我有一个创建质数的代码,将它们转换为Mersenne数,然后再次进行质数检查以查看它是否为Mersenne质数。它在2 ^ 31-1 ...(2147483647)处停止,因此效果很好
def infinity():
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
yield i
,然后将其更改为以while True
结尾的i += 1
def isPrime(i):
isprime = True
for j in range(2, int(math.sqrt(i) + 1)):
if i % j == 0:
return False
if isprime and i!=1:
return True
while True:
isprime = True
for j in range(2, int(math.sqrt(i) + 1)):
if i % j == 0:
isprime = False
if isprime and i!=1:
test = (2**i)-1
result = isPrime(test)
if result:
print (test)
答案 0 :(得分:4)
你的算法看起来不错,对我有用。不过,我决定进行一些改进,并且还实现了更快的寻找梅森素数的算法。仅供参考,所有世界知名的梅森素数都是 listed here。
因为在我的回答中,我有很多代码片段,而且很多都很大,您可以使用漂亮的 Chrome 扩展程序 (Clipboardy)(描述了如何安装 in this answer),它可以轻松地将 StackOverflow 代码片段复制到剪贴板。
步骤 1。算法版本 0,仅限 Python。
首先,我改进了你的算法,也美化了你的代码。一个简单的改进是,在检查 is_prime 时,您只能检查奇数除数,这将使速度加倍。这是我得到的:
import math, time
def print_result(exp, *, tb = time.time()):
print(exp, 'at', round(time.time() - tb, 3), 'secs', flush = True, end = ', ')
def mersennes_v0():
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 2:
return n == 2
if n & 1 == 0:
return False
for j in range(3, math.floor(math.sqrt(n + 0.1)) + 1, 2):
if n % j == 0:
return False
return True
for i in range(2, 63):
if is_prime(i) and is_prime((1 << i) - 1):
2 at 0.0 secs, 3 at 0.0 secs, 5 at 0.001 secs, 7 at 0.001 secs,
13 at 0.001 secs, 17 at 0.001 secs, 19 at 0.002 secs, 31 at 0.009 secs,
61 at 243.5412 secs,
第 2 步。算法版本 0,加上 Numba。
然后在不改变算法的情况下我做了非常简单的改进,我使用了Numba JIT 代码优化器/编译器!要在您的程序中使用它,您需要通过 python -m pip install numba
一次安装 PIP 模块。
在上面的代码中,我只是做了 3 个小改动来使用 Numba - 1) 做了 import numba
2) 添加了函数装饰器 @numba.njit
3) 添加了行 with numba.objmode():
使用 Numba 将 AlgoV0 的运行时间从 243 秒改进为 15 秒,即速度提高了 16x
重要说明 - 与常规 Python Numba 不支持大整数算法不同,这意味着只能测试拟合 64 位整数的素数!
import math, time
import numba
def print_result(exp, *, tb = time.time()):
print(exp, 'at', round(time.time() - tb, 3), 'secs', flush = True, end = ', ')
def mersennes_v0():
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 2:
return n == 2
if n & 1 == 0:
return False
for j in range(3, math.floor(math.sqrt(n + 0.1)) + 1, 2):
if n % j == 0:
return False
return True
for i in range(2, 63):
if is_prime(i) and is_prime((1 << i) - 1):
with numba.objmode():
2 at 1.257 secs, 3 at 1.257 secs, 5 at 1.257 secs, 7 at 1.257 secs,
13 at 1.257 secs, 17 at 1.257 secs, 19 at 1.258 secs, 31 at 1.258 secs,
61 at 15.052 secs,
第 3 步。算法版本 1,仅限 Python。
然后我决定实施 Lucas Lehmer Primality Test,它将更快地解决相同的任务。因为它是完全不同的算法,我称之为版本 1 算法。
Numba 在这里对我们帮助不大,因为它没有长算术,所以我没有使用它,我使用了内置的默认 Python 长算术。 Python 默认的长算术实现在速度上已经足够好,可以按原样使用。此外,下一段代码的主要运行时间是在基于 C 的低级长算术函数中,因此下一段代码是 Lucas Lehmer 测试的非常有效的变体。
请注意,Lucas Lehmer 检验对从 3 开始的指数有效,因此控制台输出中不会显示指数 2。
所以接下来的代码只使用带有标准模块的原始 Python,不需要安装任何 PIP 模块。
import math, time
def print_result(exp, *, tb = time.time()):
print(exp, 'at', round(time.time() - tb, 3), 'secs', flush = True, end = ', ')
