仅将{+,-,*,/,//,%,>,<,==,<=,> =}视为基本操作,请确定在以下情况下将执行的基本操作的确切数量对于给定的n和t值执行代码片段。
n = 5
t = 3
s = 0
i = 0
j = 0
x = n
while s < t:
if x % 2 == 1:
i = i + 1
x = x // 2
for k in xrange(n):
s = s + 1
j = j + i
我知道答案是23,但这个6 * n + 1方程我得到19
答案 0 :(得分:2)
class Integer(int):
n_ops = 0
def new_patch(name):
def patch(self, other):
Integer.n_ops += 1
value = getattr(int, name)(self, other)
if isinstance(value, int) and not (value is True or value is False):
value = Integer(value)
print(f'{repr(self)} {methods[name]} {repr(other)} -> {repr(value)}')
return value
patch.__name__ = name
return patch
methods = {
'__le__': '\u2264',
'__lt__': '<',
'__ge__': '\u2265',
'__gt__': '>',
'__eq__': '==',
'__add__': '+',
'__sub__': '-',
'__mul__': '*',
'__floordiv__': '//',
'__mod__': '%',
for name in methods:
setattr(Integer, name, new_patch(name))
n = 5
t = Integer(3)
s = Integer(0)
i = Integer(0)
j = Integer(0)
x = Integer(n)
while s < t:
if x % 2 == 1:
i = i + 1
x = x // 2
for k in range(n):
s = s + 1
j = j + i
print(f'j = {j}')
print(f'Number of operations: {Integer.n_ops}')
0 < 3 -> True
5 % 2 -> 1
1 == 1 -> True
0 + 1 -> 1
5 // 2 -> 2
0 + 1 -> 1
0 + 1 -> 1
1 + 1 -> 2
1 + 1 -> 2
2 + 1 -> 3
2 + 1 -> 3
3 + 1 -> 4
3 + 1 -> 4
4 + 1 -> 5
4 + 1 -> 5
5 < 3 -> False
j = 5
Number of operations: 16
class Integer(int):
n_ops = 0
def new_patch(name):
def patch(self, *args):
Integer.n_ops += 1
value = getattr(int, name)(self, *args)
if isinstance(value, int) and not (value is True or value is False):
value = Integer(value)
print(f'{name}({repr(self)}, {repr(args)}) -> {repr(value)}')
return value
patch.__name__ = name
return patch
methods = [f'__{name}__' for name in ('le', 'lt', 'ge', 'gt', 'eq', 'ne', 'neg', 'pos', 'abs', 'invert')]
for name in ('add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'floordiv', 'mod', 'divmod', 'pow', 'lshift', 'rshift', 'and', 'xor', 'or'):
methods.extend((f'__{name}__', f'__r{name}__', f'__i{name}__'))
for name in methods:
setattr(Integer, name, new_patch(name))
__lt__(0, (3,)) -> True
__mod__(5, (2,)) -> 1
__eq__(1, (1,)) -> True
__add__(0, (1,)) -> 1
__floordiv__(5, (2,)) -> 2
__add__(0, (1,)) -> 1
__add__(0, (1,)) -> 1
__add__(1, (1,)) -> 2
__add__(1, (1,)) -> 2
__add__(2, (1,)) -> 3
__add__(2, (1,)) -> 3
__add__(3, (1,)) -> 4
__add__(3, (1,)) -> 4
__add__(4, (1,)) -> 5
__add__(4, (1,)) -> 5
__lt__(5, (3,)) -> False
j = 5
Number of operations: 16