using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
static public class MeshColliderTools {
public static void SnapToGrid(this Mesh mesh, float gridDelta) {
if (gridDelta < 1e-5f)
float inverse = 1f / gridDelta;
var verts = mesh.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++) {
verts[i].x = Mathf.RoundToInt(verts[i].x*inverse) / inverse;
verts[i].y = Mathf.RoundToInt(verts[i].y*inverse) / inverse;
verts[i].z = Mathf.RoundToInt(verts[i].z*inverse) / inverse;
mesh.vertices = verts;
public static void Weld (this Mesh mesh, float threshold, float bucketStep) {
Vector3[] oldVertices = mesh.vertices;
Vector3[] newVertices = new Vector3[oldVertices.Length];
int[] old2new = new int[oldVertices.Length];
int newSize = 0;
// Find AABB
Vector3 min = new Vector3 (float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
Vector3 max = new Vector3 (float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
for (int i = 0; i < oldVertices.Length; i++) {
if (oldVertices[i].x < min.x) min.x = oldVertices[i].x;
if (oldVertices[i].y < min.y) min.y = oldVertices[i].y;
if (oldVertices[i].z < min.z) min.z = oldVertices[i].z;
if (oldVertices[i].x > max.x) max.x = oldVertices[i].x;
if (oldVertices[i].y > max.y) max.y = oldVertices[i].y;
if (oldVertices[i].z > max.z) max.z = oldVertices[i].z;
min -= Vector3.one * 0.111111f;
max += Vector3.one * 0.899999f;
// Make cubic buckets, each with dimensions "bucketStep"
int bucketSizeX = Math.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt ((max.x - min.x) / bucketStep) + 1);
int bucketSizeY = Math.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt ((max.y - min.y) / bucketStep) + 1);
int bucketSizeZ = Math.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt ((max.z - min.z) / bucketStep) + 1);
List<int>[,,] buckets = new List<int>[bucketSizeX, bucketSizeY, bucketSizeZ];
// Make new vertices
for (int i = 0; i < oldVertices.Length; i++) {
// Determine which bucket it belongs to
int x = Mathf.FloorToInt ((oldVertices[i].x - min.x) / bucketStep);
int y = Mathf.FloorToInt ((oldVertices[i].y - min.y) / bucketStep);
int z = Mathf.FloorToInt ((oldVertices[i].z - min.z) / bucketStep);
// Check to see if it's already been added
if (buckets[x, y, z] == null)
buckets[x, y, z] = new List<int> (); // Make buckets lazily
for (int j = 0; j < buckets[x, y, z].Count; j++) {
Vector3 to = newVertices[buckets[x, y, z][j]] - oldVertices[i];
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude (to) < 0.001f) {
old2new[i] = buckets[x, y, z][j];
goto skip; // Skip to next old vertex if this one is already there
// Add new vertex
newVertices[newSize] = oldVertices[i];
buckets[x, y, z].Add (newSize);
old2new[i] = newSize;
// Make new triangles
int[] oldTris = mesh.triangles;
int[] newTris = new int[oldTris.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < oldTris.Length; i++) {
newTris[i] = old2new[oldTris[i]];
Vector3[] finalVertices = new Vector3[newSize];
for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
finalVertices[i] = newVertices[i];
mesh.vertices = finalVertices;
mesh.triangles = newTris;
// Debug.LogFormat("Weld vert count: {0} vs. {1}", newSize, oldVertices.Length);
public static void Simplify(this MeshCollider meshCollider) { meshCollider.sharedMesh.Simplify(); }
public static void Simplify(this Mesh mesh) {
var verts = mesh.vertices;
var origNumVerts = verts.Length;
var workingSet = new List<Vertice>(origNumVerts);
for (int i = 0; i < origNumVerts; i++) {
var r = new Vertice();
r.position = verts[i];
var tris = mesh.triangles;
var triLength = tris.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < triLength; i+=3)
Face.AddFace(workingSet, tris, i);
for (int i = 0; i < origNumVerts; i++)
* *
* Simplify mesh! *
* *
HashSet<Vertice> candidates;
HashSet<Vertice> nextCandidates = new HashSet<Vertice>();
foreach (Vertice v in workingSet) if (!v.IsStatic)
while (nextCandidates.Count != 0) {
candidates = nextCandidates;
nextCandidates = new HashSet<Vertice>();
foreach (Vertice a in candidates) {
if (a.edges != null) foreach (Edge ac in a.edges) {
Vertice c;
if (a.CanFollow(ac, out c)) {
foreach (Face f in ac.faces)
Edge.Collapse(f.GetOpposite(c), f.GetOpposite(a), f);
for (int i = a.edges.Count-1; i >= 0; --i) {
//foreach (Edge edge_of_a in a.edges) {
if (a.edges[i] != ac) {
var o = a.edges[i].GetOpposite(a);
if (!o.IsStatic) nextCandidates.Add(o);
a.edges[i].Reconnect(a, c);
if (!c.IsStatic) nextCandidates.Add(c);
var simplifiedVerts = new List<Vertice>();
foreach (Vertice v in workingSet) if (v.edges != null)
var simplifiedNumVerts = simplifiedVerts.Count;
var newPositions = new Vector3[simplifiedNumVerts];
//var resultColors = new Color[simplifiedNumVerts];
for (int i = 0; i < simplifiedNumVerts; i++) {
simplifiedVerts[i].finalIndex = i;
newPositions[i] = simplifiedVerts[i].position;
var resultTris = new List<int>();
var triSet = new HashSet<Face>();
foreach (Vertice v in simplifiedVerts) {
foreach (Edge e in v.edges) {
foreach (Face f in e.faces) if (!triSet.Contains(f)) {
mesh.vertices = newPositions;
mesh.triangles = resultTris.ToArray();
// Debug.LogFormat("Simplify vert count: {0} vs. {1}", simplifiedNumVerts, origNumVerts);
private class Vertice {
public List<Edge> edges = new List<Edge>();
public Vector3 position;
/// <summary>A cache used for identifying a vertice during mesh reconstruction.
