这是到目前为止计算模型矩阵的相关代码。我知道代码不是通过每帧为每个骨骼创建大量新矩阵而完全有效,但我已经这样写了它以便我能够理解它。稍后优化。指示旋转的唯一骨骼是标记为“Bip01 L UpperArm”的骨骼,即右肩角色。
var temp = 0.0;
ModelInstance.prototype.Tick = function(step, name, hasArmature, bones) {
temp -= 0.0001*step;
temp -= 2.0;
else if(temp<-1.0)
temp += 2.0;
// Calculate world matrix for overall model
var rotation = quat.fromValues(this.rX, this.rY, this.rZ, 1.0);
quat.calculateW(rotation, rotation);
mat4.fromRotationTranslation(this.worldMatrix, rotation, [this.x, this.y, this.z]);
mat4.scale(this.worldMatrix, this.worldMatrix, [this.sX, this.sY, this.sZ]);
mat4.transpose(this.worldMatrix, this.worldMatrix);
// Calculate bone matrices
if(hasArmature) {
for(var i=0; i<bones.length && i<40; i++) {
// Rotate just the right shoulder for this example
var boneRotate = bones[i].name == "Bip01 L UpperArm" ? quat.fromValues(0.0, 0.0, temp, 1.0) : quat.fromValues(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
quat.calculateW(boneRotate, boneRotate);
// Original Position
// Translate to the position of the bone
var translationMatrix = mat4.create();
mat4.translate(translationMatrix, translationMatrix, [bones[i].pos[0], bones[i].pos[1], bones[i].pos[2]]);
// Rotation Matrix
// Amount to rotate the bone by
var rotationMatrix = mat4.create();
mat4.fromQuat(rotationMatrix, boneRotate);
// New Position
// Rotate the bone around the bones origin by the requested amount
var boneMatrix = mat4.create();
mat4.multiply(boneMatrix, translationMatrix, rotationMatrix);
// Apply parent transformations
if(bones[i].parent>=0) {
var parentID = bones[i].parent;
while(parentID>=0) {
mat4.multiply(boneMatrix, boneMatrix, this.boneMatrices[parentID]);
parentID = bones[parentID].parent;
// Remove original translation
var inverseMatrix = mat4.create();
mat4.invert(inverseMatrix, translationMatrix);
mat4.multiply(boneMatrix, boneMatrix, inverseMatrix);
// Save matrix
this.boneMatrices[i] = boneMatrix;
"name":"Bip01 Pelvis",
"name":"Bip01 Spine",
"name":"Bip01 Spine1",
"name":"Bip01 Neck",
"name":"Bip01 L Clavicle",
"name":"Bip01 L UpperArm",
"name":"Bip01 L Forearm",
"name":"Bip01 L Hand",
mat4 skinMatrix;
skinMatrix = uBoneMatrices[int(aBoneIndex.x)] * aBoneWeight.x +
uBoneMatrices[int(aBoneIndex.y)] * aBoneWeight.y +
uBoneMatrices[int(aBoneIndex.z)] * aBoneWeight.z +
uBoneMatrices[int(aBoneIndex.w)] * aBoneWeight.w;
gl_Position = (((vec4(aPosition, 1.0) * skinMatrix) * uWMatrix) * uVMatrix) * uPMatrix;
vLightViewPosition = (((vec4(aPosition, 1.0) * skinMatrix) * uWMatrix) * uLVMatrix) * uLPMatrix;