def mersennes_v1():
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 2:
return n == 2
if n & 1 == 0:
return False
for j in range(3, math.floor(math.sqrt(n + 0.1)) + 1, 2):
if n % j == 0:
return False
return True
def lucas_lehmer_test(p):
# Lucas Lehmer Test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas%E2%80%93Lehmer_primality_test
mask = (1 << p) - 1
def mer_rem(x, bits):
# Below is same as: return x % mask
while True:
r = 0
while x != 0:
r += x & mask
x >>= bits
if r == mask:
r = 0
if r < mask:
return r
x = r
s = 4
for k in range(2, p):
s = mer_rem(s * s - 2, p)
return s == 0
for p in range(3, 1 << 30):
if is_prime(p) and lucas_lehmer_test(p):
3 at 0.0 secs, 5 at 0.001 secs, 7 at 0.001 secs, 13 at 0.001 secs,
17 at 0.001 secs, 19 at 0.001 secs, 31 at 0.002 secs, 61 at 0.003 secs,
89 at 0.004 secs, 107 at 0.005 secs, 127 at 0.006 secs, 521 at 0.062 secs,
607 at 0.087 secs, 1279 at 0.504 secs, 2203 at 2.338 secs, 2281 at 2.634 secs,
3217 at 7.819 secs, 4253 at 20.578 secs, 4423 at 23.196 secs,
9689 at 386.877 secs, 9941 at 419.243 secs, 11213 at 590.477 secs,
第 4 步。算法版本 1,加上 GMPY2。
上述算法的下一个可能改进是使用 GMPY2 Python 库。它是高度优化的长算术库,比长算术的常规 Python 实现快得多。
但是 GMPY2 的安装可能非常具有挑战性。适用于 Windows 的最新预编译版本可用 by this link。为您的 Python 版本下载 .whl 文件并通过 pip 安装,例如对于我的 Windows 64 位 Python 3.7,我下载并安装了 pip install gmpy2-2.0.8-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
。对于 Linux,最容易通过 sudo apt install -y python3-gmpy2
为了在上一步的代码中使用 gmpy2,我添加了行 import gmpy2
并在几个地方使用了 gmpy2.mpz(...)
与仅使用 Python 的版本相比,使用 gmpy2 将指数 11213 的速度提高了大约 5.2x
倍,对于更大的指数,这种速度增益会更大,这可能是由于在 GMPY2 中使用了快速傅立叶变换乘法算法图书馆。
import math, time
import gmpy2
def print_result(exp, *, tb = time.time()):
print(exp, 'at', round(time.time() - tb, 3), 'secs', flush = True, end = ', ')
def mersennes_v1():
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 2:
return n == 2
if n & 1 == 0:
return False
for j in range(3, math.floor(math.sqrt(n + 0.1)) + 1, 2):
if n % j == 0:
return False
return True
def lucas_lehmer_test(p):
# Lucas Lehmer Test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas%E2%80%93Lehmer_primality_test
mask = gmpy2.mpz((1 << p) - 1)
def mer_rem(x, bits):
# Below is same as: return x % mask
while True:
r = gmpy2.mpz(0)
while x != 0:
r += x & mask
x >>= bits
if r == mask:
r = gmpy2.mpz(0)
if r < mask:
return r
x = r
s = 4
s, p = gmpy2.mpz(s), gmpy2.mpz(p)
for k in range(2, p):
s = mer_rem(s * s - 2, p)
return s == 0
for p in range(3, 1 << 30):
if is_prime(p) and lucas_lehmer_test(p):
3 at 0.0 secs, 5 at 0.0 secs, 7 at 0.001 secs, 13 at 0.001 secs,
17 at 0.001 secs, 19 at 0.001 secs, 31 at 0.002 secs, 61 at 0.002 secs,
89 at 0.004 secs, 107 at 0.005 secs, 127 at 0.006 secs, 521 at 0.055 secs,
607 at 0.073 secs, 1279 at 0.315 secs, 2203 at 1.055 secs, 2281 at 1.16 secs,
