
时间:2018-05-22 00:05:42

标签: math matrix 3d 2d point





private bool ConvertToScreen(Vector3 position3D, ref Point screenPoint)

    // r is the right rotation (x-axis)
    // u is the up rotation (y-axis)
    // f is the forward rotation (z-axis)
    // p is the position (transform)

        Point returnPoint = new Point(300, 400);

        // Set Values of Matrix
        Matrix matrix = GetMatrix();

        // Do the math calculations here
        float xPrime = matrix.rX * position3D.x + matrix.rY * position3D.y + matrix.rZ * position3D.z + matrix.rW;
        float yPrime = matrix.uX * position3D.x + matrix.uY * position3D.y + matrix.uZ * position3D.z + matrix.uW;
        // Dont need zPrime
        float wPrime = matrix.pX * position3D.x + matrix.pY * position3D.y + matrix.pZ * position3D.z + matrix.pW;

        // If wPrime > 0 we can see the point
        if (wPrime <= 0)
            return false;
        xPrime *= 1 / wPrime;
        yPrime *= 1 / wPrime;

        // Relative To Screen Center
        xPrime = rect.left + 0.5f * xPrime * (rect.right - rect.left) + 0.5f;
        yPrime = rect.top + 0.5f * yPrime * (rect.bottom - rect.top) + 0.5f;

        returnPoint = new Point((int)xPrime, (int)yPrime);

        screenPoint = returnPoint;

        return true;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 模型到相机坐标 - 这是从模型坐标到相机坐标的position = (x,y,z)点的旋转。这里我们假设相机的目标位于原点。

    local = rot * (position - target)
    | x' |   | rx ry rz |   | x |   | rx*x + ry*y + rz*z |
    | y' | = | ux uy yz | * | y | = | ux*x + uy*y + uz*z |
    | z' |   | fx fy fz |   | z |   | fx*x + fy*y + fz*z |
  2. 透视投影 - 您需要定义目标与相机之间的距离,以及覆盖视图的模型大小。我们称之为distancesize。结果是视图坐标在x和y中的0..1之间变化。

    | vx |    | (distance/size)*(x'/(distance+z')) |
    |    | =  |                         |          |
    | vy |    | (distance/size)*(y'/(distance+z')) |


  3. 像素坐标


    |(-1,1)   :    (1,1)|
    |         :         |
    |         : (0,0)   |
    +- - - - -+- - - - -+ height
    |         :         |
    |         :         |
    |(-1,-1)  :   (1,-1)| 
    px = (width-1)*(vx+1.0)/2.0
    py = (height-1)*(1.0-vy)/2.0
  4. 最后,我建议使用OOP编程(如果可能)将矢量/矩阵数学与意图分开。请考虑中的以下示例。

        public static Vector3 ThroughCamera(Vector3 point, Vector3 target, Matrix3 camera)
            return camera.Transpose()*(point-target);
        public static Vector2 Perspective(Vector3 point, double distance, double size=1)
            return new Vector2(
                (distance/size)*(point.Y/(distance+point.Z)) );
        public static PointF Pixel(Vector2 point, int width, int height)
            return new PointF(
                (float) ((width-1)*(point.X+1)/2),
                (float) ((height-1)*(1-point.Y)/2) );
        static void dlg_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Form dlg=sender as Form;
            // Set camera rotation
            Matrix3 camera=Matrix3.Ry(0.67);
            double distance=25;
            double size=20;
            for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
                for(int j=0; j<10; j++)
                    // this is the model points
                    Vector3 pt=new Vector3(5*(i-5), 5*(j-5), 0);
                    // these are the points through the camera
                    Vector3 pt_local=ThroughCamera(pt, Vector3.O, camera);
                    // these are the view coordinates
                    Vector2 pt_view=Perspective(pt_local, distance, size);
                    // these are the pixel coordinates
                    PointF px=Pixel(pt_view, dlg.ClientSize.Width, dlg.ClientSize.Height);
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, px.X, px.Y, 1f, 1f);
