
时间:2010-12-29 23:17:48

标签: perl















#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

sub read_file_line {
  my $fh = shift;    
  if ($fh and my $line = <$fh>) {    
    return $line;

open(my $f1, "words1.txt") or die "Can't";
open(my $f2, "words2.txt") or die "Can't";
open(my $f3, "words3.txt") or die "Can't";
open(my $f4, "words4.txt") or die "Can't";
open(my $f5, "words5.txt") or die "Can't";

my $r1 = read_file_line($f1);
my $r2 = read_file_line($f2);
my $r3 = read_file_line($f3);
my $r4 = read_file_line($f4);
my $r5 = read_file_line($f5);

while ($f5) {

    #What can I do here to decide and write the winning word in the output file?

$r1 = read_file_line($f1);
$r2 = read_file_line($f2);
$r3 = read_file_line($f3);
$r4 = read_file_line($f4);
$r5 = read_file_line($f5);

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

听起来像hash of hashes的工作。未经测试的代码:

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use autodie;
use List::Util qw( sum reduce );

my %totals;

my @files = map "words$_.txt", 1..5;

for my $file (@files) {
    open my $fh, '<', $file;
    while (<$fh>) {
        my ($word, $sign) = /(\w+)(\W)/;

open my $totals_fh, '>', 'outfile.txt';

my @sorted_words = sort { sum values %{$totals{$a}} <=> sum values %{$totals{$b}} } keys %totals; #Probably something fancier here.

for my $word (@sorted_words[0, 1]) {
    #say {$totals_fh} $word, join('', keys %{$totals{$word}} ), "\t- ", function_to_decide_text($totals{$word});
    say {$totals_fh} $word, reduce {
            $totals{$word}{ substr $a, 0, 1 } == $totals{$word}{$b} ? $a . $b
          : $totals{$word}{ substr $a, 0, 1 } > $totals{$word}{$b} ? $a
          :                                                          $b;
    } keys %{ $totals{$word} };


答案 1 :(得分:2)


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

foreach my $i (1..5)
    my $file = "words$i.txt";
    open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Failed to open $file for writing ($!)";
    foreach my $w (qw (we are the people in charge and what we say goes))
        my $suffix = substr('*#$&', rand(4), 1);
        print $fh "$w$suffix\n";


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my @files = ( "words1.txt", "words2.txt", "words3.txt",
              "words4.txt", "words5.txt"

my @fh;
    my $n = 0;
    foreach my $file (@files)
        open my $f, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file for reading ($!)";
        $fh[$n++] = $f;

while (my $r = process_line(@fh))
    print "$r\n";

sub process_line
    my(@fhlist) = @_;
    my %words = ();
    foreach my $fh (@fhlist)
        my $line = <$fh>;
        return unless defined $line;
        chomp $line;

    my $combo = '';
    foreach my $word (keys %words)
        return $word    if ($words{$word} >  2);
        $combo .= $word if ($words{$word} == 2);
    $combo =~ s/(\W)\w+(\W)/$1$2/;
    return $combo;


$ perl
$ perl > results.txt
$ paste words?.txt results.txt
we*     we$     we&     we#     we#     we#
are*    are#    are#    are*    are$    are*#
the*    the&    the#    the#    the&    the&#
people& people& people$ people# people# people&#
in#     in*     in$     in*     in*     in*
charge* charge# charge& charge* charge# charge#*
and$    and*    and$    and&    and$    and$
what&   what&   what$   what&   what#   what&
we#     we*     we*     we&     we*     we*
say$    say&    say$    say$    say$    say$
goes$   goes&   goes#   goes#   goes#   goes#


修订要求 - 示例输出

'修订后的要求'取代了'*#$&amp;'带有制表符和其中一个字母'ABCD'的单词后面的标记。经过一番快速谈判后,问题恢复原状。此输出来自上述答案的适当修改版本 - 更改了3个代码行,数据生成器中有2个,多数选民中有1个。这些变化没有显示 - 它们是微不足道的。

we      C       we      D       we      C       we      C       we      D       we      C
are     C       are     D       are     C       are     B       are     A       are     C
the     B       the     D       the     A       the     A       the     D       the     A|D
people  D       people  B       people  A       people  B       people  D       people  B|D
in      D       in      B       in      C       in      B       in      D       in      D|B
charge  C       charge  D       charge  D       charge  D       charge  A       charge  D
and     A       and     B       and     C       and     C       and     B       and     B|C
what    B       what    B       what    B       what    C       what    C       what    B
we      D       we      B       we      D       we      B       we      A       we      B|D
say     D       say     D       say     B       say     D       say     D       say     D
goes    A       goes    C       goes    A       goes    C       goes    A       goes    A

