objects = [Object for Object in context.selected_objects if Object.type in ("MESH")]
for obj in objects:
mat_x90 = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(-math.pi/2, 4, 'X')
object[ OBJ.MAT ] = obj.matrix_world.copy()
object[ OBJ.LOC ] = object[ OBJ.MAT ].to_translation()
object[ OBJ.ROT ] = object[ OBJ.MAT ].to_quaternion()
object[ OBJ.SCA ] = object[ OBJ.MAT ].to_scale()
object[ OBJ.UVL ] = None
for face in obj.data.tessfaces:
for vertex_id in (0, 1, 2):
vertex_pnt = self.get_vertex_pnt(object, obj.data, face, vertex_id)
mesh.vertices.append( vertex_pnt )
def get_vertex_pnt( self, obj_prop, mesh, face, face_vi ):
# position
co = obj_prop[ OBJ.LOC ] +
mathutils.Vector(obj_prop[OBJ.ROT] * mathutils.Vector([
mesh.vertices[face.vertices[face_vi]].co[0] * obj_prop[OBJ.SCA][0], \
mesh.vertices[face.vertices[face_vi]].co[1] * obj_prop[OBJ.SCA][1], \
mesh.vertices[face.vertices[face_vi]].co[2] * obj_prop[OBJ.SCA][2] \
按' r'激活轮换
按' x'并旋转90度
答案 0 :(得分:0)
def get_override(area_type, region_type):
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
if area.type == area_type:
for region in area.regions:
if region.type == region_type:
override = {'area': area, 'region': region}
return override
#error message if the area or region wasn't found
raise RuntimeError("Wasn't able to find", region_type," in area ", area_type,
"\n Make sure it's open while executing script.")
#we need to override the context of our operator
override = get_override( 'VIEW_3D', 'WINDOW' )
#rotate about the X-axis by 45 degrees
bpy.ops.transform.rotate(override, value=6.283/8, axis=(1,0,0))