答案 0 :(得分:1)
搜索minimum cut:如果它等于2,那么你很好,如果它是1 - 在切割的两边之间添加边缘。冲洗并重复。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我还在Tsan-sheng Hsu,Journal of Algorithms 45,1,2002年10月,第55-71页中找到了参考文献“Simpler and fast biconnectivity augmentation”。作者将他的方法描述为“非常简单”。伪代码在下面。
Input: A graph G = (V , E);
Output: A smallest set of edges aug2(G) such that G ∪ aug2(G) is biconnected;
1. If G has less than 3 vertices or is biconnected, then return ∅.
2. If G is disconnected, then apply Fact 3.2 to find a set of edges E1 such that G ∪ E1 is connected;
otherwise, let E1 = ∅.
3. Find a vertex r in blk2(G ∪ E1) such that blk2(G ∪ E1) rooted at r is normalized.
4. If r is a b-node, then do the following:
(a) Apply Lemma 3.4 on G ∪ E1 to find a set of edges E2.
(b) Return E1 ∪ E2.
5. If r is a c-node, then do the following:
(a) If G ∪ E1 is not balanced, then apply Fact 3.6 on G ∪ E1 to find a set of edges E3 such that
G ∪ E1 ∪ E3 is balanced; otherwise, let E3 = ∅.
(b) Root blk2(G ∪ E1 ∪ E3) at r.
(c) Apply Lemma 3.9 on G ∪ E1 ∪ E3 to find a set of edges E4.
(d) Return E1 ∪ E3 ∪ E4.