3217 at 2.637 secs, 4253 at 5.674 secs, 4423 at 6.375 secs,
9689 at 72.535 secs, 9941 at 79.605 secs, 11213 at 114.375 secs,
19937 at 796.705 secs, 21701 at 1080.045 secs, 23209 at 1421.392 secs,
步骤 5。算法版本1,GMPY2+多核
比上一步更明显的改进是使用多核 CPU 功能,即在所有可用 CPU 内核上并行化 Lucas-Lehmer 测试。
为此,我们使用标准 Python 的 multiprocessing 模块。
在我的 4 核 CPU 速度提升上,指数 23209 是单核版本的 2.65x
import math, time, multiprocessing
import gmpy2
def print_result(exp, *, tb = time.time()):
print(exp, 'at', round(time.time() - tb, 3), 'secs', flush = True, end = ', ')
def lucas_lehmer_test(p):
# Lucas Lehmer Test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas%E2%80%93Lehmer_primality_test
def num(n):
return gmpy2.mpz(n)
mask = num((1 << p) - 1)
def mer_rem(x, bits):
# Below is same as: return x % mask
while True:
r = num(0)
while x != 0:
r += x & mask
x >>= bits
if r == mask:
r = num(0)
if r < mask:
return r
x = r
s, p, two = num(4), num(p), num(2)
for k in range(2, p):
s = mer_rem(s * s - two, p)
return p, s == 0
def mersennes_v1():
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 2:
return n == 2
if n & 1 == 0:
return False
for j in range(3, math.floor(math.sqrt(n + 0.1)) + 1, 2):
if n % j == 0:
return False
return True
print('Num Cores Used:', multiprocessing.cpu_count())
with multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as pool:
for p, _ in filter(lambda e: e[1], pool.imap(lucas_lehmer_test, filter(is_prime, range(3, 1 << 30)))):
if __name__ == '__main__':
3 at 0.746 secs, 5 at 0.747 secs, 7 at 0.747 secs, 13 at 0.747 secs,
17 at 0.747 secs, 19 at 0.748 secs, 31 at 0.748 secs, 61 at 0.748 secs,
89 at 0.749 secs, 107 at 0.749 secs, 127 at 0.75 secs, 521 at 0.782 secs,
607 at 0.79 secs, 1279 at 0.876 secs, 2203 at 1.09 secs, 2281 at 1.122 secs,
3217 at 1.529 secs, 4253 at 2.329 secs, 4423 at 2.529 secs,
9689 at 25.208 secs, 9941 at 29.454 secs, 11213 at 50.498 secs,
19937 at 337.926 secs, 21701 at 441.264 secs, 23209 at 537.84 secs,
步骤 6。高级代码,带试用版测试
提供下一个代码仅供参考,它比上一步复杂得多。主要区别是添加了 Trial Division Test(对现有的 Lucas-Lehmer 测试)。
要使用代码,您需要 pip install numpy colorama
,还需要按照前面的步骤中的说明安装 gmpy2
。与前面的步骤不同,这一步至少需要 Python 3.8 才能工作(由于共享内存功能)。
在 mersennes_v2()
,这个变量控制素数表的大小,32意味着所有的32位素数都是生成。试用分区测试需要此素数表。如果您生成更多,则此测试成功的机会更高,因此可以节省更多时间,而不是使用繁重的 Lucas-Lehmer。如果您的内存不多,那么将 prime_bits 设置为较小的值,但不小于 24,对于 24,将仅使用 5MB
的内存,而对于 32,将在 650MB
另一个附加的东西是 1) 使用 Sieve of Eratosthenes 生成素数表 2) 共享内存的使用 3) 带有统计信息的精美控制台输出。
最后提供的时间不准确(不要将它们与之前的步骤进行比较),因为我今天的 CPU 过热并且速度降低了两倍。
表示额外试验除法测试提供的提升量,即与仅使用 LucasLehmer 相比,使用 TrialDivision+LucasLehmer 平均花费的时间少多少。如果 tboost 值大于 1.0x
则意味着额外的 TrialDivision 是有益的,否则(如果小于 1.0)则意味着速度变慢,这可能发生在某些系统上,则代码需要额外调整。在控制台中,tbits:X
表示对 2^X
import math, time, multiprocessing, multiprocessing.pool, multiprocessing.shared_memory, sys, os, faulthandler, traceback, secrets
import numpy as np, gmpy2, colorama
def is_mersenne(args, *, data = {'tf': 0}):
