,使用默认方法(' Neldear-Mead')。
我遇到的问题是算法采取的步骤太小。例如,我的起点有第一个坐标x0 = 0.2
def _minimize_neldermead(func, x0, args=(), callback=None,
xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4, maxiter=None, maxfev=None,
disp=False, return_all=False,
Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the
Nelder-Mead algorithm.
Options for the Nelder-Mead algorithm are:
disp : bool
Set to True to print convergence messages.
xtol : float
Relative error in solution `xopt` acceptable for convergence.
ftol : float
Relative error in ``fun(xopt)`` acceptable for convergence.
maxiter : int
Maximum number of iterations to perform.
maxfev : int
Maximum number of function evaluations to make.
This function is called by the `minimize` function with
`method=Nelder-Mead`. It is not supposed to be called directly.
maxfun = maxfev
retall = return_all
fcalls, func = wrap_function(func, args)
x0 = asfarray(x0).flatten()
N = len(x0)
rank = len(x0.shape)
if not -1 < rank < 2:
raise ValueError("Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence.")
if maxiter is None:
maxiter = N * 200
if maxfun is None:
maxfun = N * 200
rho = 1
chi = 2
psi = 0.5
sigma = 0.5
one2np1 = list(range(1, N + 1))
if rank == 0:
sim = numpy.zeros((N + 1,), dtype=x0.dtype)
sim = numpy.zeros((N + 1, N), dtype=x0.dtype)
fsim = numpy.zeros((N + 1,), float)
sim[0] = x0
if retall:
allvecs = [sim[0]]
fsim[0] = func(x0)
nonzdelt = 0.05
zdelt = 0.00025
for k in range(0, N):
y = numpy.array(x0, copy=True)
if y[k] != 0:
y[k] = (1 + nonzdelt)*y[k]
y[k] = zdelt
sim[k + 1] = y
f = func(y)
fsim[k + 1] = f
ind = numpy.argsort(fsim)
fsim = numpy.take(fsim, ind, 0)
# sort so sim[0,:] has the lowest function value
sim = numpy.take(sim, ind, 0)
iterations = 1
while (fcalls[0] < maxfun and iterations < maxiter):
if (numpy.max(numpy.ravel(numpy.abs(sim[1:] - sim[0]))) <= xtol and
numpy.max(numpy.abs(fsim[0] - fsim[1:])) <= ftol):
xbar = numpy.add.reduce(sim[:-1], 0) / N
xr = (1 + rho) * xbar - rho * sim[-1]
fxr = func(xr)
doshrink = 0
if fxr < fsim[0]:
xe = (1 + rho * chi) * xbar - rho * chi * sim[-1]
fxe = func(xe)
if fxe < fxr:
sim[-1] = xe
fsim[-1] = fxe
sim[-1] = xr
fsim[-1] = fxr
else: # fsim[0] <= fxr
if fxr < fsim[-2]:
sim[-1] = xr
fsim[-1] = fxr
else: # fxr >= fsim[-2]
# Perform contraction
if fxr < fsim[-1]:
xc = (1 + psi * rho) * xbar - psi * rho * sim[-1]
fxc = func(xc)
if fxc <= fxr:
sim[-1] = xc
fsim[-1] = fxc
doshrink = 1
# Perform an inside contraction
xcc = (1 - psi) * xbar + psi * sim[-1]
fxcc = func(xcc)
if fxcc < fsim[-1]:
sim[-1] = xcc
fsim[-1] = fxcc
doshrink = 1
if doshrink:
for j in one2np1:
sim[j] = sim[0] + sigma * (sim[j] - sim[0])
fsim[j] = func(sim[j])
ind = numpy.argsort(fsim)
sim = numpy.take(sim, ind, 0)
fsim = numpy.take(fsim, ind, 0)
if callback is not None:
iterations += 1
if retall:
x = sim[0]
fval = numpy.min(fsim)
warnflag = 0
if fcalls[0] >= maxfun:
warnflag = 1
msg = _status_message['maxfev']
if disp:
print('Warning: ' + msg)
elif iterations >= maxiter:
warnflag = 2
msg = _status_message['maxiter']
if disp:
print('Warning: ' + msg)
msg = _status_message['success']
if disp:
print(" Current function value: %f" % fval)
print(" Iterations: %d" % iterations)
print(" Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls[0])
result = OptimizeResult(fun=fval, nit=iterations, nfev=fcalls[0],
status=warnflag, success=(warnflag == 0),
message=msg, x=x)
if retall:
result['allvecs'] = allvecs
return result
答案 0 :(得分:1)