
时间:2019-11-17 16:13:28

标签: python python-3.x


twos = 0
eights = 0
file = 'numbers.txt'
with open(file) as fin:
    for line in fin:
        if line[-2:] == '0':
           twos += 1
        elif line[-3:] == '000':
           eights +=1




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

  • 最后一个“数字”是class ViewItemAdapter( val activity: Activity, val itemList: MutableList<LinkedHashMap<String, Any>>, val mDragStartListener: OnStartDragListener, val recyclerView: RecyclerView, val nestedScrollView: NestedScrollView ) : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(), ItemTouchHelperAdapter { override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder { val layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context) return ItemDisplayRankableHolder(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.item_display_rankable, parent, false)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { val hashMap = itemList[position] val nameString = hashMap["name"].toString() if (holder is ItemDisplayRankableHolder) { holder.tvItemName.text = nameString if (hashMap.containsKey("description")) { val descString = hashMap["description"].toString() holder.tvItemDescription.text = descString } else { holder.tvItemDescription.visibility = View.GONE } } holder.itemView.setOnClickListener { log("RecyclerView: ${recyclerView.measuredHeight}") log("Height: ${holder.itemView.measuredHeight}") } } override fun getItemCount(): Int { return itemList.size } override fun onItemMove(fromPosition: Int, toPosition: Int) { if (toPosition < itemList.size) { if (fromPosition < toPosition) { for (i in fromPosition until toPosition) { Collections.swap(itemList, i, i + 1) } } else { for (i in fromPosition downTo toPosition + 1) { Collections.swap(itemList, i, i - 1) } } notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition) } } } (或class ListItemFragment : Fragment(), OnStartDragListener, ArrayResponse { private lateinit var nestedScrollView: NestedScrollView private lateinit var indexRecyclerView: RecyclerView private lateinit var itemRecyclerView: RecyclerView private var mItemTouchHelper: ItemTouchHelper? = null private lateinit var itemList: MutableList<LinkedHashMap<String, Any>> var currentScrollY = 0 var lastScrollY = 0 override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { // Inflate the layout for this fragment val rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_list_item, container, false) initAll(rootView) val bundle = arguments if (bundle != null) { val itemData = bundle.getString("list") val collectionType = object : TypeToken<MutableList<LinkedHashMap<String, Any>>>() {}.type itemList = Gson().fromJson(itemData, collectionType) startAdapter() } nestedScrollView.setOnScrollChangeListener { v: NestedScrollView?, scrollX: Int, scrollY: Int, oldScrollX: Int, oldScrollY: Int -> val number = scrollY / DISPLAY_ITEM_HEIGHT currentScrollY = scrollY (parentFragment as ListDetailsFragment).showTopRemaining(number) (parentFragment as ListDetailsFragment).showBottomRemaining(number) } return rootView } private fun initAll(rootView: View) { indexRecyclerView = rootView.findViewById(R.id.indexRecyclerView) indexRecyclerView.setHasFixedSize(true) indexRecyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context) itemRecyclerView = rootView.findViewById(R.id.itemRecyclerView) itemRecyclerView.setHasFixedSize(true) itemRecyclerView.isNestedScrollingEnabled = false itemRecyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context) nestedScrollView = rootView.findViewById(R.id.nestedScrollView) itemList = mutableListOf() } private fun startAdapter() { val indexAdapter = IndexAdapter(activity!!, itemList.size) indexRecyclerView.adapter = indexAdapter val itemAdapter = ViewItemAdapter(activity!!, itemList, this, itemRecyclerView, nestedScrollView) itemRecyclerView.adapter = itemAdapter val callback = DisplayItemTouchHelperCallback(itemAdapter, itemRecyclerView, nestedScrollView, this) mItemTouchHelper = ItemTouchHelper(callback) mItemTouchHelper?.attachToRecyclerView(itemRecyclerView) } override fun onStartDrag(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) { mItemTouchHelper?.startDrag(viewHolder) } override fun onValuePass(responseList: LinkedHashMap<String, Any>) { if (responseList.containsKey("scroll")) { val height = responseList["scroll"] as Int nestedScrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, height) } } } ),而不是line[-1](根据line[-1:]是最后3个数字的相同逻辑”个数字”,而不是最后2个数字。

  • 您的代码根本不会尝试处理换行符。

  • 您的算法将丢失由于line[-2:]而被2和8整除的数字。




答案 1 :(得分:-1)


 line = line.strip() // The strip() method returns a copy of the string with both leading and trailing characters removed 
    if line[-1] == '0':
        twos += 1