public int finalIndex;
/// <summary>
/// - Null if vertice is internal in a plane
/// - A non-zero vector if vertice is internal in a line
/// - Vector3.zero otherwise.
/// </summary>
public Vector3? linearPosition;
public void AssignLinearPosition() {
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++) {
var edge = edges[i];
if (!edge.HasEqualPlanes()) {
if (linearPosition == null)
linearPosition = edge.vertices[1].position - edge.vertices[0].position;
else if (!edge.IsParallel(linearPosition)) {
linearPosition = Vector3.zero;
public bool IsStatic { get {
return linearPosition == Vector3.zero;
} }
public Edge GetExistingConnectingEdge(Vertice v) {
foreach (Edge e in edges) {
if (e.vertices[0] == this && e.vertices[1] == v) return e;
if (e.vertices[1] == this && e.vertices[0] == v) return e;
return null;
public Edge GetConnectingEdge(Vertice v) {
Edge result = GetExistingConnectingEdge(v);
if (result == null) {
result = new Edge(this, v);
return result;
/// <summary>When collapsing an edge a->c, the linear space must
/// be respected, and all faces, not connected with a->c,
/// must not flip.
/// </summary>
public bool CanFollow(Edge transportEdge, out Vertice opposite) {
if (IsStatic) { opposite = default(Vertice); return false; }
if (linearPosition != null && !transportEdge.IsParallel(linearPosition)) { opposite = default(Vertice); return false; }
var localTris = new HashSet<Face>();
foreach (Edge e in edges) foreach (Face f in e.faces)
opposite = transportEdge.GetOpposite(this);
var targetPos = opposite.position;
var lTriEnum = localTris.GetEnumerator();
try {
while (lTriEnum.MoveNext())
if (lTriEnum.Current.MoveWouldFlip(this, targetPos))
return false;
} finally { lTriEnum.Dispose(); }
return true;
public void DisconnectFrom(Edge e) {
public void Disconnect() {
edges = null;
private class Edge {
public List<Vertice> vertices;
public List<Face> faces;
public static void Collapse(Edge moved, Edge target, Face f) {
Face faceOutsideMoved;
try { faceOutsideMoved = moved.GetOpposite(f); }
catch (Exception e) {
foreach (Vertice v in moved.vertices) {
//throw new Exception(e.Message + "\n" + moved.vertices[0].position + " <--> " + moved.vertices[1].position);
faceOutsideMoved.Replace(moved, target);
target.Replace(f, faceOutsideMoved);
foreach (Vertice v in moved.vertices) {
public Edge(Vertice v0, Vertice v1) {
vertices = new List<Vertice>(2);
faces = new List<Face>(2);
public Vertice GetOpposite(Vertice v) {
var v0 = vertices[0];
return v != v0 ? v0 : vertices[1];
public Face GetOpposite(Face v) {
if (faces.Count != 2) {
throw new Exception ("Collapsing an edge with only 1 face into another. This is not supported.");
var face0 = faces[0];
return face0 == v ? faces[1] : face0;
public bool HasEqualPlanes() {
if (faces.Count != 2) return false;
var f0 = faces[0];
var f0e0 = faces[0].edges[0];
var f1 = faces[1];
var f1e0 = faces[1].edges[0];
var e0 = f0e0 != this ? f0e0 : f0.edges[1];
var e1 = f1e0 != this ? f1e0 : f1.edges[1];
var v0 = vertices[1].position - vertices[0].position;
var v1 = e0.vertices[1].position - e0.vertices[0].position;
var v2 = e1.vertices[1].position - e1.vertices[0].position;
var n0 = Vector3.Cross(v0, v1);
var dot = Vector3.Dot(n0, v2);
return -5e-3 < dot && dot < 5e-3;
public void Replace (Face oldFace, Face newFace) {
for (int j = 0; j < faces.Count; j++) {
if (faces[j] == oldFace) {
faces[j] = newFace;
