
时间:2018-08-29 17:59:01

标签: algorithm optimization

我有一种算法可以解决给定输入中的“受影响的人”。 我必须解决受影响者的名单。人用数字表示,并且两个人在给定的时间N处相互交互。如果其中一个人受到影响,另一个人也将受到影响。

首先,给出 N(人数)和M(互动总数)。 然后在 M 行中给出(P1 P2时间)

例如, 5 5

2 3 1

1 2 2

3 4 2

1 3 3

2 5 4


这意味着有5个人,他们有5次互动,其后是5行,分别表示在时间1的人2和3开会,在时间2的1和2会议,在时间2的3和4会议,等等。 。(可能无法订购)。


因此,在时间2,人 1 2 相遇,使人 2 被感染, 人 1 3 在时间3相遇,使人 3 被感染, 最后,在时间4,人 2 5 相遇,使人 5 被感染。

这使人最终被 1、2、3、5 感染。

互动是按时间发生的,并且可以同时发生多种互动,如果是这种情况,则必须考虑大多数人 受到影响。

例如,如果第1个人和第3个人被感染,并且以(4 6 3)(3 6 3)作为输入,则必须首先计算(3 6 3)才能使第6个人受到感染,第4个人受到感染好吧。


inputs = input()
peopleNum = int(inputs.split()[0])
times = int(inputs.split()[1])
peopleMeet = {}
affectedPeople = [1]
for i in range(times):
    occur = input()
    person1 = int(occur.split()[0])
    person2 = int(occur.split()[1])
    time = int(occur.split()[2])
    if not time in peopleMeet:
        peopleMeet[time] = [(person1, person2)]
        for occur in range(len(peopleMeet[time])):
            if set(peopleMeet[time][occur]) & set((person1,person2)):
                peopleMeet[time][occur] = peopleMeet[time][occur] + ((person1,person2,))
            if occur == (len(peopleMeet[time]) - 1):
for time in sorted(peopleMeet):
    for occur in peopleMeet[time]:
        if set(affectedPeople) & set(occur):
print(' '.join([str(x) for x in set(affectedPeople)]))


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


affectedPeople = bool array of size N + 1, initialized at false
affectedPeople[1] = True
sort the interactions based on time
iterate interactions and group them by time
for each group x:
    create a graph with interactions from that group as edges
    do a dfs on each affectedPeople present on these interactions. All the reached nodes will be affected
    add these nodes to affectedPeople (set them to True)
count amount of i with affectedPeople[i] = True

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  • 根据时间参数以升序对给定输入进行排序。

  • 按时间对交互进行分组,对于每个组,对交互进行迭代,并将参与其中的人员合并在一起。

  • 在联合操作中,如果配方组被感染,则保留信息(请参阅代码以更好地理解)。

  • 对于参与此组交互的每个人,请检查他是否属于受感染的组,并将其也标记为受感染。

  • 将该组中的人员的工会发现状态重置为原始状态,以便我们可以重新处理另一个组,同时保留有关当前感染者的信息。


MAX_N = 1000

parent = list(range(MAX_N))
infected = [False] * MAX_N

def find(x):
    if x == parent[x]: return x
    parent[x] = find(parent[x])
    return parent[x]

def union(x, y):
    parent_x = find(x)
    parent_y = find(y)

    # If either of the two clusters we're joining is infected
    # Infect the combined cluster as well
    infected[parent_y] = infected[parent_x] or infected[parent_y]
    parent[parent_x] = parent_y

def solve(inputs):
    infected[1] = True
    # Sort the input by the time parameter
    inputs.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
    answer_set = set()

    i = 0
    while i < len(inputs):
        persons = set()
        cur_time =  inputs[i][2]

        # Iterate over interactions belonging to the same group i.e. same time
        while i < len(inputs) and inputs[i][2] == cur_time:
            person_x = inputs[i][0]
            person_y = inputs[i][1]


            # Union the people involed in the interaction
            union(person_x, person_y)
            i += 1

        for person in persons:
            group = find(person)
            # If the person belongs to an infected group, he's infected as well
            if infected[group]: 
                infected[person] = True

        # Reset the union-find state as we move to the next time step
        for person in persons:
            parent[person] = person

    return answer_set

print (solve([[2, 3, 1], [1, 2, 2], [1, 3, 3], [2, 5, 4], [3, 4, 2]]))

答案 2 :(得分:0)


DATA = [[2, 3, 1], [1, 2, 2], [3, 4, 2], [1, 3, 3], [2, 5, 4]]

# status contains the contamination status for each people in the dataset
# At the begining we will have only [1] contaminated so: 
# {1: True, 2: False, 3: False, 4: False, 5: False}
people_status = {}
for people_id in set(x[0] for x in DATA).union(x[1] for x in DATA):
    people_status[people_id] = people_id == 1

# meeting contains DATA grouped by time so with this dataset we will have:
# {1: [[2, 3]], 2: [[1, 2], [3, 4]], 3: [[1, 3]], 4: [[2, 5]]}
meeting = {}
for x in DATA:
    if x[2] in meeting:
        meeting[x[2]] = [x[:2]]

# now we just have to update people_status while time evolve
for time in sorted(meeting.keys()):
    while True:
        status_changed = False
        for couple in meeting[time]:
            if people_status[couple[0]] != people_status[couple[1]]:
                status_changed = True
                people_status[couple[0]] = people_status[couple[1]] = True
        if not status_changed:

# create the list of infected people
infected_people = []
for people_id, status in people_status.items():
    if status:



[1, 2, 3, 5]