我找到了这个很好的代码(感谢https://quantmacro.wordpress.com/2016/01/03/lasso-regression-in-vba/) 从这个能够找到我的套索回归系数的代码中,我还想提取系数的标准误差(此后它将使我能够计算我的tstat及其p值)
Function Lasso_Regression(Y As Variant, X As Variant, Lambda As Double, Optional Constant As Boolean = True) As Variant
' tolerance for convergence
Dim Tol As Double: Tol = 0.001
' Maximum Iteration
Dim MaxIt As Integer: MaxIt = 500
Dim NRows As Integer: NRows = X.Rows.Count
Dim NCol As Integer: NCol = X.Columns.Count
Dim Cnst As Integer
If Constant = True Then
Cnst = 1
Cnst = 0
End If
ReDim target(NRows, 1) As Double
ReDim NewX(NRows, NCol + Cnst) As Double
Dim ii As Integer: ii = 1
Dim jj As Integer: jj = 1
'--create Matrix with intercept term included
For ii = 1 To NRows
NewX(ii, 1) = 1
target(ii, 1) = Y(ii)
For jj = 1 To NCol
NewX(ii, jj + Cnst) = X(ii, jj)
Next jj
Next ii
'------precompute factor normalization factor
ReDim norm_factor(NCol + Cnst) As Double
For jj = 1 To (NCol + Cnst)
norm_factor(jj) = Application.SumProduct(Application.Index(NewX, 0, jj), Application.Index(NewX, 0, jj))
Next jj
'------inititialaistion weights vector Theta
ReDim old_theta(NCol + Cnst) As Double
ReDim new_theta(NCol + Cnst) As Double
For ii = 1 To (NCol + Cnst)
old_theta(ii) = Rnd - 0.5
new_theta(ii) = old_theta(ii)
Next ii
ReDim theta_diff(NCol + Cnst) As Double
Dim max_theta_diff As Double: max_theta_diff = 1000000
Dim bb As Integer: bb = 1
'has to be variant due to matrix computaton
Dim rho As Variant
' main loop of the coordinate
Do While max_theta_diff > Tol And bb <= MaxIt
'----cycle through each feature to update theta
For ii = 1 To (NCol + Cnst)
' Set old weight equal to new weight
old_theta(ii) = new_theta(ii)
'--------calculate rho x
With Application
ReDim model_fit_without_feature(NRows) As Variant
model_fit_without_feature = myMsubstract(.MMult(NewX, .Transpose(new_theta)), .MMult(.Index(NewX, 0, ii), new_theta(ii)))
ReDim residuals(NRows) As Variant: residuals = myMsubstract(target, model_fit_without_feature)
rho = .MMult(.Transpose(.Index(NewX, 0, ii)), residuals)
End With
'-----------calculate theta update one at a time
If Cnst = 1 And ii = 1 Then
new_theta(ii) = rho(1) / norm_factor(ii)
ElseIf rho(1) < -0.5 * Lambda Then
new_theta(ii) = (rho(1) + 0.5 * Lambda) / norm_factor(ii)
ElseIf rho(1) > 0.5 * Lambda Then
new_theta(ii) = (rho(1) - 0.5 * Lambda) / norm_factor(ii)
new_theta(ii) = 0
End If
'-----calculate change in theta coefficient from previous update
theta_diff(ii) = Abs((old_theta(ii) - new_theta(ii)) / (old_theta(ii) + 0.000001))
Next ii
'----- algo continue until max % change in the theta is less than tol
max_theta_diff = Application.Max(theta_diff)
bb = bb + 1
Lasso_Regression = new_theta()
End Function
Function myMsubstract(M As Variant, N As Variant) As Variant
Dim minrow As Integer: minrow = LBound(M, 1)
Dim maxrow As Integer: maxrow = UBound(M, 1)
Dim mincol As Integer: mincol = LBound(M, 2)
Dim maxcol As Integer: maxcol = UBound(M, 2)
Dim output() As Variant: ReDim output(minrow To maxrow, mincol To maxcol)
Dim ii As Integer
Dim jj As Integer
For ii = minrow To maxrow
For jj = mincol To maxcol
output(ii, jj) = M(ii, jj) - N(ii, jj)
Next jj
Next ii
myMsubstract = output
End Function