为什么shared_ptr <base />正确地破坏Derived对象,即使未实现虚拟析构函数

时间:2017-04-06 06:34:33

标签: c++ c++11 shared-ptr unique-ptr



#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

class Interface {
        virtual void f() = 0;

class Printer {
        ~Printer() {
            std::cout << "Printer Dtor is called " << std::endl;

class Client : public Interface {
        std::vector<Printer> member;
        Client() : member(4) {}
        virtual void f() override final {};


int main() {
        std::cout << "Unique pointer is created" << std::endl;
        std::unique_ptr<Interface> ptr = std::make_unique<Client>();
        std::cout << "Unique pointer goes out of the scope" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Shared pointer is created" << std::endl;
        std::shared_ptr<Interface> ptr = std::make_shared<Client>();
        std::cout << "Shared pointer goes out of the scope" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Shared pointer is created" << std::endl;
        std::shared_ptr<Interface> ptr = std::shared_ptr<Client>(new Client);
        std::cout << "Shared pointer goes out of the scope" << std::endl;

    return 0;


Unique pointer is created
Unique pointer goes out of the scope
Shared pointer is created
Shared pointer goes out of the scope
Printer Dtor is called
Printer Dtor is called
Printer Dtor is called
Printer Dtor is called
Shared pointer is created
Shared pointer goes out of the scope
Printer Dtor is called
Printer Dtor is called
Printer Dtor is called
Printer Dtor is called

如果shared_ptr vector被调用,unique_ptr的析构函数被调用,shared_ptr我们有内存泄漏。

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