在我的游戏之一处理碰撞检测的N游戏教程之后,有一点不清楚这个方法是他们在这个页面上讨论单独的轴定理但是如果你在实现中看到(教程A)没有哪里我可以看到单独的轴被处理。从下面的URL,--= round shapes =--
obj - 是玩家(矩形) t - 瓷砖 x,y - 边界框投影
function ProjAABB_Concave(x,y,obj,t)
//if distance from "innermost" corner of AABB is further than tile radius,
//collision is occuring and we need to project
var signx = t.signx;
var signy = t.signy;
var ox = (t.pos.x + (signx*t.xw)) - (obj.pos.x - (signx*obj.xw));//(ox,oy) is the vector form the innermost AABB corner to the
var oy = (t.pos.y + (signy*t.yw))- (obj.pos.y - (signy*obj.yw));//circle's center
var twid = t.xw*2;
var rad = Math.sqrt(twid*twid + 0);//this gives us the radius of a circle centered on the tile's corner and extending to the opposite edge of the tile;
//note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant
var len = Math.sqrt(ox*ox + oy*oy);
var pen = len - rad;
if(0 < pen)
//collision; we need to either project along the axes, or project along corner->circlecenter vector
var lenP = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
if(lenP < pen)
//it's shorter to move along axis directions
obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x,y,x/lenP, y/lenP, t);
return COL_AXIS;
//project along corner->circle vector
ox /= len;//len should never be 0, since if it IS 0, rad should be > than len
oy /= len;//and we should never reach here
obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox*pen, oy*pen, ox, oy, t);
return COL_OTHER;
return COL_NONE;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这是一个简单的球体 - 球体碰撞。查看他们所在的部分
var pen = len - rad;
if(0 < pen)
他们只是检查“t”物体半径减去当前物体半径是否接触(= 0)或交叉(&lt; 0)。
var ox = (t.pos.x + (signx*t.xw)) - (obj.pos.x - (signx*obj.xw));//(ox,oy) is the vector form the innermost AABB corner to the
var oy = (t.pos.y + (signy*t.yw))- (obj.pos.y - (signy*obj.yw));//circle's center
答案 1 :(得分:0)