public void Reconnect(Vertice oldVertice, Vertice newVertice) {
if (vertices[0] == oldVertice) vertices[0] = newVertice;
else vertices[1] = newVertice;
public bool Contains(Vertice v) {
return v == vertices[0] || v == vertices[1];
public bool IsParallel(Vector3? nv) {
var v0 = vertices[0].position;
var v1 = vertices[1].position;
float cross = Vector3.Cross(v1 - v0, nv.Value).sqrMagnitude;
return -5e-6f < cross && cross < 5e-6f;
public void DisconnectIncludingFaces() {
vertices = null;
foreach (Face f in faces)
faces = null;
private class Face {
public Edge[] edges;
* <paramref name="e0">Edge between v0 and v1</paramref>
* <paramref name="e1">Edge between v0 and v2</paramref>
* <paramref name="e2">Edge between v1 and v2</paramref>
private Face(Edge e0, Edge e1, Edge e2) {
edges = new Edge[] { e0, e1, e2 };
* <paramref name="allVertices">List of vertices, in the same order as 'verts' from the mesh.</paramref>
* <paramref name="tris">The tris array from the mesh.</paramref>
* <paramref name="triIndex">The index of the first vertex in this triangle.</paramref>
public static void AddFace(List<Vertice> allVertices, int[] tris, int triIndex) {
var v0 = allVertices[tris[triIndex+0]];
var v1 = allVertices[tris[triIndex+1]];
var v2 = allVertices[tris[triIndex+2]];
var e0 = v0.GetConnectingEdge(v1);
var e1 = v0.GetConnectingEdge(v2);
var e2 = v1.GetConnectingEdge(v2);
var face = new Face(e0, e1, e2);
public Edge GetOpposite(Vertice v) {
Edge e0, e1;
if (!(e0 = edges[0]).Contains(v)) return e0;
if (!(e1 = edges[1]).Contains(v)) return e1;
return edges[2];
public Vertice GetOpposite(Edge o) {
var o0 = o.vertices[0];
var o1 = o.vertices[1];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Will never reach 3 because there will be an unequal vertice before the third edge
Edge e = edges[i];
Vertice e0 = e.vertices[0];
if (e0 != o0 && e0 != o1) return e0;
Vertice e1 = e.vertices[1];
if (e1 != o0 && e1 != o1) return e1;
throw new Exception("A face seems to have three edges that all share a vertice with a given edge.");
public void Replace (Edge oldEdge, Edge newEdge) {
if (edges[0] == oldEdge) edges[0] = newEdge;
else if (edges[1] == oldEdge) edges[1] = newEdge;
else edges[2] = newEdge;
public bool MoveWouldFlip(Vertice v, Vector3 p) {
Edge oppositeEdge = GetOpposite(v);
var ov0 = oppositeEdge.vertices[0].position;
var ov = oppositeEdge.vertices[1].position - ov0;
var ot = p - ov0;
var ct = v.position - ov0;
var cross0 = Vector3.Cross(ot, ov);
var c0SqrMagnitude = cross0.sqrMagnitude;
if (c0SqrMagnitude < 0.0001f) return true;
var cross1 = Vector3.Cross(ct, ov);
var c1SqrMagnitude = cross1.sqrMagnitude;
if (c1SqrMagnitude < 0.0001f) return true;
if (Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(cross0, cross1)) < 0f) return true;
return false;
* <summary>Adds the finalIndex for the verts in order: v0, v1, v2.</summary>
public void GetIndexes(List<int> results) {
public void Disconnect() {
edges = null;
以及一些MeshColliderTools.cs:350 -> MeshColliderTools.cs:143
或MeshColliderTools.cs:293 -> MeshColliderTools.cs:137
或MeshColliderTools.cs:415 -> MeshColliderTools.cs:440 -> MeshColliderTools.cs:265 -> MeshColliderTools.cs:135
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在您的代码中,您似乎已经在考虑边界边缘的可能性(仅附着了一个小平面的边缘),但是您并未考虑非流形边缘的可能性(边缘更多的边缘)超过2个构面)。我看到您有几个断言,表示面数== 2,从理论上讲可以防止非流形边缘的问题。
根据我的经验,我发现最好只使用别人现有的网格结构。 This StackOverflow link提到了声称是健壮的开源实现。可能值得一看。