##Code to generate random geometric graph in 3D
##To generate geometric random graph in 3D I have placed points in 3D space in uniform distribution the number of points placed in 3D space would be equal to N= total number of nodes.
##function to calculate euclidean distance of the random points placed in 3D
get.dist = function(x)
sqrt(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2)
##Generate matrix with total number of possible edges N(N-1)/2
get.pairs = function(N)
M = matrix(0, nrow = N * (N - 1)/2, ncol = 2)
x = 1:N
k = 1
for (i in head(x, -1))
for (j in (i + 1):(length(x)))
M[k, ] = c(i, j)
k = k +1
##Create a graph object and associate calculated euclidien distance to each pair of edge
create.graph = function(N = 100, d = 0.3)
##random points in 3D with uniform distribution
rnd.points = matrix(runif(3 * N), ncol = 3)
perms = get.pairs(N)
###Caculate the difference between the points to calculate euclidien distance between each pair
Edges = apply(perms, 1, FUN = function(x){
vec.diff = rnd.points[x[1], ] - rnd.points[x[2], ]
res = cbind(Edges, perms)
colnames(res) = c('E', 'V1', 'V2')
list(M = res, N = N, d = d, pts = rnd.points)
##Create graph with provided number of nodes and threshold
cg <- create.graph(10,0.5)
mat <- cg$M
nd[nd[, 'E'] <= 0.5,]