Unity3D Leap Motion - 将手放在静态姿势(姿势完全无法旋转)

时间:2018-01-25 09:36:31

标签: unity3d vector rotation quaternions leap-motion




public static Hand SetHandInPose(Hand hand, Hand pose)
    if(hand == null)
        Debug.Log("Hand is null, so returning that");
        return hand;
    if(pose == null)
        Debug.Log("The loaded pose is null, so let's just return the original hand");
        return hand;
    Hand h = pose;

    Quaternion handRotOffset = pose.Rotation.ToQuaternion() * Quaternion.Inverse(hand.Rotation.ToQuaternion());
    //Debug.Log("The rotational offset is: " + handRotOffset.eulerAngles);
    Vector offset = hand.PalmPosition - pose.PalmPosition;

    h.Rotation = hand.Rotation;//(h.Rotation.ToQuaternion() * handRotOffset).ToLeapQuaternion();
    h.PalmPosition += (offset.ToVector3()).ToVector();
    h.WristPosition += (offset.ToVector3()).ToVector();

    for(int f = 0; f< h.Fingers.Count; f++)
        for(int i = 0; i < h.Fingers[f].bones.Length; i++)
            //offset = hand.Fingers[f].bones[i].Center - pose.Fingers[f].bones[i].Center;     

            //if (h.Fingers[f].bones[i].Type == Bone.BoneType.TYPE_METACARPAL) continue;
            h.Fingers[f].bones[i].Center += (offset.ToVector3()).ToVector();
            h.Fingers[f].bones[i].NextJoint += (offset.ToVector3()).ToVector();
            h.Fingers[f].bones[i].PrevJoint += (offset.ToVector3()).ToVector();
            h.Fingers[f].bones[i].Rotation = hand.Fingers[f].bones[i].Rotation;
            //h.Fingers[f].bones[i].Rotation = (h.Fingers[f].bones[i].Rotation.ToQuaternion() * handRotOffset).ToLeapQuaternion();
            h.Fingers[f].bones[i].Direction = (h.Fingers[f].bones[i].NextJoint - h.Fingers[f].bones[i].PrevJoint);
            h.Fingers[f].bones[i].Center = (h.Fingers[f].bones[i].PrevJoint + h.Fingers[f].bones[i].NextJoint) / 2f;
        h.Fingers[f].Direction = h.Fingers[f].GetBone(Bone.BoneType.TYPE_INTERMEDIATE).Direction;
    return h;




using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Leap;
using Leap.Unity;

 public class MimicHandModelDriver : MonoBehaviour

    public Chirality whichHand = Chirality.Left;

    public enum RotationMode { Inherit, Overwrite }
    public RotationMode rotationMode = RotationMode.Inherit;

    public MultiLeap_CapsuleHand handModelToDrive;
    private bool _handModelInitialized = false;
    private bool _handModelBegun = false;

    private Hand mimicHand = null;

    Hand sourceHand; //The current hand from the live data
    Hand poseHand; //Reference to the hand we load from XML that is in the pose we want

    public Hand SourceHand
            sourceHand = value;

    public Hand PoseHand
            poseHand = value;

    private void Update()

        if (sourceHand != null)
            // Copy data from the tracked hand into the mimic hand.
            if (mimicHand == null) { mimicHand = new Hand(); }

            mimicHand.CopyFrom(poseHand); //copy the stored pose in the mimic hand
            mimicHand.Arm.CopyFrom(poseHand.Arm); // copy the stored pose's arm into the mimic hand

            // Use the rotation from the live data
            var handRotation = sourceHand.Rotation.ToQuaternion();

            // Transform the copied hand so that it's centered on the current hands position and matches it's rotation.
            mimicHand.SetTransform(sourceHand.PalmPosition.ToVector3(), handRotation);

        // Drive the attached HandModel.
        if (mimicHand != null && handModelToDrive != null)
            // Initialize the handModel if it hasn't already been initialized.
            if (!_handModelInitialized)
                handModelToDrive.SetLeapHand(mimicHand); //Prevents an error with null reference exception when creating the spheres from
                //the init hand call
                _handModelInitialized = true;

            // Set the HandModel's hand data.

            // "Begin" the HandModel to represent a 'newly tracked' hand.
            if (!_handModelBegun)
                _handModelBegun = true;

            Debug.Log("Updating the mimic hand");
            handModelToDrive.UpdateTheHand(); //This method contains the update code, with update code commented out
            //so i control when a hand is updated. I have used this throughout the rest of my project so i know this works. 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


hand.Transform(LeapTransform transform) - 这将应用转换为Hand。 hand.SetTransform(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) - 这会将Hand变换为将PalmPosition置于中心位置并将整个手变换为与rotation对齐。 hand.CopyFrom(Hand other) - 这个将处理从一只手到另一只手复制数据(读取:姿势)的所有gorey细节。


编辑:因此,您问题的新方面涉及使用此数据来驱动HandModel - 在本例中为CapsuleHand。对于当前版本的Unity资产,手动模型管道非常关闭。你要么使用标准的Leap装备来驾驶真正的被追踪的手,要么你有一段艰难的时间。

幸运的是,你可以手动驱动HandModel,但你必须小心按正确的顺序调用正确的方法。查看此示例脚本,该脚本可以驱动它具有引用的HandModel。 重要提示,因为您独立于普通的Provider / HandPool / HandGroup管道驱动HandModel,您需要创建一个新的HandModel - 例如一个新的,重复的CapsuleHand对象 - 在您的Leap Rig中不是并且不会被该装备的HandPool驱动。然后该脚本可以驱动它:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Leap;
using Leap.Unity;

public class MimicHandModelDriver : MonoBehaviour {

  public Chirality whichHand = Chirality.Left;

  public enum RotationMode { Inherit, Overwrite }
  public RotationMode rotationMode = RotationMode.Inherit;

  public HandModelBase handModelToDrive;
  private bool _handModelInitialized = false;
  private bool _handModelBegun = false;

  public bool drawEditorGizmos = false;

  private Hand mimicHand = null;

  private void Update() {
    // Get a hand from the standard tracking pipeline.
    var sourceHand = Hands.Get(whichHand);

    if (sourceHand != null) {
      // Copy data from the tracked hand into the mimic hand.
      if (mimicHand == null) { mimicHand = new Hand(); }
      mimicHand.Arm.CopyFrom(sourceHand.Arm); // Capsule Hands like to have Arm data too.

      // Figure out what rotation to use for the mimic hand.
      var handRotation = this.transform.rotation;
      if (rotationMode == RotationMode.Inherit) {
        handRotation = mimicHand.Rotation.ToQuaternion();

      // Transform the copied hand so that it's centered on this object's transform.
      mimicHand.SetTransform(this.transform.position, handRotation);

    // Drive the attached HandModel.
    if (mimicHand != null && handModelToDrive != null) {
      // Initialize the handModel if it hasn't already been initialized.
      if (!_handModelInitialized) {
        _handModelInitialized = true;

      // Set the HandModel's hand data.

      // "Begin" the HandModel to represent a 'newly tracked' hand.
      if (!_handModelBegun) {
        _handModelBegun = true;

      // Every Update, we call UpdateHand. It's necessary to call this every update
      // specifically for CapsuleHands, which uses manual GL calls to render rather than
      // a standard MeshRenderer.

  // Draw some gizmos in case there's no HandModel attached.
  private void OnDrawGizmos() {
    if (!drawEditorGizmos) return;

    Gizmos.color = Color.red;

    if (mimicHand != null) {

      for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++) {
        for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) {

  private void draw(Vector3 pos) {
    Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(pos, 0.01f);
