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$ \ int P(f)df = \ int x(t)^ 2 dt $
当然你必须考虑实际评估的频率请记住,fft会给你f = 1 / T的频率,直到或低于奈奎斯特频率f_ny = 1 /(2 dt),具体取决于x中的样本数量(t)是偶数还是奇数。
的python示例代码def psd(x,dt=1.):
"""Computes one-sided power spectral density of x.
PSD estimated via abs**2 of Fourier transform of x
Takes care of even or odd number of elements in x:
- if x is even both f=0 and Nyquist freq. appear once
- if x is odd f=0 appears once and Nyquist freq. does not appear
Note that there are no tapers applied: This may lead to leakage!
Parseval's theorem (Variance of time series equal to integral over PSD) holds and can be checked via
print ( np.var(x), sum(Px*f[1]) )
Accordingly, the etsimated PSD is independent of time series length
Author/date: M. von Papen / 16.03.2017
N = np.size(x)
xf = np.fft.fft(x)
Px = abs(xf)**2./N*dt
f = np.arange(N/2+1)/(N*dt)
if np.mod(N,2) == 0:
Px[1:N/2] = 2.*Px[1:N/2]
Px[1:N/2+1] = 2.*Px[1:N/2+1]
# Take one-sided spectrum
Px = Px[0:N/2+1]
return Px, f