
时间:2018-06-01 16:04:51

标签: linear-regression


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' A'代表合同完成,没有问题
  ' B'代表合同完成,贷款未支付
  ' C'代表运行合同,从此为止   ' d'代表合同,负债的客户


  1. lm(公式= sqrt(account_id)~loo_id + status,data = loandefcomplete)

         Residual standard error: 4.971 on 677 degrees of freedom
         Multiple R-squared: 0.9606,    Adjusted R-squared: 0.9603 
         F-statistic:  4121 on 4 and 677 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 
  2. lm(formula = log(account_id)~lool_id + status, data = loandefcomplete)

        Residual standard error: 0.5394 on 677 degrees of freedom
         Multiple R-squared: 0.7206,    Adjusted R-squared: 0.7189 
        F-statistic: 436.5 on 4 and 677 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  3. 数据:提供50,000行数据中的数据。

    &#34; ACCOUNT_ID&#34 ;;&#34; loan_id&#34 ;;&#34;量&#34 ;;&#34;支付&#34 ;;&#34;状态&#34; &#34; 1&#34 ;; 2; 4959; 80952; 3373;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 2&#34 ;; 19; 4961; 30276; 2523;&#34; B&#34; &#34; 3&#34 ;; 25; 4962; 30276; 2523;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 4&#34 ;; 37; 4967; 318480; 5308;&#34; d&#34; &#34; 5&#34 ;; 38; 4968; 110736; 2307;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 6&#34 ;; 67; 4973; 165960; 6915;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 7&#34 ;; 97; 4986; 102876; 8573;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 8&#34 ;; 103; 4988; 265320; 7370;&#34; d&#34; &#34; 9&#34 ;; 105; 4989; 352704; 7348;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 10&#34 ;; 110; 4990; 162576; 4516;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 11&#34 ;; 132; 4996; 88440; 7370;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 12&#34 ;; 173; 5002; 104808; 8734;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 13&#34 ;; 176; 5005; 27456; 2288;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 14&#34 ;; 226; 5015; 109344; 9112;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 15&#34 ;; 276; 5027; 160920; 4470;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 16&#34 ;; 290; 5032; 123696; 2577;&#34; A&#34; &#34; 17&#34 ;; 303; 5034; 112752; 3132;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 18&#34 ;; 309; 5036; 91248; 1901;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 19&#34 ;; 314; 5039; 66840; 2785;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 20&#34 ;; 319; 5041; 369000; 6150;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 21&#34 ;; 330; 5042; 331584; 6908;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 22&#34 ;; 339; 5043; 468060; 7801;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 23&#34 ;; 344; 5044; 100980; 1683;&#34; C&#34; #&34; 24&#34 ;; 347; 5045; 187224; 7801;&#34; B&#34; &#34; 25&#34 ;; 349; 5046; 42816; 3568;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 26&#34 ;; 378; 5051; 230400; 3840;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 27&#34 ;; 426; 5060; 252060; 4201;&#34; d&#34; &#34; 28&#34 ;; 440; 5061; 84288; 1756;&#34; C&#34; &#34; 29&#34 ;; 442; 5063; 357840; 7455;&#34; d&#34; &#34; 30&#34 ;; 472; 5072; 196800; 8200;&#34; d&#34;

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