Haskell Data.Sequence - 没有(Applicative Seq)的实例

时间:2015-01-07 17:03:39

标签: haskell sequence applicative


>:i Seq
newtype Seq a
  = Data.Sequence.Seq (Data.Sequence.FingerTree
                         (Data.Sequence.Elem a))
    -- Defined in `Data.Sequence'
instance Eq a => Eq (Seq a) -- Defined in `Data.Sequence'
instance Monad Seq -- Defined in `Data.Sequence'
instance Functor Seq -- Defined in `Data.Sequence'
instance Ord a => Ord (Seq a) -- Defined in `Data.Sequence'
instance Read a => Read (Seq a) -- Defined in `Data.Sequence'
instance Show a => Show (Seq a) -- Defined in `Data.Sequence'


以下让我感到困惑。肯定似乎有一个为Seq明确定义(< *>)的实例:

instance Applicative Seq where
pure = singleton
fs <*> xs = foldl' add empty fs
  where add ys f = ys >< fmap f xs


>:m + Data.Sequence  Control.Applicative 
>(*) <$> [1..4] <*> [3..4]
>(*) <$> fromList [1..4] <*> fromList [3..4]

    No instance for (Applicative Seq) arising from a use of `<*>'
    Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Applicative Seq)
    In the expression: (*) <$> fromList [1 .. 4] <*> fromList [3 .. 4]
    In an equation for `it':
        it = (*) <$> fromList [1 .. 4] <*> fromList [3 .. 4]
>:t (*) <$> fromList [1..4] 
(*) <$> fromList [1..4] :: (Enum a, Num a) => Seq (a -> a)


>:t (*) <$> singleton 3
(*) <$> singleton 3 :: Num a => Seq (a -> a)
>:t (*) <$> singleton 3 <*> fromList [3 .. 4]

    Could not deduce (Applicative Seq) arising from a use of `<*>'
    from the context (Enum b, Num b)
      bound by the inferred type of it :: (Enum b, Num b) => Seq b
      at Top level
    Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Applicative Seq)
    In the expression: (*) <$> singleton 3 <*> fromList [3 .. 4]

我认为Seq (a -> a)类型符合f (a -> b)所要求的(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b


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