
时间:2021-06-11 02:59:57

标签: matlab graph matlab-figure scatter-plot



clear all; 
close all; 

% number of bits
L = 1e4;
N = 1;
M = L/N;
u = [ ones(1,N) ];

alpha = 0.3;

% LED information
Vt = 0.5;
Is = 0.12;

% LED model
K = 0.8; 
imax = 0.5;
threshold = 150;
sigmaV2 = (imax/threshold)^2;

% Signal to Noise Ratio (in dB)
SNRdB = -10:2:32;
SNR = 10.^(SNRdB/10);

% standard deviation of the signal (power)
sigmaX2v = SNR*sigmaV2;
alphaICS = 0.3;

% Minimum number of bits for BER calculation
minNbits = 500;

for count=1:length(SNRdB)  

an = 2*randi([ 0 1 ],1,L)-1;
bn = 2*randi([ 0 1 ],1,L)-1;
dI = 2*randi([ 0 1 ],1,L)-1;
dQ = 2*randi([ 0 1 ],1,L)-1; 

sn = an.*(sqrt(1-alpha) + sqrt(alpha).*dI) +1i.*bn.*(sqrt(1-alpha) + sqrt(alpha).*dQ);
sn1 = sn.';

Y = sn1; % transmitter
stdS = std(Y);    
X = zeros(1,4*L);
X(2:2:end) = [Y; conj(Y(end:-1:1))];    
xTD = ifft(X);
xTD = (sqrt(sigmaX2v(count)))*xTD/std(xTD);
xx = xTD;
ind = find(xTD < 0);
xx(ind) = zeros(size(ind));
ss = xx;
iLED = Is*(exp(ss/Vt)-1);         
xLED = iLED./(  (1 + (iLED/imax).^(2*K)).^(1/(2*K)));
nErrorsBitsInf = 0;   
nErrorsBitsW = 0;   
cont = 0;
   while ( (nErrorsBitsW < minNbits)  || (nErrorsBitsInf < minNbits))        
        cont = cont + 1;        
        v = sqrt(sigmaV2)*randn(size(xx));        
        y = xLED + v;        
        Nframe = length(y);          
        Xhat = (fft(y));        
        Shat = Xhat(2:2:Nframe/2);        
        Shat = stdS*Shat/std(Shat); % receiver        

我想绘制两个单独的图形:一个是接收器的结果 (Shat),另一个是发射器的结果 (Y)。


example of how I would like my chart to look.

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