我们应该通过创建一个下限为0到上限为100的数组来做到这一点。 应该看起来像这样:
(Enter -1 to stop)
Interval (eg: 7 10): 3 97
Interval (eg: 7 10): 5 55
Interval (eg: 7 10): 60 72
Interval (eg: 7 10): 35 82
Interval (eg: 7 10): -1
The largest number of overlapping intervals is 3.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int list[100] = {0};
int intervalOne; //input and output for the first interval inputted
int intervalTwo; // input and output value for the second interval inputted
int overlap; // how many of the intervals that were inputted also overlap
//Function Prototype
void initialize(int arr[], int size);
void read(int arr[], int size);
void print(int arr[], int size);
int main ()
cout << "Enter a list of integer delimited closed intervals" << endl;
cout << "one per line, that are subintervals of [0,99]." << endl;
cout << " (Enter -1 to stop)" << endl;
do {
cout << "Interval (eg: 7 10) :";
cin >> intervalOne;
if (intervalOne == -1)
cin >> intervalTwo;
cout << intervalOne << " " << intervalTwo << endl;
} while (intervalOne != -1);
cout << "loop has stopped with -1 input" << endl;
cout << "The largest number of overlapping intervals is " << overlap << endl;
return 0;