def lucas_lehmer_test(exp):
# Lucas Lehmer Test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas%E2%80%93Lehmer_primality_test
def num(n):
return gmpy2.mpz(n)
mask = num((1 << exp) - 1)
def mer_rem(x, bits):
# Below is same as: return x % mask
while True:
r = num(0)
while x != 0:
r += x & mask
x >>= bits
if r == mask:
r = num(0)
if r < mask:
return r
x = r
tb = time.time()
s, exp, two = num(4), num(exp), num(2)
for k in range(2, exp):
s = mer_rem(s * s - two, exp)
#print('ll', '-+'[s==0], '_', int(exp), '_', round(time.time() - tb, 3), sep = '', end = ' ', flush = True)
return s == 0
def trial_div_test(exp):
import numpy as np
if 'ptaba' not in data:
data['shp'] = multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory(args['all_primes_shname'])
data['ptaba'] = np.ndarray((args['all_primes_size'] // 4,), dtype = np.uint32, buffer = data['shp'].buf)
if exp <= 32:
return True, {'bits': 0}
bits = max(16, min(-19 + math.floor(math.log(exp) / math.log(1.25)), math.ceil(args['prime_bits'])))
if ('ptabb', bits) not in data:
cnt = min(np.searchsorted(data['ptaba'], 1 << bits), len(data['ptaba']))
data[('ptabb', bits)] = np.ndarray((cnt,), dtype = np.uint32, buffer = data['shp'].buf)
sptab = data[('ptabb', bits)]
tb, bl, probably_prime = time.time(), 1 << 13, True
spows = np.empty((bl,), dtype = np.uint64)
for i in range(0, sptab.size, bl):
ptab = sptab[i : i + bl]
pows = spows if spows.size == ptab.size else spows[:ptab.size]
pows[...] = 2
for b in bin(exp)[3:]:
pows *= pows
if b == '1':
pows <<= 1
pows %= ptab
if np.count_nonzero(pows == 1) > 0:
probably_prime = False
#print('td', '-+'[probably_prime], '_', int(exp), '_', round(time.time() - tb, 3), sep = '', end = ' ', flush = True)
return probably_prime, {'bits': bits}
p, stats = args['p'], {'tt': time.time()}
r, tinfo = trial_div_test(p)
stats['tt'], stats['tr'], stats['tte'], stats['tinfo'] = time.time() - stats['tt'], r, time.time(), tinfo
if not r:
return p, r, stats
stats['lt'] = time.time()
r = lucas_lehmer_test(p)
stats['lt'], stats['lte'] = time.time() - stats['lt'], time.time()
return p, r, stats
return None, True, '', traceback.format_exc()
def mersennes_v2():
prime_bits = 28
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
console_width = os.get_terminal_size().columns
def gen_primes(stop, *, dtype = 'int64'):
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes
import math, numpy as np
if stop < 2:
return np.zeros((0,), dtype = dtype)
primes = np.ones((stop >> 1,), dtype = np.uint8)
primes[0] = False
for p in range(3, math.floor(math.sqrt(stop)) + 1, 2):
if primes[p >> 1]:
primes[(p * p) >> 1 :: p] = False
return np.concatenate((np.array([2], dtype = dtype), (np.flatnonzero(primes).astype(dtype) << 1) + 1))
def RoundFix(x, n):
s = str(round(x, n))
return s + '0' * (n - len(s) + ('.' + s).rfind('.'))
