class Ship {
PVector shipAcceleration;
PVector shipVelocity;
PVector shipPosition;
PShape shipShape;
float shipDirection;
int shipLastFire; //holds the time in millis that the last bullet was fired
int shipDelayTime;
Ship() {
shipAcceleration = new PVector();
shipVelocity = new PVector();
shipPosition = new PVector(width/2, height/2); // player starts in middle of screen
shipDirection = 0; // set to 0 to so "up" is a sense of direction
shipLastFire = 0;
shipDelayTime = 300;
keys = new boolean[5];
shipShape = createShape();
shipShape.fill(255, 0, 0);
shipShape.vertex(0, -4);
shipShape.vertex(2, 0);
shipShape.vertex(2, 2);
shipShape.vertex(0, 1);
shipShape.vertex(-2, 2);
shipShape.vertex(-2, 0);
shipShape.vertex(0, -4);
void moveShip() {
// reset.Matrix sourced from https://processing.org/reference/resetMatrix_.html
shipShape.rotate(radians(shipDirection)); // rotates ship
shape(shipShape, shipPosition.x, shipPosition.y, 10, 10);
void updateShip() {
// motion sourced from Chapter 22 of 'Processing: A programming handbook
// for visual designers and asrtists' by Casey Reas and Ben Fry
shipAcceleration.x = 0;
shipAcceleration.y = 0;
if (keys[0]) {
shipAcceleration.x = 0.5 * cos(radians(shipDirection) - PI/2);
shipAcceleration.y = 0.5 * sin(radians(shipDirection) - PI/2);
if (keys[1] && !keys[2])
shipDirection -= 5;
if (keys[2] && !keys[1])
shipDirection += 5;
// add sourced from https://processing.org/reference/PVector_add_.html
// mult sourced from https://processing.org/reference/PVector_mult_.html
shipPosition.x %= width;
if (shipPosition.x < -10)
shipPosition.x = width;
shipPosition.y %= height;
if (shipPosition.y < -10)
shipPosition.y = height;
if (keys[4]) {
if (millis() - shipLastFire > shipDelayTime) {
shipLastFire = millis();
fireBullet(shipPosition, shipVelocity, shipDirection);
class Bullet {
PVector bulletPosition;
PVector bulletVelocity;
boolean bulletHidden; // used if lifespan is max and to help recycle
int bulletSize;
int bulletCreationTime;
int bulletLifespan; //the time in milli seconds that bullets last
int bulletSpeed;
Bullet() {
bulletHidden = true;
bulletSize = 5;
bulletPosition = new PVector();
bulletVelocity = new PVector();
bulletCreationTime = 0;
bulletLifespan = 3000;
bulletSpeed = 5;
void updateBullet() {
if (!bulletHidden) {
if (millis() - bulletCreationTime > bulletLifespan)
// millis sourced from https://processing.org/reference/millis_.html
bulletHidden = true;
bulletPosition.x %= width;
if (bulletPosition.x < -1)
bulletPosition.x = width;
bulletPosition.y %= height;
if (bulletPosition.y < -1)
bulletPosition.y = height;
void drawBullet() {
if (!bulletHidden) {
ellipse(bulletPosition.x, bulletPosition.y, bulletSize, bulletSize);
void reset(PVector pos, PVector spe, float direct) {
bulletPosition = new PVector(pos.x + (20 * cos(radians(direct) - PI/2)), pos.y + (20 * sin(radians(direct) - PI/2)));
bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed * cos(radians(direct) - PI/2) + spe.x;
bulletVelocity.y = bulletSpeed * sin(radians(direct) - PI/2) + spe.y;
bulletCreationTime = millis();
bulletHidden = false;
class Asteroid {
float asteroidSize = (width/80*12);
float x;
float y;
float velocityX;
float velocityY;
PVector[] vertices = new PVector[8];
boolean active = true; //false after collision
int level = 1; // how many times has it been shot. Level 1 is not yet shot
Asteroid(float xPos, float yPos, int aLevel) {
if (xPos == 0 && yPos == 0) { //if begin level asteroids
x = random(width) ; // set random start positions
y = random (height);
} else { // if collision generating 2 smaller asteroids
x = xPos; // set from asteroid x, y
y = yPos;
velocityX = random(-2, 2);
velocityY = random(-2, 2);
level = aLevel; //sets asteroid level (how many times shot)
//create polygon. /aLevel generates smaller polygons with each collision.
