我试图在c ++中实现Linspace 我创建了一些随机测试并且存在精度问题,我不明白为什么。
c ++实现
std::vector<double> libcalc::linear_space(double a, double b, unsigned int n)
std::vector<double> array(n,a);
//return an empty array if number of spaces is 0
//return a if number of spaces is 1
if (n <= 1 || fabs(a - b) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
return array;
//we want to be sure we get exactly b in the end
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n-1; ++i)
array[i] = a + ((b - a)*i)/(n-1);
array[n - 1] = b;
return array;
auto reverse = [](std::vector<double> const& x)
std::vector<double> output(x.size());
std::reverse_copy(x.begin(), x.end(), output.begin());
return output;
SCENARIO("Any linear space (a, b) with two or more points will be same as"
" the reversed linear space of (b, a)")
GIVEN("a range of points to check starting from 2")
unsigned int starting_point = 2;
unsigned int ending_point = 10;
THEN("the linear space (a, b) is same as reversed linear space (b, a)")
for (unsigned int n = starting_point; n < ending_point; ++n)
auto a = any_value();
auto b = any_value();
auto x = linear_space(a, b, n);
auto y = reverse(linear_space(b, a, n));
INFO("a: " << a);
INFO("b: " << b);
INFO("n: " << n);
REQUIRE(x.size() == y.size());
CHECK(x == y);
c ++代码结果是
CHECK( x == y )
with expansion:
{ -296336583.43100381, 273999144.43620467, 844334872.30341315, 1414670600.
1706216, 1985006328.0378299 }
{ -296336583.43100381, 273999144.43620443, 844334872.30341291, 1414670600.
1706214, 1985006328.0378299 }
with messages:
a: -2.96337e+008
b: 1.98501e+009
n: 5
linspace(-296336583.4310038, 1985006328.0378299,5)
ans = 1.0e+09 *
Columns 1 through 4
-0.296336583431004 0.273999144436205 0.844334872303413 1.414670600170622
Column 5
ans =
1.0e+09 *
Columns 1 through 4
1.985006328037830 1.414670600170621 0.844334872303413 0.273999144436204
Column 5
你可以看到这个数字非常相似,但......不完全一样。 你能帮忙解决这个问题吗?