
时间:2014-01-16 10:57:53

标签: algorithm recursion dynamic-programming


我们有一条长度为L的渡轮。这艘渡轮用于在两条河岸之间运输车辆。渡轮有两条车道,可以容纳车辆。每辆车的长度为l_i。可以容纳每个车道中的车辆,使得它们不超过渡轮的长度。给定长度为l_1, l_2, ..., l_n且长度为L的渡轮的车辆队列,找到可容纳的最大车辆数量。

请记住,车辆只能根据其在队列中的位置进入渡轮。例如,如果队列中的车辆长度为700, 600,前方车辆较大,车道剩余空间为0, 400,则无法加载较短的车辆而不是较长的车辆。

我能够使用递归关系解决这个问题。让solve(L1, L2, l_i, l_i+1, ..., l_n)返回长度为l_i, l_i+1, ..., l_n的车辆的最大数量,这些车辆可以容纳在两条车道中长度为L1, L2的渡轮中。

function solve(L1, L2, l_i, l_i+1, ..., l_n) {
    if (L1 - l_i > 0 and L2 - l_i > 0) {
       return 1 + max(solve(L1 - l_i, L2, l_i+1, ..., l_n), solve(L1, L2 - l_i, l_i+1, ..., l_n))
    } else if (L1 - l_i > 0) {
       return 1 + solve(L1 - l_i, L2, l_i+1, ..., l_n)
    } else if (L2 - l_i > 0) {
       return 1 + solve(L1, L2 - l_i, l_i+1, ..., l_n)
    } else {
       return 0





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



class State {
    public int lane1;
    public int lane2;        

    public State(int lane1, int lane2) {
        this.lane1 = lane1;
        this.lane2 = lane2;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof State) {
            State other = (State) o;
            return lane1 == other.lane1 && lane2 == other.lane2;
        } else {
            return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return 31 * lane1 + lane2;



public int findMaxCars(int L, int[] len) {        
    Set<State> previousStates = new HashSet<>();

    // the only possible state when there are no cars on the ferry:
    // both lanes have L remaining space
    previousStates.add(new State(L, L));

    for (int i = 0; i < len.length; i++) {
        Set<State> nextStates = new HashSet<>();

        for (State s : previousStates) {
            if (s.lane1 - len[i] >= 0) // can fit car i in lane1
                nextStates.add(new State(s.lane1 - len[i], s.lane2));
            if (s.lane2 - len[i] >= 0) // can fit car i in lane2
                nextStates.add(new State(s.lane1, s.lane2 - len[i]));

        if (nextStates.isEmpty()) {
            // we couldn't fit car i anywhere, so the answer is: at most i cars
            return i;
        } else {
            previousStates = nextStates;
    // finished the loop, so all cars fit
    return len.length;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


单个配置可以是其中一个车道的长度(因为在处理i车之后,您将知道两个车道的长度之和为l1 + l2 + ... + l_i。


def solve(L, car_lengths):
    confs = [True] + [False] * L
    S = 0
    for i, c in enumerate(car_lengths):
        S += c
        for j in xrange(L, -1, -1):
            if confs[j]:
                if S - j > L:
                    confs[j] = False
                if j + c <= L and S - j - c <= L:
                    confs[j + c] = True
        if not any(confs):
            return i

print solve(9, (5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 4, 8))



def solve(L, car_lengths):
    confs = set([0])
    S = 0
    for i, c in enumerate(car_lengths):
        S += c
        confs |= set(j + c for j in confs)
        confs = set(j for j in confs if j <= L and S - j <= L)
        if not confs:
            return i

print solve(9, (5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 4, 8))

答案 2 :(得分:0)


function solve(int L1,int L2, index, int [] length){//index : what is the current index in the array length we are referring to

哪个会做同样的事情。因此,我们可以轻松提出 DP状态DP[L1][L2][index]


if(DP[L1][L2][index] != -1){//Need to initialize the DP table first
    return DP[L1][L2][index];
int max = 0;
if(L1 >= length[index]){
    max = 1 + solve(L1 - length[index],L2,index + 1, length);
if(L2 >= length[index]){
    max = 1 + max(max,solve(L1 ,L2 - length[index],index + 1, length));
max = max(max,solve(L1,L2,index + 1, length);

最后观察是L1和L2的顺序并不重要,因此可以用min,max,(L1和L2之间的最小值,L1和L2之间的最大值)代替,这有助于减少 DP的步数。