vertices[0] = new PVector(random (width/80*3/aLevel), random(height/80*3/aLevel) );
vertices[1] = new PVector(random((width/80*4/aLevel), (width/80*8/aLevel)), random(height/80*3/aLevel) );
vertices[2] = new PVector(random((width/80*9/aLevel), (width/80*12/aLevel)), random(height/80*3/aLevel) );
vertices[3] = new PVector(random((width/80*9/aLevel), (width/80*12/aLevel)), random((height/80*4/aLevel), (height/80*8/aLevel)) );
vertices[4] = new PVector(random((width/80*9/aLevel), (width/80*12/aLevel)), random((height/80*9/aLevel), (height/80*12/aLevel)) );
vertices[5] = new PVector(random((width/80*4/aLevel), (width/80*8/aLevel)), random((height/80*9/aLevel), (height/80*12/aLevel)) );
vertices[6] = new PVector(random(width/80*3/aLevel), random((height/80*9/aLevel), (height/80*12/aLevel)) );
vertices[7] = new PVector(random(width/80*3/aLevel), random((height/80*4/aLevel), (height/80*8/aLevel)) );
void moveAsteroid() {
x = x + velocityX; //asteroids to move with a random velocity
y = y + velocityY;
if ( x < -1 * asteroidSize ) {
x = width + asteroidSize;
} //if off screen left, come back in right
if ( x > width + asteroidSize ) {
x = -1 * asteroidSize;
} // if off screen right, come back in left
if ( y < -1 * asteroidSize ) {
y = height + asteroidSize;
} //if off top of screen, come back in bottom
if ( y > height + asteroidSize ) {
y = -1 * asteroidSize ;
} //if off bottom of screen, come back in top
void asteroidDraw() {
if (active == false) { // If not active don't draw
// this was how I orginally coded. Have kept commented out for now, so I can see what I did, but will delete before submission.
vertex(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y );
vertex(vertices[1].x, vertices[1].y );
vertex(vertices[2].x, vertices[2].y );
vertex(vertices[3].x, vertices[3].y );
vertex(vertices[4].x, vertices[4].y );
vertex(vertices[5].x, vertices[5].y );
vertex(vertices[6].x, vertices[6].y );
vertex(vertices[7].x, vertices[7].y );
endShape(CLOSE); */
for (PVector v : vertices) {
vertex(x+v.x, y+v.y);
void manDown() {
active = false; //sets to in active so will stop drawing
// add 2 new asteroids to array
asteroids = (Asteroid[]) append( asteroids, new Asteroid( x+20, y+20, level + 1 ) ); // Appends asteroid to array. Changing level makes the asteroid smaller.
asteroids = (Asteroid[]) append( asteroids, new Asteroid( x-20, y-20, level + 1 ) ); // Appends two smaller asteroids to array.
