I'm taking two classes in college which seem to have decided to mix with each other. One is programming, and the other is Chinese. In the C++ class I'm learning to code in HTML, which led me to create a free website during my spare time. The bright idea of mine was to use some of the pinyin which I've been learning in school and applying it to my own webpage. You can check out the 'blog' here for fun. It's definitely not serious, and I'm aware there are a heavy level of grammar mistakes.
My question is for whether or not anyone knows how to implement a style of simplified Chinese for my website? I did some searching but I found myself to be quite confused in the end. I'm looking for some basic free HTML/CSS code that can be pasted into the code for each webpage, allowing me to simply output the pinyin in a certain stylized font.
If anyone knows how to go about doing this, I would be quite grateful. I'm also curious about the code which would allow for this. I really wanted to use a Google API, but they didn't seem to have any Chinese font for some reason.
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如果我正确理解您的问题,您想要确定中文字符在网页上的显示方式吗?需要注意的一点是,拼音不是指汉字而是指罗马字形,例如:nĭhăo是拼音,你好是一组两个字。 要更改样式,您需要使用CSS和font-family,就像更改英文文本样式一样。中文标准网络字体的一些选项是:SimSun,Microsoft Yahei,FangSong,KaiTi和其他可以通过Google找到的。 祝你好运!