n-r)!]
private static BigInteger nChooseR(int n, int r) {
    // check if key is present
    List<Integer> tuple = Arrays.asList(n, r);
    if( nCrMap.containsKey(tuple) )
        return nCrMap.get(tuple);

    // covering some basic cases using
    // if statements to prevent unnecessary
    // calculations and memory wastage

    // given 5 objects, there are 0 ways to choose 6
    if(r > n)
        return BigInteger.valueOf(0);

    // given 5 objects, there are 5 ways of choosing 1
    // given 5 objects, there are 5 ways of choosing 4
    if( (r == 1) || ( (n-r) == 1 ) )
        return BigInteger.valueOf(n);

    // given 5 objects, there is 1 way of choosing 5 objects
    // given 5 objects, there is 1 way of choosing 0 objects
    if( (r == 0) || ( (n-r) == 0 ) )
        return BigInteger.valueOf(1);

    BigInteger diff = getFactorial(n-r);

    BigInteger numerator = getFactorial(n);

    BigInteger denominator = getFactorial(r);
    denominator = denominator.multiply(diff);

    // unmodifiable so key cannot change hash code
    nCrMap.put(Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(n, r)), numerator.divide(denominator));

    return nCrMap.get(tuple);


    private static Map<Integer, BigInteger> factorials = new HashMap<Integer, BigInteger>();
    private static BigInteger getFactorial(int n) {
            return factorials.get(n);

        BigInteger fact = BigInteger.ONE;
        for(int i = 2 ; i <= n ; i++)
            fact = fact.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));

        factorials.put(n, fact);

        return fact;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    int fail = 0;
    int total = 0;
    for(int n = 2 ; n <= 20 ; n++) {
        for(int k = n-1 ; k <= n*(n-1)/2 ; k++) {
            String ans = answer(n,k);
            String ans2 = answer2(n,k);
            if(ans.compareTo(ans2) != 0) {
                System.out.println("N = " + n + " , K = " + k + " , num = " + ans + " ||| " + ans2);
    System.out.println("Approach 1 fails " + ((100*fail)/total) + "% of the test");

P.S。作为Google Foobar挑战的一部分,我接受了这一挑战。只是想让所有人意识到这一点。根据挑战者无法看到的Foobar测试用例判断answer2()正在工作。 只是为了阅读所有内容,这里是video of a tiny hamster eating a tiny burrito

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


我们知道f(n,n-1) = n^{n-2}是数量的计数函数 标记的有根树[Cayley的公式]

现在,让f(n, k)为具有n个节点和k个边的连通图的总数, 我们有一个关于如何添加新边缘的特征:


1)取F [n,k]中的任何图形,你可以在任何一个之间添加一条边   {n \选择2} - k对不匹配的节点。


2)如果您有两个连接图g_1和g_2,请说F [s,t]和   分别为F [n-s,k-t](即,具有s个节点的连通图   和t边和带有n-s节点和k-t边的连通图),   那么你可以通过连接这些来手术构建一个新的图形   两个子图一起。

您有s * (n-s)对顶点可供选择,您可以选择 以s point方式{n \choose s}。然后你可以总结选择 来自s的{​​{1}}和t分别来自1 to n-1 每个图表重复两次。让我们称之为g(n, k)

然后g(n,k) = (\sum_s,t {n \choose s} s (n-s) f(s,t) f(n-s, k-t))/2

现在,没有其他方法可以添加额外的边缘(不减少到 上面的两个结构),所以添加词 h(n,k+1) = (N - k)f(n,k) + g(n,k) 给出了我们所描述的多重图表的特征 建造。为什么这是一个多重集?

那么,让我们看一下两个子类的案例分析 (对施工的归纳)。在g图表中随机抽取h(n, k+1)图表 以这种方式构建。归纳假设是存在的 多个集k + 1中的h(n, k+1)个g副本。

让我们看一下归纳案例 如果在连接图中打破边缘,则它仍然是连接的 图形或它分成两个连接的图形。 现在,注意edge e,如果你打破任何其他边缘,那么e仍将是 在(k+1) - 1个不同的结构中。如果你打破e,你就会有 另一种独特的建筑 这意味着有k + 1个可能的不同类图 (我们可以构建相同的两个组件的单个组件) 最终图g

因此,h(n,k+1)计算每个图表的总计k+1次,等等 f(n, k+1) = h(n, k+1)/(k+1) = ((N-k)f(n,k) + g(n,k))/(k+1)

给定固定的nk,此重复将在O((nk)^2)时间内计算出正确的结果, 如此复杂,它与以前的算法相当。 这种结构的好处在于它很容易产生分析 生成功能,以便您可以对其进行分析 在这种情况下,假设您有一个复值函数f_k(x,y), 那么

2 dy f_{k+1} = (x^2 dx^2 f_k - 2 y dy f_k) + \sum_s z^2 dz f_s dz f_{k-s}

