
时间:2019-03-05 08:46:11

标签: python python-3.x math random converters

我正在尝试让数学测验使用两个随机数(1、10)进行问,并随机选择总和,差额或乘积。我用z = random.randint(1, 3)来产生总和,差或乘积,但是我想用这个数字转换成“ x”,“ /”或“ +”之类的符号来显示输出以询问问题,因为我是Python的新手。语言,我正在尝试学习如何将数字转换为符号。


import random

def askNum():
      userInput = int(input("Enter a number: "))
    except ValueError:
      print("Incorrect Input!")

  return userInput

def askQuestion():
  x = random.randint(1, 10)
  y = random.randint(1, 10)
  z = random.randint(1, 3)

  print(" 1 = product \n 2 = sum \n 3 = difference")
  print("What is " + str(x)+" " + str(z)+" " + str(y)+"?")

  u = askNum()
  if z == 1 and u==x*y:
    return 1  #product
  elif z == 2 and u==x+y:
    return 1 #sum
  elif z == 3 and u==x/y:
    return 1 #difference
    return 0
amount = 10
correct = 0
for i in range(amount):
  correct += askQuestion()

print("You got %d correct out of %d" % (correct, amount))


dm15125@isu:/u1/work/Python/math> python3 mathquiz.py
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 4 2 6?
Enter a number: 10
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 7 2 6?
Enter a number: 13
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 3 2 3?
Enter a number: 6
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 8 3 4?
Enter a number: 2
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 8 3 10?
Enter a number: 0.8
Incorrect Input!
Enter a number: .8
Incorrect Input!
Enter a number: 0
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 2 2 6?
Enter a number: 8
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 6 3 4?
Enter a number: 1.5
Incorrect Input!
Enter a number: 2
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 7 1 10?
Enter a number: 70
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 9 2 5?
Enter a number: 14
 1 = product
 2 = sum
 3 = difference
What is 5 1 10?
Enter a number: 50
You got 8 correct out of 10


dm15125@isu:/u1/work/Python/math> python3 mathquiz.py
What is 4 + 6?
Enter a number: 10
What is 7 + 6?
Enter a number: 13
What is 3 + 3?
Enter a number: 6
What is 8 / 4?
Enter a number: 2
What is 8 / 10?
Enter a number: 0.8
Incorrect Input!
Enter a number: .8
Incorrect Input!
Enter a number: 0
What is 2 + 6?
Enter a number: 8
What is 6 / 4?
Enter a number: 1.5
Incorrect Input!
Enter a number: 2
What is 7 * 10?
Enter a number: 70
What is 9 + 5?
Enter a number: 14
What is 5 * 10?
Enter a number: 50
You got 8 correct out of 10

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


operators = {
   1: "+",
   2: "-",
   3: "/",
   4: "*"
operators = operator[z] // where z is the random integer for gettig the operator.


print("What is " + str(x)+" " + str(operator)+" " + str(y)+"?")

答案 1 :(得分:2)

您可以在askQuestion函数中使用“ if”语句来选择要打印的符号。



symbols_list = ['*','+','-']


symbols_list [z-1]

然后使用“ z”值对其进行索引(请记住,第一个位置的索引是0而不是1)。

或使用以“ z”作为关键字的字典来检索适当的符号:


symbols_dict = {1:'*',2:'+',3:'-'}


symbols_dict [z]


答案 2 :(得分:1)


print(" 1 = product \n 2 = sum \n 3 = difference")
print("What is " + str(x)+" " + str(z)+" " + str(y)+"?")

而不是str(z),定义一个像ops = ['*', '+', '-']这样的列表并使用ops[z - 1]- 1是因为您的z从1开始,但数组索引从零开始。 因此您的功能将变为:

def askQuestion():
    ops = ['*', '+', '-']
    x = random.randint(1, 10)
    y = random.randint(1, 10)
    z = random.randint(1, 3)

    print(" 1 = product \n 2 = sum \n 3 = difference")
    print("What is " + str(x) + " " + ops[z - 1] + " " + str(y) + "?")

    u = askNum()
    if z == 1 and u==x*y:
        return 1  #product
    elif z == 2 and u==x+y:
        return 1 #sum
    elif z == 3 and u==x/y:
        return 1 #difference
        return 0