port_value <- 8e9
#generating reproducible returns for 10000 simulated days
d_mean <- c(5,9,12,-1,7)
d_sd <- c(8,13,16,1,10)
smpl_l <- as.list(c(1:5))
rnd_l <- lapply(smpl_l, function(x) rnorm(10000, d_mean[x], d_sd[x]))
dat <- do.call(cbind, rnd_l)
#setup for the optimization
cov_m <- cov(dat) #covariance matrix
if(is.positive.definite(cov_m)){ #if not positive definite, transform into nearest positive definite matrix
Dmat <- cov_m
} else {
Dmat <- nearPD(cov_m)$mat #Dmat is to be minimized
dvec <- matrix(colMeans(dat), nrow=5, ncol=1) #vector of retuns with which we want to minimize Dmat
A.Equality <- matrix(rep(1,5), ncol=1) #contraint setup for all weights sum up to 1
Amat <- cbind(A.Equality, dvec)
bvec <- c(1, 5.2) #for the beginning, there are just two constraints
qp <- solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq=1)
weights <- qp$solution
d <- rowSums(sweep(dat, MARGIN=2, weights,`*`))
dscaled <- d*port_value/100 #dscaled is the portfolio performance vector
nonasset <- rnorm(10000, mean = 0, sd = 335628000) #the non-asset performance vector
var(dscaled+nonasset) #this should be minimized by choosing the "best" weights for the assets.