
时间:2016-06-06 16:15:28

标签: c# xna collision-detection

现在要做旋转我为每个旋转角度都有一个单独的框架,但我更喜欢有一个我旋转的图像。我的问题是,如何在XNA / C#中进行矩阵变换,以便颜色数据的旋转方式与在屏幕上呈现精灵的方式相同?我找到了这个旧的SO question,但我真的不明白答案,我想知道代码是如何工作的,以防以后需要修改。



private static bool PixelPerfect(PhysicsEntity a, PhysicsEntity b)
        if (!BoundingBox(a, b)) return false;

        var colorDataA = new Color[a.Sprite.Source.Width * a.Sprite.Source.Height];
        var colorDataB = new Color[b.Sprite.Source.Width * b.Sprite.Source.Height];

        a.Sprite.Texture.GetData(0, a.Sprite.Source, colorDataA, 0, colorDataA.Length);
        b.Sprite.Texture.GetData(0, b.Sprite.Source, colorDataB, 0, colorDataB.Length);

        var top = (int) Math.Max(a.BoundingBox.Top, b.BoundingBox.Top);
        var bottom = (int) Math.Min(a.BoundingBox.Bottom, b.BoundingBox.Bottom);
        var left = (int) Math.Max(a.BoundingBox.Left, b.BoundingBox.Left);
        var right = (int) Math.Min(a.BoundingBox.Right, b.BoundingBox.Right);

        for (var y = top; y < bottom; y++)
            for (var x = left; x < right; x++)
                var colorA = colorDataA[(int) ((y - a.BoundingBox.Top) * (a.BoundingBox.Width) + (x - a.BoundingBox.Left))];
                var colorB = colorDataB[(int) ((y - b.BoundingBox.Top) * (a.BoundingBox.Width) + (x - a.BoundingBox.Left))];
                if (colorA.A == 0 || colorB.A == 0) continue;
                a.CollisionPoint.ChangePositon(x, y);
                b.CollisionPoint.ChangePositon(x, y);
                return true;
        return false;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




t = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(angle) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(position);



worldPos = sprite1LocalPos * m1


sprite2LocalPos = worldPos * Matrix.Invert(m2)
                = sprite1LocalPos * m1 * Matrix.Invert(m2)


Matrix transform = m1 * Matrix.Invert(m2);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture2.Width, texture2.Height);
for (int x = 0; x < texture1.Width; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < texture1.Height; y++)       //Iterate every pixel of sprite 1
        index = x + texture1.Width * y;             //Calculate the pixel index
        if (data1[index].A < 10)                    //If the pixel is (almost) transparent, 
            continue;                               //ignore it

        Vector2 sprite1Local = new Vector2(x, y);
        Vector2 sprite2Local                              //get the pixel of sprite 2 
            = Vector2.Transform(sprite1Local, transform); //that is at the same position

        if(!rect.Contains((int)sprite2Local.X, (int)sprite2Local.Y))
                                                    //if this is outside of the sprite, 
            continue;                               //ignore it

        index2 = (int)sprite2Local.X + (int)sprite2Local.Y * texture2.Width;
        if(data2[index2].A>10)                      //If the pixel is not transparent, 
            return true;                            //there is a collision
return false;