
时间:2019-06-08 01:49:57

标签: algorithm ocaml

我正在尝试在OCaml中实现扩展的欧几里得算法,并尝试通过稍作修改(返回GCD以及Bezout系数)基本上复制this Haskell implementation,我写了以下内容。

(* A function to help get the quotient and remainder. *)
let rec quot_help a b q = 
    if (a = b*q) then q
    else if (a > b*q) then quot_help a b (q+1)
    else q-1;;

(* A function to get the quotient and remainder, as a pair. *)
let rec quotrem a b = let q = quot_help a b 0 in (q, a - b*q);; 

(* A helper to the main function. Most of the work is done here.*)    
let rec step a b s t u v =
    if (b = 0) then (a, 1, 0)
    else let (q, r) = quotrem a b in
    step b r u v (s - q*u) (t - q*v);;

let extEuc a b = step a b 1 0 0 1;; 

(* For printing an example. *)
let (q, r) = quotrem 5 3 in Printf.printf "%d, %d" q r;;
print_string "\n";;
let (o1, o2, o3) = extEuc 5 3 in Printf.printf "%d, %d, %d" o1 o2 o3;;

但是,对于向1, 1, 0的任何输入,这始终会打印出extEuc。我不知道为什么。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

按照书面规定,您的step函数为所有输入显式返回(a, 1, 0)a的值是正确的gcd,但显然1和0并不是所有情况下的Bezout系数。


 # extEuc 55 5;;
 - : int * int * int = (5, 1, 0)

最可能的是,如果在b = 0时固定step的值,您将开始获得良好的答案。