# Zero-pad an image
def zero_pad(image, pad_height, pad_width):
H, W = image.shape
out = np.zeros((H+2*pad_height, W+2*pad_width))
out[pad_height:H+pad_height,pad_width:W+pad_width] = image
return out
# An step-by-step implementation of convolution filter
def conv(image, kernel):
Hi, Wi = image.shape
Hk, Wk = kernel.shape
out = np.zeros((Hi, Wi))
image_pad = zero_pad(image, (Hk-1)//2, (Wk-1)//2)
for i in range(Hi):
for j in range(Wi):
out[i,j] = np.sum(kernel*image_pad[i:Hk+i,j:Wk+j])
return out
# accelerate convolution using FFT
def conv_faster(image, kernel):
Hi, Wi = image.shape
Hk, Wk = kernel.shape
out = np.zeros((Hi, Wi))
# expand image and kernel by zero-padding
if( (Hi+Hk) % 2 == 0):
x = (Hi+Hk)
x = (Hi+Hk)-1
if( (Wi+Wk) % 2 == 0):
y = (Wi+Wk)
y = (Wi+Wk)-1
image_pad = np.zeros((x,y))
kernel_pad = np.zeros((x,y))
image_pad[0:Hi,0:Wi] = image
kernel_pad[0:Hk,0:Wk] = kernel
# make image and kernel at the center of frequency domain
for p in range(Hi):
for q in range(Wi):
for p in range(Hk):
for q in range(Wk):
# do fft for image and kernel
image_pad_fft = np.fft.fft2(image_pad)
kernel_pad_fft = np.fft.fft2(kernel_pad)
# get the imaginary part of kernel's transformation
kernel_pad_fft = 1j*np.imag(kernel_pad_fft)
# multiply the two in frequency domain
out_pad = np.fft.ifft2(image_pad_fft*kernel_pad_fft)
# get he real part of result
out = np.real(out_pad[0:Hi,0:Wi])
# Counteract the preceding centralization
for p in range(Hi):
for q in range(Wi):
return out
他们的收益之间有一些区别。 我认为结果应该是相同的,我该如何完善呢?认为! 内核是[[1,0,-1],[2,0,-2],[1,0,-1]]