class GameManager {
int scoreCount;
boolean gameState = true;
int lifeCount;
void newGame()
gameState = true; //sets game state to in play
scoreCount = 0; //set counter of flies killed to 0
lifeCount = 3;
void scoreUpdate()
text("Score " + scoreCount, (width*2/100), (height*4/100));
void lifeLost()
lifeCount = lifeCount - 1;
if (lifeCount <= 0) {
gameState = false;
void lifeUpdate()
text("Lives " + lifeCount, (width*2/100), ((height*4/100) + (height*3/100)) );
void gameOver()
text("Game over", width/2, height/2.6);
//play again button
rect(((width/2)-(width/4)), (((height/2)- (height/12))), width/2, height/8);
text("Play Again", width/2, height/2);
//define area for play again button collision
if (mousePressed)
if (
(mouseX > width/4) &&
(mouseX < width/4 +width/2) &&
(mouseY > (height/2-height/10.5)) &&
(mouseY < ((height/2-height/10.5) + height/8))
setup(); //reset game
Asteroid[] asteroids; //K Level 1 starts with 6, add 2 each level, 10 levels
Ship myShip;
GameManager gameManager;
ArrayList<Bullet> bullets;
// Array help sourced from chapter 28 of 'Processing: A programming handbook
// for visual designers and asrtists' by Casey Reas and Ben Fry
int bulletIndex; // used to recycle bullets
// index sourced from https://py.processing.org/reference/list_index.html
int startNum = 6; //K begin game with 6 asteroids in the level
boolean[] keys; // boolean for storing keypressed/released
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
gameManager = new GameManager();
bulletIndex = 0;
bullets = new ArrayList<Bullet>();
keys = new boolean[5];
myShip = new Ship();
asteroids = new Asteroid [startNum]; //K
for (int a = 0; a < startNum; a++) { //K create asteroids in array
asteroids[a] = new Asteroid(0, 0, 1); //K
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
bullets.add(new Bullet()); // create bullets
void draw() {
gameManager.gameState = true;
myShip.updateShip(); // E
myShip.moveShip(); // E
for (int a = 0; a < asteroids.length; a++) { //K for asteroids in array
asteroids[a].moveAsteroid(); //K
asteroids[a].asteroidDraw(); //K
for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++)
bullets.get(i).drawBullet(); // drawing bullets
void keyPressed() {
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == UP)
keys[0] = true;
if (keyCode == LEFT)
keys[1] = true;
if (keyCode == RIGHT)
keys[2] = true;
if (keyCode == DOWN)
keys[3] = true;
} else {
if (key == 'w')
keys[0] = true;
if (key == 'a')
keys[1] = true;
if (key == 'd')
keys[2] = true;
if (key == 's')
keys[3] = true;
if (key == ' ')
keys[4] = true;
void keyReleased() {
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == UP)
keys[0] = false;
if (keyCode == LEFT)
keys[1] = false;
if (keyCode == RIGHT)
keys[2] = false;
if (keyCode == DOWN)
keys[3] = false;
} else {
if (key == 'w')
keys[0] = false;
if (key == 'a')
keys[1] = false;
if (key == 'd')
keys[2] = false;
if (key == 's')
keys[3] = false;
if (key == ' ')
keys[4] = false;
void fireBullet(PVector pos, PVector spe, float dir) {
bullets.get(bulletIndex).reset(pos, spe, dir);
// set attributes of last used bullet
// get sourced from https://processing.org/reference/get_.html
bulletIndex++; //update index
bulletIndex %= bullets.size(); //keep index in range
void collisionDetect(){
Asteroid testHolder;
Bullet bulletHolder;
// asteroid and bullet objects to minimize creating new objects
for(int i = 0; i < asteroids.length; i++){
testHolder = asteroids[i];
if(dist(testHolder.x, testHolder.y, myShip.shipPosition.x,
myShip.shipPosition.y) < testHolder.asteroidSize)
// collision of player and the asteroid
for(int j = 0; j < bullets.size(); j++){
bulletHolder = bullets.get(j);
// pull and store each bullet from the list
// don't calculate anything if it is hidden
if(dist(testHolder.x, testHolder.y, bulletHolder.bulletPosition.x,
bulletHolder.bulletPosition.y) < testHolder.asteroidSize){
// used to detect collision and split if collided
bulletHolder.bulletHidden = true;
// hide the bullet so it won't go 'through' the asteroids
答案 0 :(得分:0)
取决于水平。当前它们都是相同的:float asteroidSize = (width/80*12);
if(dist(testHolder.x, testHolder.y, myShip.shipPosition.x, myShip.shipPosition.y) < (testHolder.asteroidSize + myShip.size))