直截了当,我陷入了我的一段代码中。在checkdigit proc中,我试图将相应内存位置的值移到寄存器中,并使用[]取消引用指针。但是,仔细研究一下,我假设您不能两次取消对指针的引用,因为我已经将这些“变量”的地址压入了堆栈以供使用,并且我想创建了另一个指针。当前代码将把要传递给寄存器的值的存储位置传递给我,但是我无法取消引用该存储位置来获取我的值。任何帮助将不胜感激,即使这意味着我将无法使用当前代码。谢谢。
;valid pin program
include c:/Irvine/Irvine32.inc
CR EQU 0dh
LF EQU 0ah
nextdigit EQU 4
range EQU 8[ebp]
digit EQU 12[ebp]
outfile byte "resultpin.txt", NULL
infile byte "Pin.txt", NULL
input dword ?
output dword ?
buffer_size = 130
buffer byte buffer_size dup (?), NULL
bytesread dword ?
buffpos dword 0
pinpos dword 1
digitnum dword 0
range1 dword '4', '8', NULL
range2 dword '2', '5', NULL
range3 dword '5', '9', NULL
range4 dword '1', '4', NULL
range5 dword '3', '6', NULL
rangeray dword range1, range2, range3, range4, range5, NULL
rangepos dword 12
;memory offset is 60
equal byte "=", NULL
great byte "PIN is valid", NULL
fault1 byte "/Digit position ", NULL
fault2 byte "is invalid/", NULL
faultray dword fault1, fault2, NULL
;memory offset is 29
faultpos dword 17
gap byte LF, CR, NULL
main proc
lea edx, outfile ;create & open output file
call CreateOutputFile
mov output, eax
lea esi,infile ;open input file linkage
call openfiles
lea esi,buffer
mov ecx,digitnum
call countdigits
call resetregs
lea esi,buffer
lea edi,rangeray
add edi,-60 ;start at beginning of rangeray
mov ecx,digitnum
push esi
push edi
push ebp
call checkdigit
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi
loop L1
main endp
openfiles proc
lea edx,[esi] ;open file
call OpenInputFile
mov input, eax
mov eax, input ;read input
lea edx, buffer
mov ecx, buffer_size
call ReadFromFile
mov bytesRead, eax
openfiles endp
countdigits proc
mov dl,[esi] ;if not a
number bypass inc ecx
cmp dl,'0'
jl notdigit
cmp dl,'9'
jg notdigit
inc ecx
inc esi
mov dl,[esi]
cmp dl,NULL ;if esi
is NULL then return out of proc
jne nextnumber
mov digitnum,ecx
countdigits endp
checkdigit proc
mov ebp,esp
mov ebx,digit
mov edx,range
cmp ebx,edx
jl notvalid
mov ebx,0
checkdigit endp
resetregs proc
mov eax,0 ;reset
following registers
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,0
mov edx,0
mov dl,0
mov al,0
resetregs endp
end main