修改了测试生成器 - 用于可配置数量的文件

既然海报已经解决了如何处理修改后的场景,这就是我使用的数据生成器代码 - 带有5个标签(A-E)。显然,在命令行上配置标签数量不需要花费大量的工作。

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $fmax  = scalar(@ARGV) > 0 ? $ARGV[0] : 5;
my $tags  = 'ABCDE';
my $ntags = length($tags);
my $fmt   = sprintf "words$fmax-%%0%0dd.txt", length($fmax);

foreach my $fnum (1..$fmax)
    my $file = sprintf $fmt, $fnum;
    open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Failed to open $file for writing ($!)";
    foreach my $w (qw(We Are The People In Charge And What We Say Goes))
        my $suffix = substr($tags, rand($ntags), 1);
        print $fh "$w\t$suffix\n";

修订多数投票代码 - 任意数量的文件


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my @files = scalar @ARGV > 0 ? @ARGV :
            ( "words1.txt", "words2.txt", "words3.txt",
              "words4.txt", "words5.txt"
my $voters = scalar(@files);

my @fh;
    my $n = 0;
    foreach my $file (@files)
        open my $f, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file for reading ($!)";
        $fh[$n++] = $f;

while (my $r = process_line(@fh))
    print "$r\n";

sub process_line
    my(@fhlist) = @_;
    my %words = ();
    foreach my $fh (@fhlist)
        my $line = <$fh>;
        return unless defined $line;
        chomp $line;
    return winner(%words);

# Get tag X from entry "word\tX".
sub get_tag_from_word
    my($word) = @_;
    return (split /\s/, $word)[1];

sub winner
    my(%words)   = @_;
    my $maxscore = 0;
    my $winscore = ($voters / 2) + 1;
    my $winner   = '';
    my $taglist  = '';
    foreach my $word (sort keys %words)
        return "$word\t$words{$word}" if ($words{$word} >= $winscore);
        if ($words{$word} > $maxscore)
            $winner = $word;
            $winner =~ s/\t.//;
            $taglist = get_tag_from_word($word);
            $maxscore = $words{$word};
        elsif ($words{$word} == $maxscore)
            my $newtag = get_tag_from_word($word);
            $taglist .= "|$newtag";
    return "$winner\t$taglist\t$maxscore";



We          A|B|C|D|E   2  B  C  C  E  D  A  D  A  E  B
Are         D           4  C  D  B  A  D  B  D  D  B  E
The         A           5  D  A  B  B  A  A  B  E  A  A
People      D           4  E  D  C  D  B  E  D  D  B  C
In          D           3  E  C  D  D  D  B  C  A  A  B
Charge      A|E         3  E  E  D  A  D  A  B  A  E  B
And         E           3  C  E  D  D  C  A  B  E  B  E
What        A           5  B  C  C  A  A  A  B  A  D  A
We          A           4  C  A  A  E  A  E  C  D  A  E
Say         A|D         4  A  C  A  A  D  E  D  A  D  D
Goes        A           3  D  B  A  C  C  A  A  E  E  B

第一列是单词;第二个是获胜的标签或标签;第三(数字)列是最高分;其余10列是10个数据文件中的标签。正如你所看到的那样,第一行中有两个'We A','We B',......'We E'。我还生成(但未保留)一个结果集,其中最高得分为7.如果有足够的重复,可以找到这些变化。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


use strict;
use warnings;

my @files   = qw(file1 file2 file3 file4 file5);
my $symbols = '*#$&'; # no need to escape them as they'll be in a character class
my %words;

foreach my $file (@files) {
   open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
   while (<$fh>) {
      if (/^(\w+[$symbols])$/) {
         $words{$1} ++; # count the occurrences of each word
   close $fh;

my $counter  = 0;
my $previous = -1;

foreach my $word (sort {$words{$b} <=> $words{$a}} keys %words) {

   # make sure you don't exit if two words at the top of the list 
   # have the same number of occurrences
   if ($previous != $words{$word}) {
      last if $counter > 1;
   $counter ++; # count the output
   $previous = $words{$word};

   print "$word occurred $words{$word} times.\n";
