VHDL 2008>将正式的通用包传递给分层较低的包实例化

时间:2016-07-12 01:21:45

标签: package vhdl generic-list synthesis


package genpkg is
  generic ( test: natural:=2 );
end package;
library mylib;
use mylib.genpkg;

package genotherpkg is
  generic ( package lgpkg is new mylib.genpkg generic map (<>);
            toadd: natural:=4 );
  constant myconst: natural range 0 to 63:=lgpkg.test+toadd;
end package;
library mylib;
use mylib.genpkg;
use mylib.genotherpkg;

entity ent is
end ent;

architecture arch of ent is
   package mygpkg is new mylib.genpkg generic map (3);
   package myogpkg is new mylib.genotherpkg generic map (mygpkg, 16);
   signal test: integer;
   test <= myogpkg.myconst;
end arch;


library mylib;
use mylib.genpkg;
use mylib.genotherpkg;

package gentoppkg is
  generic ( package lpkg is new mylib.genpkg generic map (<>) );

  --package mylpkg is new mylib.genpkg generic map (lpkg.test);
  --package lopkg is new mylib.genotherpkg generic map ( mylpkg, 16 );
  package lopkg is new mylib.genotherpkg generic map ( lpkg, 16 );
end package;
library mylib;
use mylib.genpkg;
use mylib.gentoppkg;

entity otherent is
end otherent;

architecture arch of otherent is
   package mygpkg is new mylib.genpkg generic map (3);
   package mytgpkg is new mylib.gentoppkg generic map (mygpkg);
   signal test: integer;
   test <= mytgpkg.lopkg.myconst; 
end arch;


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