prime_bits = max(24, min(prime_bits, math.log(math.sqrt((1 << 63) - 1)) / math.log(2)))
print(f'Generating {round(prime_bits, 2)}-bits primes...', end = ' ', flush = True)
tb = time.time()
all_primes = gen_primes(math.floor(2 ** prime_bits), dtype = 'uint32')
print(f'{round(time.time() - tb)} secs.', flush = True)
all_primes_size = len(all_primes.data) * all_primes.dtype.itemsize
all_primes_shname = secrets.token_hex(16).upper()
shp = multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory(
name = all_primes_shname, create = True, size = all_primes_size)
shp.buf[:all_primes_size] = all_primes.tobytes()
del all_primes
all_primes = np.ndarray((all_primes_size // 4,), dtype = np.uint32, buffer = shp.buf)
print('Using', num_cores, 'cores.', flush = True)
offx, tstart, tlast, ptimes = 0, time.time(), time.time(), []
tstats = {'tt': 0.0, 'tc': 0, 'tts': [], 'tta': 0.0, 'lt': 0.0, 'lc': 0, 'lts': [], 'lta': 0.0, 'st': [(0, 0, time.time())], 'tbits': []}
with multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores) as pool:
for e in pool.imap(is_mersenne, ({
'p': int(e), 'all_primes_size': all_primes_size, 'all_primes_shname': all_primes_shname, 'prime_bits': prime_bits,
} for e in all_primes)):
if e[0] is None:
print('!!!Exception!!!\n', e[3], sep = '', flush = True)
stats = e[2]
def fill(p):
tstats[f'{p}t'] += stats[f'{p}t']
tstats[f'{p}ts'] += [(stats[f'{p}t'], stats[f'{p}te'])]
while len(tstats[f'{p}ts']) > 20 and tstats[f'{p}ts'][-1][1] - tstats[f'{p}ts'][0][1] > 120:
tstats[f'{p}ts'] = tstats[f'{p}ts'][1:]
tstats[f'{p}c'] += 1
tstats[f'{p}ta'] = sum(e[0] for e in tstats[f'{p}ts']) / len(tstats[f'{p}ts'])
if p == 't':
tstats['st'] += [(stats['tt'] + stats.get('lt', 0), stats.get('lt', tstats['st'][-1][1]), stats.get('lte', stats['tte']))]
while len(tstats['st']) > 50 and tstats['st'][-1][2] - tstats['st'][0][2] > 300:
tstats['st'] = tstats['st'][1:]
tstats['sta'] = sum(e[1] for e in tstats['st']) / max(0.001, sum(e[0] for e in tstats['st']))
tstats['tbits'] = (tstats['tbits'] + [stats['tinfo']['bits']])[-20:]
tstats['tbitsa'] = sum(tstats['tbits']) / len(tstats['tbits'])
if 'lt' in stats:
if not e[1]:
s0 = f'{str(e[0]).rjust(6)}| trial:{RoundFix(stats["tt"], 3)}/lucas:' + (f'{RoundFix(stats["lt"], 3)}' if 'lt' in stats else '-' * len(RoundFix(tstats['lta'], 3))) + f' secs (avg t:{RoundFix(tstats["tta"], 3)}/l:{RoundFix(tstats["lta"], 3)}) '
s1 = f'{"".rjust(6)}| cnt t:{tstats["tc"]}({tstats["tc"] - tstats["lc"]})/l:{tstats["lc"]}, tboost:{RoundFix(tstats["sta"], 3)}x tbits:{RoundFix(tstats["tbitsa"], 2)} '
print('\033[2A' + s0[:console_width - 4] + '\n' + s1[:console_width - 4] + '\n', end = '', flush = True)
s = str(e[0]).rjust(6) + ' at ' + str(round(time.time() - tstart)).rjust(6) + ' secs, '
if offx + len(s) <= console_width - 4:
print('\033[3A\033[' + str(offx) + 'C' + s + '\n\n\n', end = '', flush = True)
print('\033[2A' + (' ' * (console_width - 4)) + '\n\033[1A' + s + '\n\n\n', end = '', flush = True)
offx = 0
offx += len(s)
tlast = time.time()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Generating 28-bits primes... 4 secs.
Using 8 cores.
3 at 1 secs, 5 at 1 secs, 7 at 1 secs,
13 at 1 secs, 17 at 1 secs, 19 at 1 secs,
31 at 1 secs, 61 at 1 secs, 89 at 1 secs,
107 at 1 secs, 127 at 1 secs, 521 at 1 secs,
607 at 1 secs, 1279 at 1 secs, 2203 at 2 secs,
2281 at 2 secs, 3217 at 3 secs, 4253 at 4 secs,
4423 at 5 secs, 9689 at 57 secs, 9941 at 68 secs,
11213 at 106 secs, 19937 at 832 secs, 21701 at 1145 secs,
23209 at 1448 secs,
13327| trial:0.599/lucas:5.510 secs (avg t:0.290/l:3.592)
| cnt t:1582(490)/l:1092, tboost:1.348x tbits:23.00