我尝试自定义" Efficient multiclass weighted majority voting implementation in MATLAB"中提供的代码用于4个分类器,而选项保持3个原样。 bsxfun返回错误:两个输入数组的非单例维度必须相互匹配。在这种情况下,如何匹配输入的维度。如何将此代码与4个分类器和3个选项一起使用?有任何想法,请帮忙。 以下显示了我尝试自定义它的方式。
knn_weight = Accuracy_knn_datasets_overall; % average classification accuracy on the 5 fixed folds
nearest_centroid_weight = Accuracy_centroid_datasets_overall; % average classification accuracy on the 5 fixed folds
bayes_weight = Accuracy_bayes_datasets_overall; % average classification accuracy on the 5 fixed folds
nn_weight = mean([89.5,89.5,94.4,92.3,89.5]); % average of the classification accuracy of the testing sets for 5 iterations
% [knn,nearest_centroid,bayes,nn]; order of the base classifiers
w = [knn_weight nearest_centroid_weight bayes_weight nn_weight]; % weights of the classifiers based on their individual performance.
%% Merging the outputs of the base classifiers to yield a single output
knn_output_3 = knnPredicted_vehicleclass_dataset_3;
nearest_centroid_output_3 = centroidPredicted_vehicleclass_dataset_3;
nn_output_2 = nnPredicted_vehicleclass_dataset_2;
votes = [knn_output_3 nearest_centroid_output_3 bayes_output_3 nn_output_2]; % base classifiers predictions
output = votes;
expression = 'smallvehicle';
replace = 'S';
A = regexprep(output,expression,replace);
output = A;
expression = 'mediumvehicle';
replace = 'M';
A = regexprep(output,expression,replace);
output = A;
expression = 'largevehicle';
replace = 'L';
A = regexprep(output,expression,replace);
B = A(:,1); % outputs of knn
C = A(:,2); % outputs of nearest centroid
D = A(:,3); % outputs of bayes
E = A(:,4) % outputs of nn
A = char(strcat(B,C,D,E));
votes = A;
Classlabels = ['S', 'M', 'L']';
%'//Make a cube of the Classlabels that is number of Classlabels by m by n
OPTIONS = repmat(Classlabels, [1, size(w, 2), size(votes, 1)]);
%//Compare the votes (streched to make surface) against a uniform surface of each option
B = bsxfun(@eq, permute(votes, [3 2 1]) ,OPTIONS);
%//Find a weighted sum
W = squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@times, repmat(w, size(Classlabels, 1), 1), B), 2))';
%'//Find the Classlabels with the highest weighted sum
[xx, i] = max(W, [], 2);
output = cellstr(Classlabels(i));
output = output;
expression = 'S';
replace = 'smallvehicle';
A = regexprep(output,expression,replace);
output = A;
expression = 'L';
replace = 'largevehicle';
A = regexprep(output,expression,replace);
output = A;
expression = 'M';
replace = 'mediumvehicle';
Ensemble_output_3 = regexprep(output,expression,replace); % predicted class labels by the Ensemble classifier
Confusionmatrix_dataset_3 = confusionmat(YSML_3,Ensemble_output_3)
Ensmble_Accuracy_dataset_3 = (sum(diag(Confusionmatrix_dataset_3))/sum(sum(Confusionmatrix_dataset_3)))*100
返回的错误是:使用bsxfun时出错 两个输入数组的非单例维度必须相互匹配。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我认为您链接的代码已经足够通用,可以处理不同数量的选民和不同数量的课程。如果我按如下方式更改 输入:
w=[7 2 6 5];
votes = ['A' 'B' 'B' 'A'
'C' 'A' 'A' 'B'
'B' 'B' 'A' 'C'
'A' 'A' 'C' 'A'];
options = ['A', 'B', 'C']';
%//Make a cube of the options that is number of options by m by n
OPTIONS = repmat(options, [1, size(w, 2), size(votes, 1)]);
%//Compare the votes (streched to make surface) against a uniforma surface of each option
B = bsxfun(@eq, permute(votes, [3 2 1]) ,OPTIONS);
%//Find a weighted sum
W = squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@times, repmat(w, size(options, 1), 1), B), 2))'
%'//Find the options with the highest weighted sum
[xx, i] = max(W, [], 2);